Backgrounder: Nova Scotia students and staff to benefit from school improvements across the province


Backgrounder: Nova Scotia students and staff to benefit from school improvements across the province

Joint federal and provincial funding through the Investing in Canada infrastructure plan will support school improvement projects across the province.

The Government of Canada is investing over $20.5 million dollars in these projects through the COVID-19 Resilience Stream of the Investing in CanadaInfrastructure Program, and the Government of Nova Scotia is contributing more than $5 million.

Project information


Project Name

Project Details

Federal Funding

Provincial Funding

Annapolis, Berwick, Kings, Middleton; Windsor

AVRCE School Retrofits, Repairs and Upgrades

Windows, building and HVAC upgrades for multiple schools across the Annapolis Valley Regional Centre for Education (AVRCE) to improve energy efficiency and school buildings for students and staff. The project locations are as follows:

  1. Dwight Ross Elementary School
  2. Port Williams Elementary School
  3. Annapolis East Elementary School
  4. Evangeline Middle School
  5. Windsor Elementary School
  6. Berwick and District School
  7. Middleton Regional High School
  8. Highbury Education Centre
  9. Kingston and District School



Amherst, Colchester, Cumberland, East Hants, Brookfield

CCRCE School Retrofits, Repairs and Upgrade

Windows, building and HVAC upgrades for multiple schools across the Chignecto Central Centre for Education (CCRCE) to improve energy efficiency and school buildings for students and staff. The project locations are as follows:

  1. Riverside Education Centre
  2. Parrsboro Elementary School
  3. Scotsburn Elementary School
  4. Enfield District Elementary School
  5. McCulloch Education Centre
  6. Amherst Regional High School
  7. Cyrus Eaton Elementary School
  8. Valley Elementary School
  9. West Pictou Consolidated School
  10. E.B Chandler Junior High
  11. Hilden Elementary School



Bridgewater, Chester, Mahone Bay, Queens

SSRCE School Retrofits, Repairs and Upgrades

Windows, building and HVAC upgrades for multiple schools across the South Shore Regional Centre for Education (SSRCE) to improve energy efficiency and school buildings for students and staff. The project locations are as follows:

  1. Aspotogan Consolidated School
  2. Bayview Community School
  3. Bridgewater JR High
  4. West Northfield Elementary School
  5. North Queens Community School, Air Handler installation
  6. Bluenose Academy
  7. Chester District Elementary School



Cape Breton, Clare, Halifax, Lunenburg

CSAP School Retrofits, Repairs and Upgrades

Windows, building and HVAC upgrades for multiple schools across the Conseil Scolaire Acadien Provincial (CSAP) to improve energy efficiency and school buildings for students and staff. For one site (Centre scolaire de la Rive-Sud) it also includes renovation of existing interior space to create three new classrooms. The project locations are as follows:

  1. Centre scolaire de la Rive-Sud
  2. Ecole Secondaire de Clare
  3. Ecole du Grand-Portage
  4. Ecole des Beaux-Morais
  5. Centre scolaire Étoile de l'Acadie



Cape Breton, Victoria

CBVRCE School Retrofits, Repairs and Upgrades

Windows, building and HVAC upgrades for multiple schools across the Cape Breton Victoria Regional Centre for Education (CBVRCE) to improve energy efficiency and school buildings for students and staff. The project locations are as follows:

  1. Centre-Wide upgrades to monitoring and control of HVAC and building automation systems
  2. Baddeck Academy
  3. Cusack Elementary
  4. Bras d'or Elementary
  5. Whitney Pier Memorial



Antigonish, Inverness, Antigonish

SRCE School Retrofits, Repairs and Upgrades

Windows, building and HVAC upgrades for multiple schools in the Strait Regional Centre for Education (SRCE) to improve energy efficiency and school buildings for students and staff. Primary project sites include:

  1. Dr. J.H Gillis Regional High School
  2. Strait Area Education and Recreation Centre
  3. Pleasant Bay School




HRCE School Retrofits, Repairs and Upgrades

Windows, building and HVAC upgrades for multiple schools across the Halifax Region Centre for Education (HRCE) to improve energy efficiency and school buildings for students and staff. The work also includes HVAC upgrades for existing portable classrooms. The  primary project locations are as follows:

  1. 1.Auburn Drive High School
  2. 2.Crichton Park Elementary
  3. Halifax West High
  4. Oceanview School
  5. Oxford School
  6. 6.Tallahassee Elementary School
  7. 7.Admiral Westphal School
  8. Cole Harbour District High
  9. Elizabeth Sutherland Elementary
  10. Forsythe Education Centre
  11. Inglis Street Elementary
  12. Joseph Howe Elementary
  13. Harbourview School



Queens, Yarmouth

TCRCE Retrofits, Repairs and Upgrades

HVAC upgrades for multiple schools across the Tri County Regional Centre for Education (TCRCE) to improve energy efficiency and school buildings for students and staff.



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