Public Services and Procurement Canada
Accessibility feedback process

Your feedback will help Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) reduce accessibility barriers and be more inclusive. Provide feedback about the implementation of Public Services and Procurement Canada’s 2023 to 2025 Accessibility plan, or about concerns related specifically to accessibility at PSPC.

Tell us:

On this page

Ways to provide feedback

There are various ways you can submit your feedback.

Accessibility feedback form
873‑353‑9495 (between 8 am and 4 pm EST)
Mailing address:

Public Services and Procurement Canada
Director, Accessibility Office
11 Laurier St, Portage III, Place du Portage
Gatineau, Quebec, K1A 0S5

Request an alternate format

You can request alternate versions of this feedback process by email at or by telephone at 873‑353‑9495.

Format options:

  • print
  • large print (larger and clearer font)
  • Braille (a system of raised dots that people who are blind or who have low vision can read with their fingers)
  • audio (a recording of someone reading the text out loud)

How we will use your feedback

Everyone is invited to provide feedback. If you choose to provide your feedback to us, PSPC will:

  • acknowledge receipt using the same method of communication, except for anonymous submissions
  • log and track all feedback while removing all personal details
  • keep electronic copies of all feedback for 7 years after the day it is received
  • use feedback to improve implementation of this plan and reduce barriers at PSPC
  • report on feedback received and how it was taken into consideration in future progress reports of PSPC’s plan

Anonymous feedback

Your feedback will always remain anonymous in our public reports. We will not identify you with your feedback beyond our Accessibility Office. The only time your feedback will be connected to you is when you request a personal response.

To provide anonymous feedback:

  • do not state your name or provide any identifying information
  • state that you would like your feedback to remain anonymous if your email address includes your name
  • do not include your return address on the envelope for physical mail

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