Fact sheet: Standing Committee on Public Accounts—March 30, 2023

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Information related to procurement

Recommendation 7.7.2

Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) and Shared Services Canada should include environmental criteria in their strategies and contracts for procuring cloud services to support sustainability in procurement practices and contribute to achieving Canada’s net-zero goal:

Recommendation 7.31 and 7.47

Recommendation 7.31 and 7.47 are directed at Treasury Board Secretariat, but implicates PSPC. 7.31 states: In consultation with Shared Services Canada and Public Services and Procurement Canada, the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat should do the following: extend the requirement for guardrails to cloud service provider contracts that stem from supply arrangements established by Public Services and Procurement Canada. Clarify who is responsible for the initial validation and ongoing monitoring of cloud guardrail controls and what processes they should follow.

Recommendation 7.47

Recommendation 7.47 states: In consultation with Communications Security Establishment Canada, Shared Services Canada, Public Services and Procurement Canada, and departments, the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat should document and proactively communicate to any department that is using or contemplating cloud services the roles and responsibilities needed to design, implement, validate, monitor, coordinate, and enforce the security controls needed to protect sensitive and personal information in the cloud. The secretariat should review and update these roles and responsibilities at least every 12 months:

Information related to departmental oversight

Within the shared responsibility cloud service providers’ assessment model, the Contract Security Program is responsible for:

Client departments are responsible to:

Canadian Centre for Cyber Security is responsible for:

Responses to the Auditor General’s recommendations

Document navigation for "Standing Committee on Public Accounts: March 30, 2023"


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