Convention on Nuclear Safety Attains New Level of Transparency
News Release

Ramzi Jammal, elected President of the Seventh Review Meeting for the Convention on Nuclear Safety (CNS), and the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission’s Executive Vice-President and Chief Regulatory Operations Officer, is pleased to announce that for the first time since the CNS was established in 1996, the national reports of all the Contracting Parties have been made publicly available on the International Atomic Energy Agency’s (IAEA) website.
This significant milestone represents a new era in transparency, one that Mr. Jammal, who will continue as the elected president until the end of his term in October 2018, applauds. “My primary objectives for this review meeting were to increase participation and transparency. I believe we are collectively achieving this.”
National reports, which are subject to peer review by other Contracting Parties, demonstrate how each country is meeting the obligations of the Convention. Canada’s seventh report outlines the various measures that are in place to assure the safe operation of nuclear power plants in Canada and the protection of the health and safety of people and the environment. These include a robust nuclear regulatory framework, a mature and effective regulator, and licensee organizations that are fully committed to nuclear safety. The report also emphasizes Canada’s commitment to openness and transparency, research and development, peer review, and continual improvement.
Quick Facts
Under Mr. Jammal’s leadership, the Seventh Review Meeting for the Convention on Nuclear Safety had the highest level of participation by Contracting Parties to date. Seventy-seven of the 80 Contracting Parties participated, with over 900 delegates in attendance.
The next CNS review meeting will be held in 2020.
The CNS, established in 1996, sets international benchmarks in the areas of nuclear installation siting, design, construction and operation, as well as financial and human resources, safety assessment and verification, quality assurance and emergency preparedness.
The CNS requires parties to report on their implementation of obligations under the Convention and subject these reports to peer review by other Parties.
Canada has been one of the staunchest promoters and supporters of the Convention’s objectives and was one of the first countries to ratify the CNS.
Aurèle Gervais
Media and Community Relations
Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission
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