Backgrounder: Canada and Manitoba invest in water infrastructure upgrades


Backgrounder: Canada and Manitoba invest in water infrastructure upgrades

Canada and Manitoba invest in water infrastructure upgrades

Joint federal, provincial, and municipal funding through the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program (ICIP) will support four projects in Manitoba. These projects will upgrade water infrastructure to improve system efficiency and protect local communities and environments.

The Government of Canada is investing more than $22.7 million in these projects through ICIP’s Green Infrastructure Stream. The Government of Manitoba is providing more than $19.5 million. Contributions from project proponents total more than $12.7 million.

Project Information


Project Name

Project Details

Federal Funding

Provincial Funding

Proponent Funding


Beausejour Water Treatment Plant

Construct a new water treatment plant and reservoir





Rapid City Water Distribution System

Replacement of approximately 9,175 meters of water pipes




St. Adolphe

St. Adolphe Pump Station Replacement

Reconstruct the existing pump stations and gravity outfalls to the current design codes and standards



The Province of Manitoba is the Proponent for this project


Stonewall Woodlands Regional Water Supply

Providing a regional solution to increase access to a reliable high-quality water supply with reservoir upgrades and treatment improvements





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