Strengthening Global Nuclear Safety: CNS Review Meeting Closes
News Release
April 7, 2017 – Vienna, Austria
Ramzi Jammal, elected President of the Seventh Review Meeting for the Convention on Nuclear Safety (CNS) and the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission’s Executive Vice-President and Chief Regulatory Operations Officer, closed the two-week review meeting for the CNS today.
Under Mr. Jammal’s leadership, this meeting had the highest level of participation by Contracting Parties to date. Seventy-seven of the 80 Contracting Parties participated, with over 900 delegates in attendance. Following intensive discussions and meetings on the national reports of nuclear safety programs, delegates identified and offered ideas for addressing common issues to strengthen nuclear safety around the world.
The Seventh Review Meeting concluded with the closing plenary and approval of the Summary Report, which will be available on the International Atomic Energy Agency’s (IAEA) website next week. The report details new measures to improve the effectiveness of the CNS and its reporting process, as well as measures to strengthen nuclear safety globally.
Mr. Jammal, in his closing remarks, emphasized his primary objectives of increasing participation and transparency of the Convention on Nuclear Safety.
“Complacency is our enemy; continuously enhancing safety is a must. Although this review process only happens every three years, it is important to keep the focus on the objective of maintaining a high level of nuclear safety at all times.”
- Ramzi Jammal, elected President of the Seventh Review Meeting for the Convention on Nuclear Safety and the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission’s Executive Vice-President and Chief Regulatory Operations Officer
Quick Facts
Mr. Jammal will continue as the elected President of the Seventh Review Meeting for the CNS until the end of his term in October 2018.
The next CNS review meeting will be held in 2020.
The CNS, established in 1996, sets international benchmarks in the areas of nuclear installation siting, design, construction and operation, as well as financial and human resources, safety assessment and verification, quality assurance and emergency preparedness.
The CNS requires parties to report on their implementation of obligations under the Convention and subject these reports to peer review by other Parties.
Canada has been one of the staunchest promoters and supporters of the Convention’s objectives and was one of the first countries to ratify the CNS.
The review meetings are held at the IAEA’s headquarters in Vienna, Austria. The IAEA is the secretariat for the CNS.
Aurèle Gervais
Media and Community Relations
Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission
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