Requirements List NDSi

Welcome to the New Direction in Staffing Interface (NDSi) project requirements!

The information contained in this workbook was compiled and developed by the New Direction in Staffing Interface (NDSi) project team. The requirements were gathered directly from users in an effort to inform Government of Canada (GC) modernization and/or improvement initiatives.

This workbook contains a Requirements worksheet which contains all of the in-scope requirements that the NDSi project team developed through direct interaction with users. It also contains a non-exhaustive list of current-state GC staffing requirements that the NDSi project leveraged to begin our discovery journey.

ID# Stakeholder Use Case ID#2 User Story ID#3 Acceptance Criteria
UC1  Account Creator Create Account US1.1 I need to be able to provide my personal details. AC1.1.1 I can provide my first name, last name, and email address.
UC1  Account Creator Create Account US1.2 I need to be able to create my password. AC1.2.1 I can provide my password.
UC1  Account Creator Create Account US1.2 I need to be able to create my password. AC1.2.2 I can confirm my password.
UC1  Account Creator Create Account US1.3 I need to be able to confirm my account creation. AC1.3.1 I can choose to confirm my account creation through email or via text message.
UC1  Account Creator Create Account US1.3 I need to be able to confirm my account creation. AC1.3.2 If I choose to confirm my account creation through text message, I can provide my mobile telephone number and area code
UC11 Hirer Screen Applicants US11.1 I need to be able to review the applications. AC11.1.1 I can request that an applicant's manager validate the skills and experience referenced in the application.
UC11 Hirer Screen Applicants US11.1 I need to be able to review the applications. AC11.1.2 I can request that an applicant provide additional information.
UC11 Hirer Screen Applicants US11.1 I need to be able to review the applications. AC11.1.3 I can search the information provided on the application.
UC11 Hirer Screen Applicants US11.1 I need to be able to review the applications. AC11.1.4 I can see whether the skills and experience referenced in the application have been validated.
UC11 Hirer Screen Applicants US11.1 I need to be able to review the applications. AC11.1.5 I can see whether an applicant's language profile (if provided) has been validated.
UC11 Hirer Screen Applicants US11.1 I need to be able to review the applications. AC11.1.6 I can choose to review individual applications.
UC11 Hirer Screen Applicants US11.1 I need to be able to review the applications. AC11.1.7 I can see the application details provided by the applicant.
UC11 Hirer Screen Applicants US11.1 I need to be able to review the applications. AC11.1.8 I can compare the application details against the merit criteria of the job advertisement and any screening questions the applicant was asked to answer.
UC11 Hirer Screen Applicants US11.1 I need to be able to review the applications. AC11.1.9 I can determine whether the applicant will continue in the selection process or not.
UC11 Hirer Screen Applicants US11.1 I need to be able to review the applications. AC11.1.10 I can see a list of job seekers that have applied to my job poster.
UC11 Hirer Screen Applicants US11.2 I need to be able to inform the candidates of the screening results. AC11.2.1 I can provide written confirmation of the screening results to successful applicants.
UC11 Hirer Screen Applicants US11.2 I need to be able to inform the candidates of the screening results. AC11.2.2 I can choose to provide written confirmation of the screening results to unsuccessful applicants now or at a later date.
UC11 Hirer Screen Applicants US11.2 I need to be able to inform the candidates of the screening results. AC11.2.3 I can choose to provide rationale for the screening results.
UC11 Hirer Screen Applicants US11.2 I need to be able to inform the candidates of the screening results. AC11.2.4 If I have determined that the applicant will not continue in the selection process, and I have decided to conduct informal discussions, I can advise the applicant of the steps required to initiate the informal discussion.
UC11 Hirer Screen Applicants US11.2 I need to be able to inform the candidates of the screening results. AC11.2.5 I am provided with a confirmation that the applicant has been informed of the screening results.
UC2 Hirer Define Resourcing Needs US2.1 I need to be able to confirm my ability to hire. AC2.1.1 I can request access to my team information.
UC2 Hirer Define Resourcing Needs US2.1 I need to be able to confirm my ability to hire. AC2.1.2 I can confirm my ability to hire by providing my PRI, Classification Group, Sub-Group, Level, Job Title, Organization, Branch, Unit/Team, Work Email, and Work Telephone Number.
UC2 Hirer Define Resourcing Needs US2.1 I need to be able to confirm my ability to hire. AC2.1.3 I can confirm my ability to hire by providing credentials from another system.
