Parole Board of Canada service performance reporting for fiscal year 2021-22
From: Parole Board of Canada
Service standards publicly state the level of performance that citizens can reasonably expect to encounter under normal circumstances. As part of its ongoing commitment to quality client service, the Parole Board of Canada has developed standards for its services.
This report covers the 2021-2022 fiscal year. A fiscal year runs from April 1st to March 31st. Our performance results are described in more detail belowFootnote 1 .
Record Suspension/Pardon
Applications received from individuals seeking a record suspension/pardon for an offence or offences tried summarily:
- Our standard: will be processed within 6 months of application acceptance
- Our target: meet the standard for ≥95% of applications submitted
- Our performance in 2021-2022: 99.3% of applications were processed within the 6 month standard
Applications received from individuals seeking a record suspension/pardon for an offence or offences tried by indictment:
- Our standard: will be processed within 12 months of application acceptance
- Our target: meet the standard for ≥95% of applications submitted
- Our performance in 2021-2022: 99.4% of applications were processed within the 12 month standard
Applications in which the Board is proposing to refuse to order/deny a record suspension/pardon:
- Our standard: will require up to 24 months after application acceptance to complete
- Our target: meet the standard for ≥95% of applications submitted
- Our performance in 2021-2022: 97.0% of applications were processed within the 24 month standard
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