A new high point for Canada's language industry leader

On July 26, 2021, Her Excellency the Right Honourable Mary May Simon officially became the 30th Governor General of Canada. Canadians were able to follow the installation ceremony of the new Governor General not only in English and French, but also in American Sign Language, Langue des signes québécoise and Inuktitut. Public Services and Procurement Canada's Translation Bureau was responsible for this success, and its interpretation, translation and terminology services were remarkable and praiseworthy.

Inuktitut in the spotlight

As soon as the Translation Bureau learned that an Indigenous person who speaks Inuktitut had been appointed Governor General, it contacted Rideau Hall staff to lay the groundwork for the delivery of the linguistic services needed by Ms. Simon.

In an effort to bring together the communication efforts of various stakeholders, including Canadian Heritage and the Privy Council Office, the Translation Bureau suggested a customized approach based on the new Governor General's background. With the help of its Indigenous suppliers, the Translation Bureau provided expert advice on options such as Inuktitut dialects, which vary from region to region.

For the first time, the Governor General's installation ceremony and the related documents were broadcast in Inuktitut, an accomplishment that made the four Indigenous interpreters involved very proud.

“I was so proud to be part of the first Inuk Governor General Installation Inuktitut interpreting team.”

Deborah Tagornak

“This is a big step forward to recognize the Indigenous people who contribute to Canada's nation.”

Suzie Napayok

“As an Inuk watching and witnessing the installation, I was very moved.”

Simona Arnatsiaq

“I was filled with indescribable levels of emotions. Extreme pride for one thing and, most of all, hope. Hope for reconciliation.”

Maggie Putulik

An incredible team effort

The installation ceremony was truly a multilingual effort, with the Translation Bureau's English, French and sign language professionals joining forces with their Indigenous language colleagues to make the event accessible to all Canadians. It was a major event that will long be remembered as one of the greatest achievements of these language professionals.

“This is definitely a highlight of my career.”

Émilie Vachon, Interpreter (French/English)

“I felt tremendously proud and honoured to have worked as the coordinator of the interpretation team.”

Marianne Situ, Senior Interpreter responsible for Indigenous languages

“I'm very proud to have been able to contribute to making this historic event accessible for all Canadians, and particularly for members of the various deaf communities across the country.”

Frédérick Trudeau, Sign Language Interpreter

The teamwork and language expertise of the Translation Bureau's professionals contributed greatly to the project's success. As the leader of the Canadian language industry, the Translation Bureau can be proud of having risen to this challenge.

Learn more about the many language services and tools offered by the Translation Bureau to federal departments and agencies, the Parliament of Canada and Canadians.

Two Indigenous interpreters sitting at a desk.
From left to right: Suzie Napayok and Deborah Tagornak, Inuktitut interpreters assigned to work on the live broadcast of the installation ceremony on the CBC.
A team of 7 interpreters.
From left to right: Simona Arnatsiaq, Émilie Vachon, Maggie Putulik, Sevilla Coudari, Bastien Tremblay-Cousineau, Marianne Situ and Pascal Machado, interpreters in Inuktitut, French and English.
A team of 5 people.
From left to right: Frédérick Trudeau, Claire Gallant, Maryse Touchette and Catherine Maier, sign language interpreters, and Francesco Folino, special advisor on accessibility.

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