UC2 Hirer Define Resourcing Needs US2.1 I need to be able to confirm my ability to hire. AC2.1.4 I am told when I have access to my team information once access is approved.
UC2 Hirer Define Resourcing Needs US2.1 I need to be able to confirm my ability to hire. AC2.1.5 I can see the team information for my unit.
UC2 Hirer Define Resourcing Needs US2.1 I need to be able to confirm my ability to hire. AC2.1.6 I can identify my delegation authority.
UC2 Hirer Define Resourcing Needs US2.2 I need to be able to conduct a workplace gap analysis. AC2.2.1 I can assess business context information by indicating what my organization does, why my team is a good team to work for, and the ideal type of job seeker that would be best suited to work on my team.
UC2 Hirer Define Resourcing Needs US2.2 I need to be able to conduct a workplace gap analysis. AC2.2.2 I can allow other GC employees to have access to my team information.
UC2 Hirer Define Resourcing Needs US2.2 I need to be able to conduct a workplace gap analysis. AC2.2.3 I can request that other GC employees complete staffing-related tasks for me.
UC2 Hirer Define Resourcing Needs US2.2 I need to be able to conduct a workplace gap analysis. AC2.2.4 I can identify who the Human Resources subject matter expert is for my team.
UC2 Hirer Define Resourcing Needs US2.2 I need to be able to conduct a workplace gap analysis. AC2.2.5 I can gather relevant public and private sector labour market data.
UC2 Hirer Define Resourcing Needs US2.2 I need to be able to conduct a workplace gap analysis. AC2.2.6 I can review the history of the staffing actions I have completed.
UC2 Hirer Define Resourcing Needs US2.2 I need to be able to conduct a workplace gap analysis. AC2.2.7 I can see job seekers who have been referred to me by other people.
UC2 Hirer Define Resourcing Needs US2.2 I need to be able to conduct a workplace gap analysis. AC2.2.8 I can use a common lexicon to identify the positions for which I am responsible, including the job title, position title, position number, classification group, sub-group, level, position location, security clearance, language profile, status of the position, main duties of the position, and the essential and asset skills and knowledge required.
UC2 Hirer Define Resourcing Needs US2.2 I need to be able to conduct a workplace gap analysis. AC2.2.9 I can re-use human resources information to create job profiles for the positions within my team.
UC2 Hirer Define Resourcing Needs US2.2 I need to be able to conduct a workplace gap analysis. AC2.2.10 When identifying criteria for the job profile for which I am responsible, where the essential or asset criteria I want do not appear in the category of the common language construct that I am provided, I can add criteria by searching the remainder of the categories of the common language construct.
UC2 Hirer Define Resourcing Needs US2.3 I need to be able to set up my alerts. AC2.3.1 I can choose to be notified when job seekers match the requirements for any of the positions in my team.
UC2 Hirer Define Resourcing Needs US2.3 I need to be able to set up my alerts. AC2.3.2 I can choose to notify job seekers when I am ready to staff a position within my team.
UC3 Hirer Find a Candidate US3.1 I need to be able to search for job seekers. AC3.1.1 I can look for job seekers in specific departments.
UC3 Hirer Find a Candidate US3.1 I need to be able to search for job seekers. AC3.1.2 I can use a common lexicon to identify the essential and asset skills and knowledge I want the job seekers in my search to have.
UC3 Hirer Find a Candidate US3.1 I need to be able to search for job seekers. AC3.1.3 I can use pre-defined position information to identify the essential and asset skills and knowledge I want the job seekers in my search to have.
UC3 Hirer Find a Candidate US3.2 I need to be able to view the job seekers that are relevant to my search. AC3.2.1 I can see whether a job seeker has been previously assessed by another Hirer and what those results are.
UC3 Hirer Find a Candidate US3.2 I need to be able to view the job seekers that are relevant to my search. AC3.2.2 I can see whether a job seeker is a Person with a Priority Entitlement, student, Nunavut Inuit, veteran, member of the Canadian Armed Forced, or a member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
UC3 Hirer Find a Candidate US3.2 I need to be able to view the job seekers that are relevant to my search. AC3.2.3 I can see whether the job seeker is "at-level".
UC3 Hirer Find a Candidate US3.2 I need to be able to view the job seekers that are relevant to my search. AC3.2.4 I can view individual job seeker information.
UC3 Hirer Find a Candidate US3.2 I need to be able to view the job seekers that are relevant to my search. AC3.2.5 I can see whether a job seeker is an internal GC employee or external to the GC.
