Backgrounder: Canada and Ontario invest to improve recreational facilities in the County of Frontenac


Backgrounder: Canada and Ontario invest to improve recreational facilities in the County of Frontenac

Joint federal, provincial, and community funding will support four community recreation infrastructure projects in the County of Frontenac. The Government of Canada is investing over $1 million in these projects through the Community, Culture and Recreation Infrastructure Stream of the Investing in Canada plan. The Government of Ontario is providing over $842,000 towards these projects, and recipients in the County of Frontenac are contributing more than $674,000.

Project information

Project title

Project Details

Federal Funding

Provincial Funding

Recipient Funding

Accessibility Improvements for the Frontenac K&P Trail

The Frontenac K&P Trail will be improved by upgrading accessibility to the Verona Trailhead major access point and other minor access points, and by removing barriers at other minor access points. Work also includes improving road cross safety features, constructing rest areas, installing park benches, shelters, and trail counters, and other upgrades to meet the Accessibility of Ontarians with Disabilities Act requirements.




Frontenac Community Arena Rehabilitation Project

The Frontenac Community Arena will be upgraded by improving the ice quality and increasing accessibility features for spectators and patrons. In addition, improvements will increase safety measures for staff and patrons and reduce annual operating and maintenance costs. Other work includes the replacement of various arena equipment such as the timekeeper box, benches, boards, and glass. 




Renovation and Addition of an Accessible Washroom at the Snow Road Community Hall

The Snow Road Community Hall renovations will involve constructing an accessible addition to the existing washrooms at the community hall.  




Upgrades to Patrick Norris Community Park

Patrick Norris Community Park upgrades will increase the quality of life for island residents and visitors by renovating the grounds into a multi-use community hub. The renovations will include installing an accessible washroom, constructing multi-use tennis courts, and improving playground equipment by installing a safety base underneath. Constructing a shelter/pavilion for picnic tables and music/cultural events, installing an electronic scoreboard for the baseball field, and upgrading the park fencing will help complete the project.




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