Public Service Entrance Exam - Test of Judgement Unsupervised Internet Test 374 (TOJ UIT 374) - Sample questions

The Test of Judgement assesses the judgement required for solving problems in work-related situations. Judgement is the ability to identify effective ways of solving these problems and to recognize ineffective actions. The test presents you with hypothetical and challenging situations that one might encounter at work, and that involve communication, interpersonal skills, initiative, decision making, analytical thinking and action management. Each situation is followed by a potential response to the situation.

Your task on the test is to judge the effectiveness of a response in contributing to a solution to the problem presented, as if you were actually on the job and had to decide what actions to take. Read each situation and response carefully. Then, for each situation, rate the effectiveness of the response using the following scale:

  • Very Ineffective – will make the situation worse
  • Ineffective – while it may not worsen the situation, it will not contribute to solving the problem
  • Somewhat Ineffective – may not contribute to solving the problem
  • Somewhat Effective – may contribute to solving the problem
  • Effective – will contribute to solving the problem
  • Very Effective – will solve the problem or make a very important contribution to solving the problem

No specialized training, knowledge, or experience is required to complete this test. Rather, your answers should draw on the general knowledge and life experience you have acquired.

Note: The contextual information in the sample questions and the test questions is fictional.

Question 1

You just completed a course at your supervisor's request. While at the course, you learned that some of your office's procedures are not in line with broader public service policies on protecting confidential information. All employees working in your unit had completed the same course previously, including your supervisor and her superior, yet no one has identified this oversight. You would be the first to draw attention to your unit's faulty practices.


Copy the relevant pages from the course materials and put them on your supervisor's desk.

How effective is this response?

  1. Very ineffective
  2. Ineffective
  3. Somewhat ineffective
  4. Somewhat effective
  5. Effective
  6. Very effective

Rate the effectiveness of the response by selecting your answer.

Question 2


You just completed a course at your supervisor's request. While at the course, you learned that some of your office's procedures are not in line with broader public service policies on protecting confidential information. All employees working in your unit had completed the same course previously, including your supervisor and her superior, yet no one has identified this oversight. You would be the first to draw attention to your unit's faulty practices.


Speak with your supervisor immediately to quickly address the issue and implement correct procedures.

How effective is this response?

  1. Very ineffective
  2. Ineffective
  3. Somewhat ineffective
  4. Somewhat effective
  5. Effective
  6. Very effective

Rate the effectiveness of the response by selecting your answer.

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