Style and presentation:
- Think of your curriculum vitae (cv) as a two-minute commercial: an opportunity to sell yourself.
- Make sure your cv is clear. Describe your achievements using the active voice. Keep the language simple, avoid acronyms, and be succinct.
- Choose the format that shows your background to your best advantage and is appropriate to the impact that you wish to create.
- Be specific - list the experience criteria and indicate how you meet each.
- Use a clear, readable typeface, and do not crowd too much text onto each page.
- The maximum length should be three pages, preferably two.
Basic information:
- Personal information such as name, address, home and office phone numbers, fax number and e-mail address.
- Language profile, spoken and written; include the date of your most recent Second Language Evaluation, along with the level acquired.
- Level of security clearance, where applicable.
- Personal identification number (PRI)
- N.B. There is no need to provide personal information such as sex, age, health, race, religion, marital status or political affiliation, or to enclose a photo.
Career highlights:
- List positions held over the last 10 to 15 years – title, group, level, department, division and duration. List the most recent job first.
- When you describe these positions, concentrate on your accomplishments that demonstrate the personal qualities senior managers and executives display.
- Be specific about your experience in managing human and financial resources, and managing change.
- Be brief, but emphasize outstanding achievements.
- If relevant, you may include other information such as special experience or skills acquired through work with groups such as boards of directors, professional associations, civic or charitable organizations.
- Be sure to emphasize skills and experience directly related to the position you are applying for.
Education and professional training:
- List post-secondary diplomas and degrees, where applicable, as well as relevant public service management development and orientation courses. Include dates, and list the most recent first.
- Should you be called for an interview, be prepared to provide proof of your education.
- List only your most important publications, and only if they are relevant to the position being sought.
- If the list is longer that ten or fifteen lines, you may prefer to include it as an appendix.
- You may wish to indicate "references upon request". However, if you decide to provide references, the following should appear on a separate page: names, current titles, current departments/organizations, e-mail addresses, phone/fax numbers, nature of their relationship to you (superior, peer, client, staff/employers).