Backgrounder: Yukon’s 2021-22 Canada Community-Building Fund allocations and top-up amounts


Backgrounder: Yukon’s 2021-22 Canada Community-Building Fund allocations and top-up amounts

The Government of Canada is providing a total of $17.25 million under the Canada Community-Building Fund (CCBF) for eight Yukon municipalities, 14 First Nations, and unincorporated communities. In addition, the Government of Canada is providing a total of $16.5 million as a top-up, calculated based on 2020-21 federal Gas Tax Fund allocations to these recipients.

As of this year, fire halls and fire stations infrastructure are now eligible under the program.

Ultimate Recipient

Allocation 2021-22 ($)

One-Time Top-up ($)

Carcross/Tagish First Nation



Carmacks, Village of



Champagne and Aishihik First Nations



Dawson, City of



Faro, Town of



First Nation of Na-Cho Nyäk Dun



Haines Junction, Village of



Kluane First Nation



Kwanlin Dün First Nation



Liard First Nation



Little Salmon/Carmacks First Nation



Mayo, Village of



Ross River Dena Council



Selkirk First Nation



Ta'an Kwä`ch'än Council



Teslin Tlingit Council



Teslin, Village of



Tr'ondëk Hwëch'in First Nation



Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation



Watson Lake, Town of



White River First Nation



Whitehorse, City of



Unincorporated Communities



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