Respiratory Virus Detections/Isolations in Canada, Week 45 ending November 14, 2015

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Table 1 - Respiratory Virus Detections/Isolations for the week ending November 14, 2015
Table 1 - Respiratory Virus Detections/Isolations for the week ending November 14, 2015 (Reporting Week 201545)
Reporting Laboratory Flu Test Flu A(H1N1)pdm09 Flu AH1 Pos. Flu AH3 Pos. Flu A Pos.(all) Flu B Pos. R.S.V. Test R.S.V. Pos. PIV Test PIV 1 Pos. PIV 2 Pos. PIV 3 Pos. PIV 4 Pos. Other PIV Pos. Adeno Test Adeno Pos. hMPV Test hMPV Pos. Rhino Test Rhino Pos. Coron Test Coron Pos.
Newfoundland 25 0 0 0 0 0 25 0 25 0 1 0 0 0 25 0 25 0 25 2 Not Tested Not Tested
Prince Edward Island 12 2 0 0 2 0 3 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 3 1 3 0 3 0 3 0
Nova Scotia 44 0 0 0 0 0 40 0 10 0 0 1 1 0 10 1 10 0 10 2 10 0
New Brunswick 51 2 0 0 2 0 27 0 26 1 0 0 0 0 26 1 3 0 3 0 3 0
Atlantic 132 4 0 0 4 0 95 0 64 1 1 1 1 0 64 3 41 0 41 4 16 0
Région Nord-Est 74 0 0 0 0 0 57 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Not Available Not Available 0 0
Québec-Chaudière-Appalaches 97 0 0 0 0 0 92 1 88 5 0 0 3 0 85 3 62 0 Not Available Not Available 62 0
Centre-du-Québec 39 0 0 0 0 0 46 2 10 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 Not Available Not Available 0 0
Montréal-Laval 608 0 0 0 5 2 551 23 432 13 1 2 1 0 441 17 347 3 Not Available Not Available 335 1
Ouest du Québec 55 0 0 0 0 0 21 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Not Available Not Available 0 0
Montérégie 53 0 0 0 1 0 25 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Not Available Not Available 0 0
Province of Québec 926 0 0 0 6 2 792 28 530 18 1 2 4 0 536 20 409 3 Not Available Not Available 397 1
Ottawa P.H.L. 5 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 3 0 0 0 0 0
CHEO - Ottawa 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Kingston P.H.L. 33 0 0 0 0 0 35 0 35 2 0 0 0 0 35 1 35 0 11 3 9 0
Toronto Medical Laboratory 129 0 0 0 3 0 129 0 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 0 0 0 0 0
P.H.O.L. - Toronto 298 1 0 6 7 2 305 3 305 5 1 2 3 0 305 4 294 0 69 10 56 1
Sick Kids'Hospital - Toronto 70 0 0 0 0 0 70 0 70 0 0 0 1 0 70 0 70 0 24 5 24 0
Sunnybrook & Women's College HSC 45 0 0 0 0 0 45 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 45 1 45 0 45 8 45 0
Sault Ste. Marie P.H.L. 16 0 0 0 0 0 15 0 15 0 0 0 0 0 15 0 15 0 5 2 5 0
Timmins P.H.L. 14 0 0 0 0 0 17 0 17 0 0 0 0 0 17 0 17 0 0 0 0 0
St. Joseph's - London 85 0 0 0 0 0 85 1 85 4 2 0 3 0 85 2 85 0 85 33 85 0
London P.H.L. 72 0 0 0 0 0 64 1 64 1 1 0 2 0 64 2 64 0 14 3 12 1
Orillia P.H.L. 44 0 0 2 2 0 47 0 47 7 1 0 2 0 47 0 46 0 9 3 7 0
Thunder Bay P.H.L. 25 0 0 0 0 0 21 0 21 1 0 0 0 0 21 0 20 0 3 2 2 0
Sudbury P.H.L. 23 0 0 0 0 0 28 0 28 1 0 0 0 0 28 1 28 0 7 1 7 0
