Backgrounder: The federal government invests in active transportation across Manitoba


Backgrounder: The federal government invests in active transportation across Manitoba

The federal government is investing $3,021,852 through the Active Transportation Fund to support nineteen active transportation and capacity building projects across Manitoba.

Project Information:


Project Name

Project Details

Federal Funding

Municipal Funding

Other Funding

City of Winnipeg

River and Stradbrook Avenues Protected Bike Lanes* **

This project involves the construction of a new section of protected bike lane along River and Stradbrook Avenues. The project will also provide numerous safety benefits and infrastructure upgrades for pedestrians and transit users.




City of Winnipeg

Big Whiteshell Trans Canada Trail Spur

This planning project, led by the Trail Association of the North Whiteshell, involves the designing of a "spur" from the existing Trans Canada Trail  up to Big Whiteshell. The spur would enable the residents of Big Whiteshell to enjoy a connection to the main trail, and would allow users of the main trail to access the great mountain bike trails at Big Whiteshell.




City of Winnipeg

Pedal Poll/Sondo Vélo: Canada's national bike count data analysis and results

This project, led by Vélo Canada Bikes, involves analyzing data collected by volunteers and developing it into a shareable format for communities across Canada to use to help inform their decision making for cycling and active transportation projects.




City of Winnipeg

University of Manitoba King's Drive Gateway AT Enhancement Plan

This planning project, led by the University of Manitoba, involves the development of a design solution to address safety concerns, enhance user experience, and close a gap within the Fort Garry campus transportation network.




City of Winnipeg

West Winnipeg Perimeter Active Transportation Crossing

This planning project, led by the Headingley Grand Trunk Trail Association, involves planning for the construction of a safe and sustainable crossing between the Winnipeg Harte Trail and the Headingley Grand Trunk Trail.




City of Winnipeg

Canada-wide Cargo Bikeshare Research Project

This planning project, led by Bike Winnipeg Inc., involves addressing the research gap about cargo bike sharing services. This new approach is being designed to maximize the potential of bike sharing as a complete urban mobility choice for any community.




City of Winnipeg

Plan Winterpeg

This planning project, led by the Winnipeg Trails Association Inc. involves delivering a multi-modal active transportation plan to make winter transportation more accessible.




Municipality of Cartwright-Roblin

Cartwright-Roblin Municipality Active Transportation Project * **

This project involves the construction of a school pathway, a pathway at Waldie Field/Heritage Park, and the Trestle Bridge project, which will increase active transportation area in the community of Cartwright by 2.73 km. This project also includes wayfinding signage to locate the active transportation pathways and to give directions to points of interest, as well as benches, garbage cans and recycling bins to be placed along the pathways and trails.




Municipality of Grandview

TTR Developing an Active Transportation Strategy

This planning project, led by Tootinaowaziibeeng Treaty Reserve No. 292, involves completing a feasibility study to determine the need for improvements to the on-reserve active transportation system. 




Municipality of Rossburn

Rossburn Municipality Sidewalk Repairs *

This project involves repairing 1.496 km of sidewalk. This will be done by installing asphalt on a desire line (an unplanned route or path worn into a grassy surface by repeated foot traffic) in the community and constructing a new crosswalk.




Rural Municipality of Argyle

Community Sidewalk Enhancement Project

This project involves repairing existing sidewalks in Baldur and Glenora to improve safety and mobility for pedestrians.




Rural Municipality of La Broquerie

La Broquerie Trail System **

This project involves constructing 10 km of paved multi-use trails to provide safe and accessible travelling opportunity for the public and provide greater connectivity between various communities.




Rural Municipality of Lac du Bonnet

Trail Feasibility Study

This project involves conducting a feasibility study to explore the development of an active transportation trail from the Town of Lac du Bonnet to connect to the existing Trans Canada Trail at the Winnipeg River bridge.




City of Portage la Prairie

Installation of a Concrete Active Transportation Pathway on the south side of Saskatchewan Ave. W.  from Elm St. to West Park School **

This project involves constructing a cast-in-place 600 meters long concrete sidewalk. The new sidewalk will improve pedestrian and accessibility for people using mobility devices. The sidewalk will also improve access to shopping, restaurants and small businesses in the area.




Rural Municipality of Taché

Active Transportation Network Plan for the Rural Municipality of Taché, Manitoba

This planning project involves developing an Active Transportation Network Plan to outline future active transportation infrastructure projects within the communities.




Rural Municipality of Brokenhead

Gillis quarry Active Transportation Trail

This planning project involves developing an Active Transportation Master Plan to incorporate pathways and greenspaces throughout the Local Urban District (LUD) of Tyndall Garson. Data collection will inform an evidence-based approach to guide policy-making and incorporate best practices in planning, design, regulations, and standards.




Town of Beausejour

Active Transportation Plan - Phase 2

This planning project involves developing plans to guide active transportation development within the Town of Beausejour for the next 5-10 years, including mapping active transportation networks throughout the town and identifying opportunities for new and improved connectivity.




Town of Neepawa

Neepawa Active Transportation Study

This planning project involves completing a study identifying the benefits of active transportation routes in the community as well as developing a multi-year capital plan for new and existing trails to better serve the Town of Neepawa.




Town of Niverville

2022 Active Transportation Renewals and Improvements

This project involves enhancing sidewalks at three different locations in Niverville. All sidewalk/crossing work will include curbing and drainage modifications as needed.




*Federal funding is conditional on fulfilling all requirements related to consultation with Indigenous groups and environmental assessment obligations.

**Federal funding is conditional on the signing of funding/contribution agreements.

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