UC3 Hirer Find a Candidate US3.2 I need to be able to view the job seekers that are relevant to my search. AC3.2.6 I can see how recent the job seeker's information is.
UC3 Hirer Find a Candidate US3.2 I need to be able to view the job seekers that are relevant to my search. AC3.2.7 I can see whether a job seeker is willing to relocate.
UC3 Hirer Find a Candidate US3.2 I need to be able to view the job seekers that are relevant to my search. AC3.2.8 I can communicate with a job seeker who has indicated they have the qualifications that are relevant to what I'm looking for.
UC3 Hirer Find a Candidate US3.2 I need to be able to view the job seekers that are relevant to my search. AC3.2.9 I can see what types of employment a job seeker is interested in.
UC3 Hirer Find a Candidate US3.2 I need to be able to view the job seekers that are relevant to my search. AC3.2.10 I can see what a job seeker's employment interests are.
UC3 Hirer Find a Candidate US3.2 I need to be able to view the job seekers that are relevant to my search. AC3.2.11 I can see a list of job seekers that are relevant to my search.
UC3 Hirer Find a Candidate US3.2 I need to be able to view the job seekers that are relevant to my search. AC3.2.12 I can see the number of job seekers that are relevant to my search.
UC4 Hirer Post a Job US4.1 I need to be able to prepare the job advertisement. AC4.1.1 I can use the details of a position in my unit to prepare the advertisement.
UC4 Hirer Post a Job US4.1 I need to be able to prepare the job advertisement. AC4.1.2 I can use a previously posted job advertisement to prepare my advertisement.
UC4 Hirer Post a Job US4.1 I need to be able to prepare the job advertisement. AC4.1.3 I can use a common language construct to build the merit criteria for the job advertisement.
UC4 Hirer Post a Job US4.1 I need to be able to prepare the job advertisement. AC4.1.4 I can contact my Human Resources representative if I need assistance preparing the advertisement.
UC4 Hirer Post a Job US4.1 I need to be able to prepare the job advertisement. AC4.1.5 I can see successful job advertisements similar to the one I am preparing.
UC4 Hirer Post a Job US4.1 I need to be able to prepare the job advertisement. AC4.1.6 I can prepare a new job advertisement by indicating the selection process number, area of selection, job title, position title, classification group, sub-group, level, employment status, security clearance, type of staffing process, salary range, location, job category, language profile, organization, job tenure, and closing date of the advertisement.
UC4 Hirer Post a Job US4.1 I need to be able to prepare the job advertisement. AC4.1.7 I can identify merit criteria as either essential or asset.
UC4 Hirer Post a Job US4.1 I need to be able to prepare the job advertisement. AC4.1.8 I can identify conditions of employment for the position.
UC4 Hirer Post a Job US4.1 I need to be able to prepare the job advertisement. AC4.1.9 I can prepare an advertisement for single classifications, multiple classifications, or collective staffing.
UC4 Hirer Post a Job US4.1 I need to be able to prepare the job advertisement. AC4.1.10 I can provide a description of the job I am advertising.
UC4 Hirer Post a Job US4.1 I need to be able to prepare the job advertisement. AC4.1.11 I can add job specific features and benefits to my job advertisement.
UC4 Hirer Post a Job US4.2 I need to be able to post the advertisement. AC4.2.1 I can post my advertisement on the GC recruitment system for a minimum of 24 hours.
UC4 Hirer Post a Job US4.2 I need to be able to post the advertisement. AC4.2.2 I can post my advertisement on alternative sites like Gcconnex, Gccollab, Monster, Linkedin, Workopolis,, Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram.
UC4 Hirer Post a Job US4.2 I need to be able to post the advertisement. AC4.2.3 I can choose to exclude my advertisement from Google Jobs.
UC4 Hirer Post a Job US4.2 I need to be able to post the advertisement. AC4.2.4 I am provided with a confirmation that I have posted my job.
UC4 Hirer Post a Job US4.2 I need to be able to post the advertisement. AC4.2.5 Once I have posted my job, I can see how many job seekers have applied to my job advertisement.
UC5 Job Seeker Search for a Job US5.1 I need to be able to define my search criteria. AC5.1.1 I can use a keyword, job title, location, career level, job category, staffing process type, job status, language, organization, and salary to define my search criteria.
UC5 Job Seeker Search for a Job US5.2 I need to be able to view the list of jobs. AC5.2.1 I can choose to see the jobs that were advertised since the last time I searched.
