Canadian Dental Care Plan


The Canadian Dental Care Plan (CDCP) is one of the country’s largest social programs and it is expected to make the cost of dental care more affordable for up to 9 million Canadian residents.

Statistics for the CDCP is valid as of: December 9, 2024 and will be updated on a monthly basis.

Summary data

Total number of approved applicants


Total number of approved applicants by province and territory
Provinces and territories Number of approved applicants
Alberta 165,055
British Columbia 397,957
Manitoba 88,780
New Brunswick 70,880
Newfoundland and Labrador 57,395
Northwest Territories/Nunavut/ Yukon1 1,221
Nova Scotia 93,008
Ontario 1,081,948
Prince Edward Island 11,124
Quebec 1,015,709
Saskatchewan 59,231
TOTAL2 3,042,308
  • 1 For confidentiality purposes due to lower numbers Northwest Territories, Nunavut and Yukon data have been combined.

  • 2 Since December 2023, the CDCP has been rolled out, beginning with seniors 70 and older. From May 1, 2024, care began, and applications opened for seniors over 65. On June 27, 2024, applications were also opened to adults with a Disability Tax Credit certificate and children under 18. Applications for those aged 18 to 64 years will start in 2025.

Total number of approved applicants who received care


Total number of approved applicants that received care by province and territory
Provinces and territories Number of approved applicants who received care
British Columbia 166,226
Alberta 48,961
Saskatchewan 18,619
Manitoba 30,928
Ontario 501,578
Quebec 406,549
New Brunswick 18,639
Nova Scotia 31,843
Prince Edward Island 3,397
Newfoundland and Labrador 22,385
Northwest Territories/Nunavut/Yukon1 126
TOTAL 1,249,2512
  • 1 For confidentiality purposes due to lower numbers Northwest Territories, Nunavut and Yukon data have been combined.

  • 2 Canadians covered under the CDCP were able to visit an oral health provider as early as May 2024 (depending on when they apply).

Note: Some eligible applicants may have accessed oral health care in more than one province, therefore could be accounted twice.

Total number of oral health providers participating in the CDCP


Total number of oral health providers participating in the CDCP by province and territory
Provinces and territories Number of dentists and dental specialists Number of denturists Number of independent dental hygienists Total
British Columbia 3,118 209 118 3,445
Alberta 2,219 273 152 2,644
Saskatchewan 460 58 10 528
Manitoba 648 34 <10 N/A2
Ontario 9,004 507 580 10,091
Quebec 4,186 739 101 5,026
New Brunswick 254 23 23 301
Nova Scotia 483 25 18 526
Prince Edward Island 60 <10 <10 66
Newfoundland and Labrador 199 17 16 232
Northwest Territories/Nunavut/ Yukon1 19 <10 0 N/A2
Total 20,651 1,886 1,030 23,567
  • 1 For confidentiality purposes due to lower numbers Northwest Territories, Nunavut and Yukon data have been combined.

  • 2 For confidentiality purposes due to lower numbers for some professions, the combined total is not provided at this time.

Note: Some oral health providers participating in the CDCP may be providing care in more than one province or territory.

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