Hamilton P.H.L. 101 0 0 0 0 1 95 0 95 1 0 1 2 0 95 4 91 1 33 10 29 0
Peterborough P.H.L. 47 0 0 1 1 0 47 0 47 1 0 0 0 0 47 2 46 0 21 1 20 1
Province of Ontario 1007 1 0 9 13 3 1006 5 848 23 5 4 14 0 877 17 875 1 326 81 301 3
Manitoba 108 0 0 0 0 0 54 1 60 0 1 0 0 0 60 0 27 0 60 7 27 0
Regina 173 3 0 0 3 0 173 0 173 8 4 1 2 0 173 10 184 3 184 54 184 2
Saskatoon 63 0 0 0 0 0 63 0 63 0 0 0 0 0 63 3 63 1 63 16 63 0
Province of Saskatchewan 236 3 0 0 3 0 236 0 236 8 4 1 2 0 236 13 247 4 247 70 247 2
Province of Alberta 471 0 0 2 5 2 471 3 471 28 0 0 0 0 471 5 471 8 471 95 471 3
Prairies 815 3 0 2 8 2 761 4 767 36 5 1 2 0 767 18 745 12 778 172 745 5
British Columbia 230 0 0 0 9 0 230 2 69 0 0 0 1 0 69 1 69 0 69 14 69 0
Yukon 3 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available
Northwest Territories 16 0 0 0 0 0 16 0 16 0 0 0 0 0 16 0 16 10 16 2 16 0
Nunavut 3 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 3 0 1 0 1 0
Territories* 22 0 0 0 0 0 22 0 19 0 0 0 0 0 19 0 19 10 17 2 17 0
CANADA 3132 8 0 11 40 7 2906 39 2297 78 12 8 22 0 2332 59 2158 26 1231 273 1545 9
*Territories include specimens from NT and NU.
Specimens from YT, NT and NU are sent to reference laboratories in other provinces.
Also available at: Respiratory Virus Detections in Canada.
Delays in the reporting of data may cause data to change retrospectively.
Table 2 - Respiratory Virus Detections/Isolations for the period August 30, 2015 - November 14, 2015
Table 2 - Respiratory Virus Detections/Isolations for the period August 30, 2015 - November 14, 2015 (Reporting Weeks 201535-201545)
Reporting Laboratory Flu Test Flu A(H1N1)pdm09 Flu AH1 Pos. Flu AH3 Pos. Flu A Pos.(all) Flu B Pos. R.S.V. Test R.S.V. Pos. PIV Test PIV 1 Pos. PIV 2 Pos. PIV 3 Pos. PIV 4 Pos. Other PIV Pos. Adeno Test Adeno Pos. hMPV Test hMPV Pos. Rhino Test Rhino Pos. Coron Test Coron Pos.
Newfoundland 384 0 0 2 2 1 384 1 384 2 1 1 0 0 384 6 384 3 384 90 Not Tested Not Tested
Prince Edward Island. 53 2 0 0 2 0 43 0 38 0 1 0 2 0 38 1 38 1 38 10 38 0
Nova Scotia 326 0 0 1 5 0 316 0 186 4 0 1 1 0 186 7 186 0 186 35 186 0
New Brunswick 408 2 0 0 2 0 172 0 164 1 0 1 0 0 216 3 3 0 3 0 3 0
Atlantic 1171 4 0 3 11 1 915 1 772 7 2 3 3 0 824 17 611 4 611 135 227 0
Région Nord-Est 351 0 0 0 1 0 289 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Not Available Not Available 0 0
Québec-Chaudière-Appalaches 607 0 0 0 3 0 751 6 699 21 2 2 4 0 764 31 562 0 Not Available Not Available 557 0
Centre-du-Québec 301 0 0 0 0 0 345 7 67 0 0 0 0 0 67 2 0 0 Not Available Not Available 0 0
Montréal-Laval 4722 0 0 0 19 4 4411 73 3625 126 11 16 6 0 3751 107 2896 10 Not Available Not Available 2823 13
Ouest du Québec 338 0 0 0 2 0 181 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 Not Available Not Available 0 0
Montérégie 248 0 0 0 1 0 163 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Not Available Not Available 0 0
