Top 10 tick hiding spots

With described video



(Upbeat music starts.)

An animated baby squirrel runs through the forest.

Narration: When you go outside, you might find a tick.

The squirrel stops at a shrub.

Narration: That's a type of bug that can make you sick.

A close up of the squirrel's face. He looks shocked. His eyes point to a small bug on the ground.

Narration: Ticks are very tiny and look like small black dots.

More ticks appear from the shrub.

Narration: Look very carefully! They're hard to spot!

The squirrel holds up a magnifying glass. He looks closely at three ticks.

Narration: Before you come inside from an outdoor trek,

The squirrel approaches his home: a door in a tree. An adult squirrel comes out the door and holds up a hand. The baby squirrel is surprised.

Narration: here are the top 10 tick hiding spots to do a tick check.

A log appears with the number 10 on it.

Narration: One!

A log appears with the number 1 on it.

Narration: Check your head and then your hair.

The log with the 1 moves to the top corner of the screen. The squirrel pats his face and a tuft of hair on his head.

Narration: Two!

A log appears with the number 2 on it.

Narration: Check in and around your ears. Ticks can hide there.

The squirrel reaches into his ear and pulls out an acorn.

Narration: Three!

A log appears with the number 3 on it.

Narration: Check your back. Ask for help as you might not be able to see.

The squirrel tries to use a mirror to look at his back, but trips and falls.

Narration: Four!

A log appears with the number 4 on it.

Narration: Check under your arms, where ticks might want to be.

The log with the 4 moves to the top corner of the screen. The squirrel lifts up his arm.

Narration: Five!

A log appears with the number 5 on it.

Narration: Check your shirt and then your chest.

The squirrel squeezes his tummy and chest.

Narration: Six!

A log appears with the number 6 on it.

Narration: Check your hips and waist for an uninvited guest.

The squirrel dances around while patting his hips and waist.

Narration: Seven!

Narration: Check your belly button — lint might not be all you find.

The squirrel reaches into his belly button and holds up a big lump of lint.

Narration: Eight!

A log appears in the top corner with the number 8 on it.

Narration: Check your pants and between your legs. Ticks can hide there, they don't mind!

The squirrel pats down his ankles and bends over to look through his legs.

Narration: Nine!

A log appears with the number 9 on it.

Narration: Check your legs and look behind your knees.

Still bent over, the squirrel looks at his legs. He falls over.

Narration: Ten!

A log appears in the top corner with the number 10 on it.

Narration: Check your feet and between your toes, please!

The squirrel reaches for his feet and looks closely at his toes.

Narration: Now that you've checked your body for a tick, check your pets and your gear so you don't get sick.

The squirrel approaches his house holding a backpack. He sets the bag down and looks through it.

Narration: If you find a tick on you, always give a shout to an adult that you trust and they'll get it out.

The squirrel yells for his parent. The adult squirrel runs over to help the baby squirrel. Once the tick is removed, they both enter their home.

(Music fades.)

Canada wordmark appears. Government of Canada jingle plays.

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