Forward Regulatory Plan: 2024 to 2026

This Forward Regulatory Plan provides information on regulatory initiatives that the Public Service Commission of Canada (PSC) aims to propose or finalize in the next 2 years through:

The Forward Regulatory Plan may also include regulatory initiatives that are planned to come forward over a longer time frame. Comments or enquiries can be made using the contact information included with each regulatory initiative.

Regulatory initiatives

Review of the Public Service Employment Regulations (Associated with the stock review plan)

Enabling act

Public Service Employment Act



The Public Service Employment Regulations expand on the operation of the Public Service Employment Act by giving effect to certain provisions relating to matters under the Public Service Commission’s jurisdiction.

The objective of the review is to ensure that the regulations focus on the relevance and performance of the regulations to meet current and emerging needs of hiring organizations, as well as to eliminate any unnecessary requirements.

This regulatory initiative is associated with the PSC’s stock review plan.


Regulatory cooperation efforts (domestic and international)

Not applicable.


Potential impacts on Canadians, including businesses

There are no expected impacts on Canadians, nor on businesses.



Several consultations with stakeholders were held to obtain feedback on the proposed model. Key stakeholders will continue to be informed as the file progresses.

Following a joint letter of agreement between the Public Service Alliance of Canada and Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat with respect to seniority in the context of workforce adjustment situations, and given the amendment to the Public Service Employment Act to identify and address biases and barriers in assessment methods, the PSC re-opened consultations on these subjects. The employer, heads of human resources, bargaining agents, and diversity and inclusion networks were consulted in December 2023. 

Further information

Not applicable.


PSC contact information



Date the regulatory initiative was first included in the Forward Regulatory Plan


Public Service Diversity and Inclusion Exclusion Approval Order and related regulations 

Enabling act

Public Service Employment Act



The Public Service Employment Act provides the framework for the staffing system of the federal public service. It includes options to support fulfilling obligations under the Employment Equity Act such as limiting or expanding the area of selection to designated groups and establishing an employment equity organizational need. However, these measures are limited to persons of the 4 designated groups under the Employment Equity Act.

The objective of this regulatory initiative is to facilitate the appointment of persons from equity-seeking groups to and from within the public service, thereby strengthening the Government of Canada’s commitment to diversity and inclusion. This initiative will allow for appointment processes that can have eligibility restricted to such persons for reasons related to a special program to address a disadvantage.


Regulatory cooperation efforts (domestic and international)

Not applicable.


Potential impacts on Canadians, including businesses

There are no expected impacts on Canadians, nor on businesses.



The regulatory initiative is subject to the work underway on the review of the Employment Equity Act


Further information

Not applicable.


PSC contact information



Date the regulatory initiative was first included in the Forward Regulatory Plan


Regulatory Initiative Supporting Diversity and Inclusion in Student Employment

Enabling act

Public Service Employment Act



The current student employment framework is governed by the Student Employment Programs Participants Exclusion Approval Order and the Student Employment Programs Participants Regulations, which provide the requirements for appointing students in student employment programs established by the Treasury Board.


The objective of this initiative is to facilitate the appointment of participants in a student employment program belonging to an equity-seeking group for reasons related to a special program to address a disadvantage. Given that student appointments may serve as a pipeline for future public service appointments, this regulatory initiative will help achieve longer-term public service diversity and inclusion objectives.


Regulatory cooperation efforts (domestic and international)

Not applicable.


Potential impacts on Canadians, including businesses

There are no expected impacts on Canadians, nor on businesses.



The regulatory initiative is subject to the work underway on the review of the Employment Equity Act.


Further information

Not applicable.


PSC contact information



Date the regulatory initiative was first included in the Forward Regulatory Plan


Review of the Appointment or Deployment of Alternates Exclusion Approval Order and related regulations (Associated with the stock review plan)

Enabling act

Public Service Employment Act



These statutory instruments were enacted to allow for the operation of alternation provisions in the National Joint Council Work Force Adjustment Directive and other Work Force Adjustment Agreements.