Province of Québec 6567 0 0 0 26 4 6140 99 4391 147 13 18 10 0 4585 140 3458 10 Not Available Not Available 3380 13
Ottawa P.H.L. 118 0 0 0 1 1 120 1 120 1 0 2 1 0 120 0 112 1 67 34 56 2
CHEO - Ottawa 764 0 0 0 6 1 764 9 772 11 0 0 1 0 764 3 764 0 764 48 4 0
Kingston P.H.L. 258 0 0 0 0 0 250 1 250 17 2 0 0 0 250 4 244 0 105 28 70 0
Toronto Medical Laboratory 1293 0 0 0 5 2 1293 0 117 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 117 1 0 0 0 0
P.H.O.L. - Toronto 2539 17 0 31 54 7 2468 13 2468 53 8 8 8 0 2468 28 2369 9 764 157 638 11
Sick Kids'Hospital - Toronto 756 0 0 0 2 0 756 3 716 4 0 2 2 0 736 8 756 1 188 53 167 1
Sunnybrook & Women's College HSC 471 1 0 0 2 0 432 1 387 1 0 1 9 0 432 3 432 0 432 119 471 5
Sault Ste. Marie P.H.L. 58 0 0 0 0 0 57 0 57 0 0 0 0 0 57 1 55 0 22 12 19 0
Timmins P.H.L. 104 0 0 0 0 0 101 0 101 6 1 0 0 0 101 0 90 0 27 7 10 0
St. Joseph's - London 364 0 0 0 4 0 405 4 479 13 6 0 16 0 368 7 294 1 479 183 162 0
London P.H.L. 698 0 0 4 5 0 683 4 683 23 3 2 9 0 683 15 656 0 225 78 187 1
Orillia P.H.L. 364 0 0 8 9 0 360 1 360 23 2 0 4 0 360 1 357 0 55 26 46 0
Thunder Bay P.H.L. 180 0 0 0 1 0 176 1 176 2 0 1 0 0 176 5 172 1 25 8 19 0
Sudbury P.H.L. 144 0 0 0 0 0 142 0 142 3 0 0 0 0 142 3 136 0 33 6 25 0
Hamilton P.H.L. 612 0 0 3 3 1 578 0 578 10 1 2 6 0 578 10 552 1 219 88 190 2
Peterborough P.H.L. 446 0 0 6 7 0 430 2 430 8 0 0 4 0 430 7 363 0 206 38 132 1
Province of Ontario 9169 18 0 52 99 12 9015 40 7836 176 23 18 60 0 7665 95 7469 15 3611 885 2196 23
Manitoba 1121 0 0 0 1 1 548 1 616 4 4 1 3 0 616 2 284 6 616 88 284 2
Regina 1602 3 0 0 3 0 1602 1 1602 32 16 3 3 0 1602 47 1613 12 1613 673 1613 4
Saskatoon 595 1 0 0 5 1 595 0 595 11 6 2 3 0 595 26 595 4 595 180 595 0
Province of Saskatchewan 2197 4 0 0 8 1 2197 1 2197 43 22 5 6 0 2197 73 2208 16 2208 853 2208 4
Province of Alberta 4311 4 0 34 45 10 4311 14 4311 153 0 0 0 0 4311 63 4311 22 4311 1222 4311 10
Prairies 7629 8 0 34 54 12 7056 16 7124 200 26 6 9 0 7124 138 6803 44 7135 2163 6803 16
British Columbia 1910 3 0 85 134 7 1910 5 740 0 3 3 7 0 740 7 740 2 740 270 740 4
Yukon 30 0 0 0 0 0 30 0 Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available
Northwest Territories 80 0 0 0 0 0 80 0 80 0 0 0 0 0 80 0 80 23 80 29 0 0
Nunavut 69 0 0 0 0 0 69 3 69 0 0 0 0 0 69 3 66 6 24 11 0 0
Territories* 179 0 0 0 0 0 179 3 149 0 0 0 0 0 149 3 146 29 104 40 0 0
CANADA 26625 33 0 174 324 36 25215 164 21012 530 67 48 89 0 21087 400 19227 104 12201 3493 13346 56
*Territories include specimens from NT and NU.
Specimens from YT, NT and NU are sent to reference laboratories in other provinces.
Also available at: Respiratory Virus Detections in Canada.
Delays in the reporting of data may cause data to change retrospectively.
Due to reporting delays, the sum of weekly report totals do not add up to cumulative totals.