UC5 Job Seeker Search for a Job US5.2 I need to be able to view the list of jobs. AC5.2.2 I can fine-tune my search criteria.
UC5 Job Seeker Search for a Job US5.2 I need to be able to view the list of jobs. AC5.2.3 I can see labour market data and analytics for the jobs that match my criteria.
UC5 Job Seeker Search for a Job US5.2 I need to be able to view the list of jobs. AC5.2.4 I can choose to keep a job advertisement to look at later.
UC5 Job Seeker Search for a Job US5.2 I need to be able to view the list of jobs. AC5.2.5 I can share a job advertisement with other people.
UC7 Job Seeker Apply for a Job US7.1 I need to be able to fill out the job application. AC7.1.1 I can see the job advertisement while I'm completing my application.
UC7 Job Seeker Apply for a Job US7.1 I need to be able to fill out the job application. AC7.1.2 I can quickly fill out my job application using information I've provided elsewhere.
UC7 Job Seeker Apply for a Job US7.1 I need to be able to fill out the job application. AC7.1.3 I can provide my resume along with my job application.
UC7 Job Seeker Apply for a Job US7.1 I need to be able to fill out the job application. AC7.1.4 I can change my job application before I provide it to the person responsible for the selection process.
UC7 Job Seeker Apply for a Job US7.1 I need to be able to fill out the job application. AC7.1.5 I can choose to finish my job application later.
UC7 Job Seeker Apply for a Job US7.1 I need to be able to fill out the job application. AC7.1.6 I am told that I have provided all the mandatory application information.
UC7 Job Seeker Apply for a Job US7.1 I need to be able to fill out the job application. AC7.1.7 I can get guidance filling out the application.
UC7 Job Seeker Apply for a Job US7.1 I need to be able to fill out the job application. AC7.1.8 I can provide a cover letter with my application.
UC7 Job Seeker Apply for a Job US7.1 I need to be able to fill out the job application. AC7.1.9 I can provide my personal details, educational background, work experience and skills and knowledge using a common language.
UC7 Job Seeker Apply for a Job US7.1 I need to be able to fill out the job application. AC7.1.10 I can agree to any conditions of employment the manager is asking for.
UC7 Job Seeker Apply for a Job US7.1 I need to be able to fill out the job application. AC7.1.11 I can indicate whether I am part of an employment equity group.
UC7 Job Seeker Apply for a Job US7.1 I need to be able to fill out the job application. AC7.1.12 I can attest that the information in my application is accurate.
UC7 Job Seeker Apply for a Job US7.1 I need to be able to fill out the job application. AC7.1.13 If any of the information on my application does not match any of the information I provided in my profile, I can choose to change my profile information to match the new information or choose to change the application to match my profile information.
UC7 Job Seeker Apply for a Job US7.1 I need to be able to fill out the job application. AC7.1.14 I can see the progress of my job application as I'm filling it out.
UC7 Job Seeker Apply for a Job US7.2 I need to be able to provide my application to the person responsible for the selection process. AC7.2.1 I can change my job application after I send it to the manager as long as the job advertisement has not closed.
UC7 Job Seeker Apply for a Job US7.2 I need to be able to provide my application to the person responsible for the selection process. AC7.2.2 I am told that my application has been sent.
UC7 Job Seeker Apply for a Job US7.2 I need to be able to provide my application to the person responsible for the selection process. AC7.2.3 I am told what to expect in the selection process after I provide my application.
UC7 Job Seeker Apply for a Job US7.2 I need to be able to provide my application to the person responsible for the selection process. AC7.2.4 I am told who I can contact if I have any questions about the selection process.
UC7 Job Seeker Apply for a Job US7.2 I need to be able to provide my application to the person responsible for the selection process. AC7.2.5 I can choose to receive alerts any time there is a change in the status of the selection process I applied to.
UC8 Job Seeker Create Job Seeker Profile US8.1 I need to be able to provide my personal details. AC8.1.1 I can provide my name, phone number, address, email address, citizenship, gender, date of birth, PRI or service number, and my preferred language of communication.
UC8 Job Seeker Create Job Seeker Profile US8.1 I need to be able to provide my personal details. AC8.1.2 I can indicate whether I am part of an employment equity group.
UC8 Job Seeker Create Job Seeker Profile US8.1 I need to be able to provide my personal details. AC8.1.3 I can indicate what type of job seeker I am.
UC8 Job Seeker Create Job Seeker Profile US8.1 I need to be able to provide my personal details. AC8.1.4 I can indicate the type of security clearance I have.