On January 1, 2019, the new National Joint Council Work Force Adjustment Directive came into force. Amendments were also made to Work Force Adjustment Appendices embedded in collective agreements. As a result, these statutory instruments will be reviewed to ensure they remain aligned with the current policy objectives.

This regulatory initiative is associated with the PSC’s stock review plan.


Regulatory cooperation efforts (domestic and international)

Not applicable.


Potential impacts on Canadians, including businesses

There are no expected impacts on Canadians, nor on businesses.



A consultative strategy has not yet been developed.


Further information

Not applicable.


PSC contact information



Date the regulatory initiative was first included in the Forward Regulatory Plan


Review of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Casual Employment Regulations (Associated with the stock review plan )

Enabling act

Public Service Employment Act


These regulations operationalize section 50.2 of the Public Service Employment Act, which allows for casual employment at the Royal Canadian Mounted Police in excess of 90 days, in the circumstances prescribed by the PSC’s regulations.

They will be reviewed to assess whether they are achieving their objective and to determine if they resulted in any unintended impacts.

This regulatory initiative is associated with the PSC’s stock review plan.


Regulatory cooperation efforts (domestic and international)

Not applicable.


Potential impacts on Canadians, including businesses

There are no expected impacts on Canadians, nor on businesses.



A consultative strategy has not yet been developed.


Further information

Not applicable.


PSC contact information



Date the regulatory initiative was first included in the Forward Regulatory Plan


Regulatory proposal for veterans affected by the data transfer issue related to preference entitlements

Enabling act

Public Service Employment Act



The Public Service Employment Act provides the framework for the federal public service staffing system. It includes 3 mechanisms to help hire veterans, including a preference for appointment for jobs open to the public. After all persons with a priority entitlement who meet the essential qualifications are considered and appointed, a veteran who meets the essential qualifications must be appointed ahead of any other qualified candidate. Due to a data transfer issue, the preference entitlement of some veterans may have been affected.

The objective of this regulatory proposal is to provide a regulatory priority entitlement to veterans whose preference was affected. Those individuals will be identified by the PSC.


Regulatory cooperation efforts (domestic and international)

Not applicable.


Potential impacts on Canadians, including businesses

There are no impacts on Canadians, nor on businesses.



Consultations with stakeholders are underway.


Further information

Not applicable.


PSC contact information



Date the regulatory initiative was first included in the Forward Regulatory Plan


Regulatory proposal for veterans affected by the data transfer issue related to mobility entitlements

Enabling act

Public Service Employment Act



The Public Service Employment Act provides the framework for the federal public service staffing system. It includes 3 mechanisms to help hire veterans, including access to public service job opportunities. Veterans can apply to an advertised internal appointment process and are treated as though they are already public servants in the area of selection. This entitlement applies to veterans with at least 3 years of service in the Canadian Armed Forces who have been honourably released and who are not employed in the public service for an indeterminate (permanent) period, and lasts 5 years after their date of release. Due to a data transfer issue, affected veterans may not have had the ability to view and apply to internal advertised appointment processes.


The objective of this regulatory proposal is to provide veterans who were affected by the data transfer issue an additional period to apply to internal advertised appointment processes.


Regulatory cooperation efforts (domestic and international)

Not applicable.


Potential impacts on Canadians, including businesses

There are no impacts on Canadians, nor on businesses.



Consultations with stakeholders are underway.


Further information

Not applicable.


PSC contact information



Date the regulatory initiative was first included in the Forward Regulatory Plan


Consult Acts and regulations for:

Consult the following for links to the Cabinet Directive on Regulation and supporting policies and guidance, and for information on government-wide regulatory initiatives implemented by departments and agencies across the Government of Canada:

To learn about upcoming or ongoing consultations on proposed federal regulations, visit:

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