SARScene 2016 conference brings together the search and rescue community in Edmonton

News Release

More than 300 delegates from across Canada participated in training, exercises and information exchange

October 17, 2016
Edmonton, Alberta
Public Safety Canada

Today marked the final day of the SARScene 2016 conference program, following a week of opportunities for training, education and exercises, as well as presentations and moderated discussions from Search and Rescue (SAR) experts.

SARScene 2016 was co-hosted by Public Safety Canada and the Alberta Municipal Affairs’ Office of the Fire Commissioner. Canada’s 24th annual national Search and Rescue (SAR) conference brought together representatives from federal departments, provincial and territorial search and rescue organizations, first responders, volunteer associations and representatives from volunteer SAR teams across Canada.

Delegates were also invited to take part in the SAR Forum to share their views on the National Search and Rescue Program. This consultation will inform Public Safety Canada’s development of national governance and policy framework.

Public Safety awarded three National SAR Program Awards of Excellence to deserving members of the SAR community, and the provincial government also presented four Alberta Emergency Service Medals and congratulated the more than 20 SAR member that received medals across Alberta.

Quick Facts

  • In Canada, SAR is a shared responsibility among federal, provincial/territorial and municipal organizations, supported by air, ground and marine volunteer SAR organizations.
  • There are more than 15,000 trained SAR volunteers in Canada that form an important part of the National SAR Program.


“SARScene 2016 has demonstrated the search and rescue community’s commitment to continuous improvement. From advances in technology, to innovative exercises and training, and the sharing of best practices, it’s clear that SAR will continue to evolve to best serve Canadians. I want to thank our co-hosts and everyone who participated, particularly those who participated in the consultations at the SAR Forum.”

- The Honourable Ralph Goodale, Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness

“When a loved one is lost or missing, we turn to the brave volunteers who take time away from their own family to help find outs.  Through events like SARScene, we continue to build Search and Rescue capacity across the country, and the Government of Alberta is pleased to co-host this important event I would like to commend the Alberta volunteers who worked tirelessly to make this event happen, and who continue to develop their skills to support their neighbours in times of need.”

- The Honourable Danielle Larivee, Minister of Municipal Affairs, Alberta

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Scott Bardsley
Office of the Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness

Media Relations
Public Safety Canada

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