Dress instructions | Annex B Appendix 2 Cummerbunds

  1. RCN Members. Naval Members may wear the RCN tartan cummerbund and/or RCN tartan bow tie, or those within Sea Training Group may wear the red cummerbund and/or red bow tie.
  2. Flag/General Officers and Army Colonels. Flag/General officers and Army Colonels may wear the universal midnight blue cummerbund or a cummerbund of the distinctive colour for their former branch.
  3. Air Force Members. Air Force members may wear the RCAF tartan cummerbund or waistcoat or the cummerbund in the distinctive colour of their branch.
  4. Branches/Corps. All members, except those mentioned above, shall wear cummerbunds of the authorized colour for their branch or, for Army members of the Armour and Infantry Corps, for their regiments as follows:

Air Operations Branch
(None authorized, see paragraph 2.)

Armour Corps
Cavalry yellow (see also regimental list in paragraph 4.)

Artillery Branch
Red zig zag stripes on dark blue

Cadet Instructors Cadre
Blue, red, black alternate diagonal stripes

Chaplain Branch

Communications and Electronics Branch

Dental Branch
Emerald green

Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Branch
Midnight blue

Infantry Corps
Scarlet (see also regimental list in paragraph 5.)

Intelligence Branch

Legal Branch
Wine red

Logistics Branch
Off-white, or diagonal stripes of gold, blue and red on black base cloth

Medical Branch
Dull cherry

Military Engineering Branch
Brick red

Military Police Branch

Music Branch

Naval Operations Branch

Personnel Selection Branch
Wine red, with branch symbols overprinted in a regular pattern

Public Affairs Branch
Pale blue

Training Development Branch
Blue, overprinted with a branch badge

  1. Armoured Regiments. The common corps colour, cavalry yellow, unless otherwise authorized: See also Appendix 1, paragraphs 27. to 47.
  2. Infantry Regiments. The common corps colour, scarlet, unless otherwise authorized. See also Appendix 1, paragraphs 48. to 96.
  3. Tailoring. The style and cut of cummerbunds is in accordance with branch/corps/regimental policy, with branches/corps/regiments liaising as necessary with environmental commands when choosing the style(s) to be allowed.

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