UC8 Job Seeker Create Job Seeker Profile US8.1 I need to be able to provide my personal details. AC8.1.5 I can describe my personal interests.
UC8 Job Seeker Create Job Seeker Profile US8.1 I need to be able to provide my personal details. AC8.1.6 I can provide my personal details using an outside source like Linkedin or PIMS.
UC8 Job Seeker Create Job Seeker Profile US8.1 I need to be able to provide my personal details. AC8.1.7 If I identify myself as a member of the Canadian Armed Forces, I can indicate whether I am a serving member or a reservist.
UC8 Job Seeker Create Job Seeker Profile US8.2 I need to be able to demonstrate my skills and experience. AC8.2.1 I can describe my previous or current work experience, including position title, work setting, my employers' names and location, as well as my start and end dates.
UC8 Job Seeker Create Job Seeker Profile US8.2 I need to be able to demonstrate my skills and experience. AC8.2.2 I can indicate the skills and knowledge that I gained in each position I held previously or am currently holding using a common language that is understood by hiring managers.
UC8 Job Seeker Create Job Seeker Profile US8.2 I need to be able to demonstrate my skills and experience. AC8.2.3 There is no limit to how many previous employers I can indicate I worked for.
UC8 Job Seeker Create Job Seeker Profile US8.2 I need to be able to demonstrate my skills and experience. AC8.2.4 I can choose to provide a reference of someone who can validate the skills, experience, and knowledge I say I have.
UC8 Job Seeker Create Job Seeker Profile US8.2 I need to be able to demonstrate my skills and experience. AC8.2.5 I can demonstrate my skills and experience through an outside source like Linkedin or PIMS.
UC8 Job Seeker Create Job Seeker Profile US8.2 I need to be able to demonstrate my skills and experience. AC8.2.6 I can build a resume out of the information I've provided.
UC8 Job Seeker Create Job Seeker Profile US8.2 I need to be able to demonstrate my skills and experience. AC8.2.7 I am provided with suggested jobs I might be interested in based on my work history, skills, knowledge, and experience.
UC8 Job Seeker Create Job Seeker Profile US8.2 I need to be able to demonstrate my skills and experience. AC8.2.8 I can identify any GC language evaluation results I might have.
UC8 Job Seeker Create Job Seeker Profile US8.3 I need to be able to describe my educational background. AC8.3.1 I can indicate where I went or am going to school and the degree I obtained or am in the process of obtaining.
UC8 Job Seeker Create Job Seeker Profile US8.3 I need to be able to describe my educational background. AC8.3.2 I can indicate any certification or training I received outside of my formal education.
UC8 Job Seeker Create Job Seeker Profile US8.3 I need to be able to describe my educational background. AC8.3.3 I can describe my educational background through an outside source like Linkedin or PIMS.
UC8 Job Seeker Create Job Seeker Profile US8.4 I need to be able to manage my profile settings. AC8.4.1 I can change my password.
UC8 Job Seeker Create Job Seeker Profile US8.4 I need to be able to manage my profile settings. AC8.4.2 I can recover my password if I lose it.
UC8 Job Seeker Create Job Seeker Profile US8.4 I need to be able to manage my profile settings. AC8.4.3 I can change my display name.
UC8 Job Seeker Create Job Seeker Profile US8.4 I need to be able to manage my profile settings. AC8.4.4 I can choose to hide my profile from hiring managers and/or specific departments.
UC8 Job Seeker Create Job Seeker Profile US8.4 I need to be able to manage my profile settings. AC8.4.5 I can manage the type of alerts I get.
UC9 Job Seeker Sign-Up for Job Alerts US9.1 I need to be able to choose the types of alerts I want to received. AC9.1.1 I can use job title, location, career level, job category, staffing process type, job status, language, organization, and salary to define my alert criteria.
UC9 Job Seeker Sign-Up for Job Alerts US9.2 I need to be able to choose how I want to receive my alerts. AC9.2.1 I can choose to receive alerts by email or text message.
UC9 Job Seeker Sign-Up for Job Alerts US9.2 I need to be able to choose how I want to receive my alerts. AC9.2.2 Depending on my choice for receiving alerts, I can provide my email address or mobile number.
UC9 Job Seeker Sign-Up for Job Alerts US9.2 I need to be able to choose how I want to receive my alerts. AC9.2.3 I am provided with confirmation that I will receive job alerts using my chosen method.

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