Number of positive laboratory tests for other respiratory viruses by report week, Canada, 2015-16

Number of positive laboratory tests for other respiratory viruses by report week, Canada, 2015-16 - Text Equivalent
Number of positive laboratory tests for other respiratory viruses by report week, Canada, 2015-16
Week Week end ParaInfluenza Adenovirus hMPV Rhinovirus Coronavirus RSV
35 2015-09-05 33 17 12 197 4 7
36 2015-09-12 27 35 9 221 1 6
37 2015-09-19 29 26 10 294 3 8
38 2015-09-26 42 18 2 331 2 9
39 2015-10-03 48 19 3 385 8 14
40 2015-10-10 69 30 2 464 7 8
41 2015-10-17 78 39 8 384 2 15
42 2015-10-24 88 39 8 368 8 18
43 2015-10-31 89 52 13 297 4 16
44 2015-11-07 111 67 11 280 8 24
45 2015-11-14 120 59 26 273 9 39

Positive Influenza Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report

Positive Influenza Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report - Text Equivalent
Positive Influenza Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report
Week Week End Canada Tests Canada A% Canada B% At Tests At A% At B% QC Tests QC A% QC B% ON Tests ON A% ON B% Pr Tests Pr A% Pr B% BC Tests BC A% BC B%
35 05-09-2015 1496 0.40 0.20 71 0.00 0.00 360 0.56 0.28 529 0.00 0.19 449 0.45 0.00 79 2.53 1.27
36 12-09-2015 1491 1.21 0.00 35 2.86 0.00 395 0.51 0.00 445 0.22 0.00 517 0.77 0.00 90 11.11 0.00
37 19-09-2015 1777 0.84 0.06 48 2.08 0.00 395 0.00 0.00 585 0.17 0.17 624 0.16 0.00 114 10.53 0.00
38 26-09-2015 1985 1.46 0.00 84 0.00 0.00 419 0.48 0.00 647 0.31 0.00 698 0.72 0.00 128 15.63 0.00
39 03-10-2015 2362 2.24 0.25 92 0.00 0.00 531 0.38 0.00 779 2.57 0.39 744 1.75 0.40 198 9.09 0.00
40 10-10-2015 2511 1.91 0.20 134 0.75 0.00 608 0.16 0.00 862 3.02 0.12 691 0.58 0.29 205 7.80 0.98
41 17-10-2015 2599 1.35 0.08 123 0.81 0.00 660 0.61 0.00 901 1.66 0.11 683 1.02 0.15 222 3.60 0.00
42 24-10-2015 2967 0.78 0.10 134 0.00 0.75 679 0.29 0.00 1109 0.81 0.09 800 0.38 0.00 222 4.05 0.45
43 31-10-2015 2971 0.71 0.17 164 0.61 0.00 723 0.14 0.00 1092 0.46 0.09 761 0.53 0.26 212 4.72 0.94
44 07-11-2015 3313 1.09 0.12 154 1.30 0.00 871 0.46 0.11 1213 0.58 0.00 847 0.35 0.24 210 9.52 0.48
45 14-11-2015 3129 1.28 0.22 132 3.03 0.00 926 0.65 0.22 1007 1.29 0.30 815 0.98 0.25 230 3.91 0.00

Positive RSV Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report

Positive RSV Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report - Text Equivalent
Positive RSV Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report
Week Week End Canada Tests RSV% At Tests RSV% QC Tests RSV% ON Tests RSV% Pr Tests RSV% BC Tests RSV% Terr Tests RSV%
35 05-09-2015 1465 0.48 59 0.00 363 1.65 530 0.19 424 0.00 79 0.00 10 0.00
36 12-09-2015 1474 0.41 47 0.00 407 0.25 433 0.69 486 0.41 90 0.00 11 0.00
37 19-09-2015 1752 0.46 43 0.00 419 0.72 600 0.50 564 0.18 114 0.00 12 8.33
38 26-09-2015 1879 0.48 73 0.00 410 1.22 624 0.32 633 0.16 128 0.00 11 9.09
39 03-10-2015 2197 0.64 79 0.00 515 2.14 706 0.28 678 0.00 198 0.00 21 4.76
40 10-10-2015 2380 0.34 108 0.00 600 0.67 802 0.12 652 0.31 205 0.49 13 0.00
41 17-10-2015 2519 0.60 100 0.00 633 1.58 913 0.33 639 0.16 222 0.45 12 0.00
42 24-10-2015 2843 0.63 93 0.00 638 1.57 1132 0.62 730 0.14 222 0.00 28 0.00
43 31-10-2015 2911 0.55 114 0.00 648 1.08 1202 0.58 714 0.28 212 0.00 21 0.00
44 07-11-2015 2891 0.83 104 0.96 715 1.96 1067 0.56 775 0.26 210 0.48 20 0.00
45 14-11-2015 2906 1.34 95 0.00 792 3.54 1006 0.50 761 0.53 230 0.87 22 0.00


