Backgrounder: Nine infrastructure projects announced in Saskatchewan to strengthen and support communities


Backgrounder: Nine infrastructure projects announced in Saskatchewan to strengthen and support communities

Through the Community, Culture and Recreation Stream (CCRIS) and the Green Infrastructure Stream (GIS) of the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program, the Government of Canada is investing $8,862,251, and the Government of Saskatchewan is investing $4,727,697 to support five recreation projects and four green infrastructure projects across Saskatchewan.

Project Information:


Project Name

Project Details

Funding Stream

Federal Funding

Provincial Funding

Municipal / Other Funding

Local Government District of White Bear First Nation

Community Spray Park

Construction of a publicly accessible all-ages spray park and social gathering place. This will include all-ages water play equipment, full wheelchair accessibility, and a recirculating water treatment system.





On-Reserve Indigenous of Buffalo River Dene First Nation

Community Centre

Construction of a new 9,087-square-foot community centre connecting to the current community water and sewer infrastructure.





Pasqua First Nation

New Spray Park

Construction of a publicly accessible 3,300-square-foot all-ages spray park with a range of aquatic features.





Pheasant Rump Nakota First Nation

Cultural Centre

Construction of a new 7,800-square-foot Indigenous Cultural Center to provide a safe and accessible space for community members to gather and engage with traditional knowledge, language, and culture.





Valley Regional Park Authority

VRP Clubhouse/Pro Shop Building Replacement

Replacement of two seasonal buildings with a new all-season, multi-functional facility that will increase safety, accessibility, efficiency, and offer the capacity to offer year-round programs and services.





Town of Rockglen

Water and Wastewater Improvements

Replacement of 165 m of aging asbestos concrete water and sewer mains, along with hydrants, valves, manholes, and 14 service connections.





Village of Abbey

Water Treatment Plant Upgrades

This project involves the upgrade of the Village's mid-1960s water treatment plant to address water quality issues, ensuring compliance with regulations and providing safe drinking water for residents.





Village of Lipton

Lagoon Expansion

Expansion of the existing lagoon to meet current regulations by adding a new 36,800-cubic-metre storage cell, piping works, and discharge location modifications.





Village of Pangman

Lagoon Expansion

Expansion of the existing lagoon by constructing a new 31,600-cubic-metre storage cell, transfer structure and converting the existing storage cell into a treatment cell to meet current regulations.





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