Backgrounder: Canada and Ontario invest in accessible public transit for Greenstone, Kenora and Machin


Backgrounder: Canada and Ontario invest in accessible public transit for Greenstone, Kenora and Machin

Joint federal, provincial, and municipal funding through the Investing in Canada infrastructure plan will support three public transit projects in three communities in Northern Ontario. These investments will support more accessible and sustainable public transit for these communities.

The Government of Canada is investing $141,945 in these projects through the Public Transit Infrastructure Stream (PTIS). The Government of Ontario is contributing $118,276, while the municipalities of Greenstone, Kenora and Machin are contributing $94,642 to these projects.

Project Information:


Project Name

Project Details

Federal Funding

Provincial Funding

Municipal / Other Funding

Greenstone, Municipality of

Purchase of a 14-Seat Accessible Bus

The purchase of a new accessible bus will expand the specialized transit system to include all wards within the municipality.




Kenora, City of

Handi-Transit Bus Purchase and Facility Construction

The purchase of an accessible bus will expand paratransit service and the construction a new bus garage will ensure vehicles remain safe and reliable.




Machin, Township of

Bus Storage Shelter

The construction of a bus storage shelter will extend the life expectancy of an accessible bus in the transit fleet and ensure the continued quality and safety of the public transit system.




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