Positive Parainfluenza Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report

Positive Parainfluenza Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report - Text Equivalent
Positive Parainfluenza Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report
Week Week End Canada Tests Para% At Tests Para% QC Tests Para% ON Tests Para% Pr Tests Para% BC Tests Para%
35 05-09-2015 1225 2.69 58 1.72 297 2.36 394 2.28 429 2.80 39 10.26
36 12-09-2015 1228 2.20 45 0.00 338 2.37 313 1.60 487 2.87 36 0.00
37 19-09-2015 1488 1.95 41 0.00 314 4.14 502 1.79 569 1.05 51 1.96
38 26-09-2015 1623 2.59 66 1.52 321 4.05 525 2.10 638 2.35 64 3.13
39 03-10-2015 1830 2.62 72 0.00 373 4.02 599 3.17 688 1.74 80 2.50
40 10-10-2015 2076 3.32 103 0.00 418 7.18 802 2.74 660 2.58 82 0.00
41 17-10-2015 2111 3.69 93 2.15 446 6.28 839 3.69 644 2.48 79 1.27
42 24-10-2015 2350 3.74 78 6.41 453 4.19 976 3.28 736 4.21 84 1.19
43 31-10-2015 2430 3.66 75 1.33 471 3.40 1075 4.19 721 3.61 69 1.45
44 07-11-2015 2356 4.71 77 1.30 430 3.26 963 4.98 785 6.11 83 0.00
45 14-11-2015 2297 5.22 64 6.25 530 4.72 848 5.42 767 5.74 69 1.45


Positive Adenovirus Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report

Positive Adenovirus Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report - Text Equivalent
Positive Adenovirus Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report
Week Week End Canada Tests Adeno% At Tests Adeno% QC Tests Adeno% ON Tests Adeno% Pr Tests Adeno% BC Tests Adeno%
35 05-09-2015 1237 1.37 60 3.33 320 0.00 381 1.31 429 1.86 39 0.00
36 12-09-2015 1226 2.85 45 4.44 353 4.25 296 1.35 487 2.67 36 2.78
37 19-09-2015 1511 1.72 41 0.00 346 4.05 493 0.41 569 1.76 51 0.00
38 26-09-2015 1628 1.11 66 4.55 337 0.89 514 0.78 638 1.25 64 0.00
39 03-10-2015 1834 1.04 72 2.78 388 1.55 588 0.68 688 1.02 80 0.00
40 10-10-2015 2090 1.44 104 0.96 431 2.32 802 1.37 660 1.06 82 1.22
41 17-10-2015 2113 1.85 93 0.00 462 3.03 825 1.45 644 1.71 79 0.00
42 24-10-2015 2375 1.64 82 0.00 466 3.00 984 1.02 736 1.90 84 1.19
43 31-10-2015 2366 2.20 115 1.74 489 4.29 953 1.15 721 2.50 69 0.00
44 07-11-2015 2377 2.82 82 2.44 457 5.03 952 1.58 785 3.06 83 3.61
45 14-11-2015 2332 2.53 64 4.69 536 3.73 877 1.94 767 2.35 69 1.45

