Contact the Public Service Commission of Canada

Inquiries related to public service jobs

We do not accept unsolicited requests for employment. Please visit GC Jobs for employment opportunities with the federal public service.

For questions about your job search, job application status or your GC Jobs account, fill out this “contact us” form.

  • General questions on how to apply online: 1-888-780-4444 (toll-free number)
  • To hear job advertisements over the phone: 1-800-645-5605 (toll-free number)
  • Teletype (TTY)/teletype device for the deaf (TDD): 1-800-465-7735 (toll-free number)
  • Fax: 1-888-515-4447 (toll-free number)

Regional offices

We have regional offices delivering staffing and assessment services to federal departments, agencies and employees:

National Capital Region


22 Eddy Street
Gatineau, Quebec  K1A 0M7

Atlantic Region

This region includes New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island.


Maritime Centre Building
1505 Barrington Street, suite 1729
Halifax, Nova Scotia  B3J 3K5 

Quebec Region

This region excludes the National Capital Region. 


Address for mail and packages
Public Service Commission of Canada
104-305 René-Lévesque Blvd West
Montréal QC  H2Z 1X1

Entrance for candidates and visitors only
1165 de Bleury Street
Montréal, Quebec  H3B 3H9

Entrance for candidates and visitors with reduced mobility only
305 René-Lévesque Boulevard West, suite 104
Montréal, Quebec  H2Z 1X1

Ontario and Prairies Region

This region includes Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Ontario (excluding the National Capital Region).


4900 Yonge Street, 13th floor
Toronto, Ontario  M2N 6A6

British Columbia and Northern Region

This region includes British Columbia, Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut.


Library Square Building
300 West Georgia Street, suite 1010
Vancouver, British Columbia  V6B 6B4

Personnel Psychology Centre

This office provides consultation services in the National Capital Region.

Consultation services in the other regions

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