Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission’s Canadian Safeguards Support Program recognized on international stage

News Release

Image taken with the Digital Čerenkov Viewing Device (DCVD), which was developed jointly between the Canadian and Swedish safeguards support programs. The DCVD was created to provide IAEA inspectors with a non-intrusive, non-destructive analytical instrument to assist in verifying long-cooled fuel in storage ponds.

February 15, 2018 – Ottawa

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has recognized the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission’s Canadian Safeguards Support Program (CSSP) for 40 years of cooperative safeguards development at the IAEA biennial Member State Support Program (MSSP) Coordinators’ Meeting. This makes the CSSP the second-longest serving support program with the IAEA.

The CSSP was operationalized in 1977 and accepted by the IAEA in 1978 to assist in developing safeguards equipment and capability. The program fulfills Canada’s international commitments on the peaceful use of nuclear energy, and advances the evolution and improvement of safeguards applications in Canada and abroad.

During its long history, the CSSP’s contributions to safeguards have included the development of integrated fuel monitoring systems for CANDU reactors, the creation of unattended safeguards monitoring technology, the advancement of satellite imagery for safeguards purposes, and the development of the Digital Čerenkov Viewing Device for fuel verification, among others.

This year’s MSSP meeting was held in Vienna and brought together representatives of 20 IAEA Member States who engaged with the IAEA’s Department of Safeguards to review its Development and Implementation Support Program for Nuclear Verification 2018–19.

Shown in the image:  Image taken with the Digital Čerenkov Viewing Device (DCVD), which was developed jointly between the Canadian and Swedish safeguards support programs. The DCVD was created to provide IAEA inspectors with a non-intrusive, non-destructive analytical instrument to assist in verifying long-cooled fuel in storage ponds.


“The CNSC is pleased to celebrate 40 years of contributions to the evolution and development of IAEA safeguards. These contributions have led to new safeguards technologies and tools in use worldwide. Canada has supported the development of new safeguards concepts and innovations, and has also shown support for safeguards through inspector training and infrastructure.”
–Kathleen Heppell-Masys, Director General, Directorate of Security and Safeguards, CNSC

Quick Facts

  • The CSSP’s mission is to advance the evolution of safeguards and improve their application in Canada and abroad.

  • The CSSP is a safeguards research, development and support program that was established in 1977 as a joint project between the CNSC (then the Atomic Energy Control Board), Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, and Global Affairs Canada (then the Department of External Affairs). In 1989, the program was consolidated at the Atomic Energy Control Board (now the CNSC).

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