The Second World War began on September 1, 1939, when Poland was invaded by Germany. Britain and France declared war on September 3, 1939. Following a special session of Parliament, Canada officially declared war when King George VI made the announcement on September 10. This marked the first time Canada declared war of its own accord.
The struggle to defeat the Nazi and Fascist threat to civilization took six years, causing immense death and destruction. It was truly a world war, encircling the globe from the Atlantic to the Pacific and touching the far reaches of the Arctic. As a young nation, Canada’s involvement in the war effort was a remarkable achievement. From a country of some 11 million, more than one million Canadian and Newfoundland men and women served in the Second World War. By the end of the war, Canada had the third largest navy, the fourth largest air force and an army of six divisions. However, Canada’s losses were tremendous: more than 45,000 Canadian men and women gave their lives, and another 55,000 were wounded.
September 10, 2014 marks the 75th anniversary of Canada’s engagement in the Second World War. Through the coming years, the Government of Canada will mark significant anniversaries of the Second World War with commemorative events and activities in Canada and overseas. Throughout the World Wars Commemoration period, Canadians of all ages will join together to honour and show respect for the service and sacrifices of men and women of the Canadian military. Whether in Canada or on foreign soil, during the First or the Second World War, times of peace or recent conflicts, brave Canadians have fought to defend the values of peace, freedom and the rule of law wherever necessary. To mark the 75th anniversary of Canada’s engagement in the Second World War, the Government of Canada has announced a special tribute consisting of a commemorative lapel pin and certificate of recognition. Beginning September 10, 2014, all living Canadian Veterans of the Second World War may request the commemorative tribute. The estimated Second World War Veteran population is 80,000.
Applications for the Second World War Commemorative Tribute are now available at, or by calling Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) at 1-866-522-2212 or visiting any VAC office or Service Canada location.
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