Public Services and Procurement Canada
The Government of Canada is committed to open government, which is being pursued along 3 streams: open data, open information and open dialogue. The goal is to promote transparency, empower citizens, fight corruption and harness new technologies to strengthen governance.
Access to information and privacy
Canadians, permanent residents and individuals and businesses in Canada can request records and personal information about themselves held by a federal institution
Proactive disclosure
Proactively published government information such as contracts over $10,000, grants and contributions, and travel expenses by senior officials
Titles of briefing notes
List of briefing notes for the minister or the deputy minister of Public Services and Procurement Canada
Question Period notes
Question Period notes in use by the minister on the last day of the parliamentary session (June and December)
Briefing materials
Briefing materials prepared by committees such as Government Operations and Estimates and Public Accounts of Canada, for the minister or deputy minister of Public Services and Procurement Canada
Quarterly usage reports
Quarterly usage reports received by Public Service and Procurement Canada on a regular basis from suppliers
Departmental plan
Annual reports informing Canadians on the performance goals for the coming fiscal year, as well as previous fiscal years
Departmental sustainable development strategy
Annual reports informing Canadians on commitments and performance expectations, responding to the Federal sustainable development strategy
Departmental results report
Annual report card informing Canadians whether we have met our expectations outlined in our departmental plan
Canada Post Corporation oversight
Reports and information about Canada Post
Fees report
Annual reports intended to increase transparency which provides Parliamentarians and Canadians a detailed listing of all fees along with future year fee amounts
Financial report
Different financial reports including the consolidated financial statements, the quarterly financial reports, and the consolidated future-oriented statement of operations
Departmental evaluation plan
Plan to evaluate our service over the next 5 years (updated annually)
Evaluation report
Recommendations intended to help the Government of Canada design and deliver programs and services
Internal audits report
Reports assuring Canadians that government activities demonstrate responsible management
Preventing human trafficking, forced labour and child labour in the department's supply chains report
Annual reports submitted under the Fighting Against Forced Labour and Child Labour in Supply Chains Act
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