Deputy Minister committees

Committee mandates and membership 
Name Mandate Members
    The Clerk and Deputy Clerks are ex-officio members of all committees.
Coordinating Committee of Deputy Ministers
Forum to discuss the implementation of the Government’s policy agenda and priorities.
Hannaford, John (Chair);
Drouin, Nathalie (Vice-Chair);
Fox, Christiane (Vice-Chair);
Curtis-Micallef, Shalene; Forbes, Chris; Hillman, Kirsten; Jennings, Philip; Matthews, Bill; Mondou, Isabelle; Morrison, David; Orencsak, Greg; Thompson, Paul; Tremblay, Jean-François; Wilson, Gina; Johnson, Mollie
Committee of Senior Officials
Functions as the human resources committee for the senior executive cadre of the Public Service.
Hannaford, John (Chair);
Drouin, Nathalie (Vice-Chair);
Fox, Christiane (Vice-Chair);
Bogden, Jacqueline; Forbes, Chris; Matthews, Bill; McClymont, Donnalyn; Morrison, David; Tremblay, Jean-François; Wilson, Gina; Xavier, Caroline
Board of Management and Renewal
Provide a forum to advance the management agenda and the renewal of the Public Service.
Hannaford, John (Chair);
Drouin, Nathalie (Vice-Chair);
Fox, Christiane (Vice-Chair);
Bogden, Jacqueline; Gideon, Valerie; Jones, Scott; Matthews, Bill; McClymont, Donnalyn; Reza, Arianne; Rochon, Dominic; Thangaraj, Arun; Vandergrift, Michael; Xavier, Caroline
Supporting documents

Deputy Minister Committee Mandates and Memberships [PDF - 38 KB]

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