Positive hMPV Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report

Positive hMPV Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report - Text Equivalent
Positive hMPV Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report
Week Week End Canada Tests hMPV% At Tests hMPV% QC Tests hMPV% ON Tests hMPV% Pr Tests hMPV% BC Tests hMPV%
35 05-09-2015 1097 1.09 46 2.17 220 0.45 370 0.81 414 0.97 39 0.00
36 12-09-2015 1096 0.82 32 0.00 256 1.56 293 1.02 470 0.21 36 0.00
37 19-09-2015 1379 0.73 38 0.00 259 0.39 480 0.62 540 0.56 51 0.00
38 26-09-2015 1484 0.13 60 0.00 244 0.00 507 0.00 600 0.17 64 0.00
39 03-10-2015 1692 0.18 58 0.00 292 0.00 586 0.00 658 0.46 80 0.00
40 10-10-2015 1924 0.10 84 0.00 342 0.00 780 0.13 625 0.00 82 0.00
41 17-10-2015 1898 0.42 76 2.63 355 0.28 762 0.00 616 0.65 79 0.00
42 24-10-2015 2196 0.36 68 0.00 365 0.00 954 0.21 702 0.43 84 0.00
43 31-10-2015 2137 0.61 46 2.17 382 0.00 930 0.11 693 0.87 69 1.45
44 07-11-2015 2168 0.51 62 0.00 334 0.00 932 0.11 740 0.95 83 1.20
45 14-11-2015 2158 1.20 41 0.00 409 0.73 875 0.11 745 1.61 69 0.00

Positive Rhinovirus Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report

Positive Rhinovirus Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report - Text Equivalent
Positive Rhinovirus Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report
Week Week End Canada Tests RhV% At Tests RhV% QC Tests RhV% ON Tests RhV% Pr Tests RhV% BC Tests RhV%
35 05-09-2015 732 26.91 46 6.52 0 0.00 213 22.54 429 29.14 39 48.72
36 12-09-2015 720 30.69 32 18.75 0 0.00 160 15.62 487 34.70 36 50.00
37 19-09-2015 897 32.78 38 18.42 0 0.00 231 21.64 569 37.79 51 37.25
38 26-09-2015 993 33.33 60 25.00 0 0.00 229 23.58 638 37.15 64 37.50
39 03-10-2015 1065 36.15 58 39.65 0 0.00 229 32.31 688 36.92 80 33.75
40 10-10-2015 1242 37.36 84 25.00 0 0.00 408 45.10 660 33.33 82 41.46
41 17-10-2015 1236 31.07 76 22.37 0 0.00 428 30.14 644 30.75 79 45.57
42 24-10-2015 1408 26.14 68 23.53 0 0.00 503 18.89 736 28.40 84 48.81
43 31-10-2015 1318 22.53 46 26.09 0 0.00 467 17.56 721 25.52 69 20.29
44 07-11-2015 1361 20.57 62 17.74 0 0.00 417 15.11 785 22.93 83 27.71
45 14-11-2015 1231 22.18 41 9.76 0 0.00 326 24.85 778 22.11 69 20.29

Positive Coronavirus Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report

Positive Coronavirus Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report - Text Equivalent
Positive Coronavirus Tests (%) in Canada by Region by Week of Report
Week Week End Canada Tests Coro% At Tests Coro% QC Tests Coro% ON Tests Coro% Pr Tests Coro% BC Tests Coro%
35 05-09-2015 835 0.48 24 0.00 216 0.00 137 0.73 414 0.72 39 0.00
36 12-09-2015 858 0.12 14 0.00 248 0.40 85 0.00 470 0.00 36 0.00
37 19-09-2015 1010 0.30 11 0.00 255 0.39 145 0.69 540 0.19 51 0.00
38 26-09-2015 1059 0.19 19 0.00 233 0.43 141 0.00 600 0.17 64 0.00
39 03-10-2015 1221 0.66 15 0.00 285 0.35 173 1.73 658 0.61 80 0.00
40 10-10-2015 1394 0.50 44 0.00 334 0.30 301 1.66 625 0.00 82 1.22
41 17-10-2015 1318 0.15 29 0.00 352 0.00 233 0.43 616 0.16 79 0.00
42 24-10-2015 1427 0.56 35 0.00 357 0.28 232 2.59 702 0.14 84 0.00
43 31-10-2015 1346 0.30 7 0.00 376 0.27 188 0.00 693 0.00 69 4.35
44 07-11-2015 1436 0.56 13 0.00 327 1.53 260 1.15 740 0.00 83 0.00
45 14-11-2015 1545 0.58 16 0.00 397 0.25 301 1.00 745 0.67 69 0.00

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