

Information on Canada’s efforts to counter global and domestic terrorist threats, and how Canada is promoting national peace and security.

Services and information

Listed entities

See Canada's list of terrorist entities under the Criminal Code, which identifies a group or individual as being associated with or supporting terrorism.

Passenger protect

Learn about the Passenger Protect Program, a shared responsibility between Public Safety Canada and Transport Canada, which identifies individuals who may pose a threat to aviation security and takes action to reduce their ability to cause harm or threaten aviation.

Preventing radicalization to violence

Learn how the Government of Canada is working to counter radicalization to violence though a coordinated approach with partner departments and agencies.

Security certificates

Understand the security certificate process of removing non-Canadians from Canada when they have no legal right to be here and pose a serious threat to Canada and Canadians.

Kanishka project

This initiative invested in research on pressing questions for Canada on terrorism and counter-terrorism, such as preventing and countering violent extremism. Learn more about the funded initiatives.


Learn about the tragic terrorist events that have claimed the innocent lives of Canadians, and see how we honour and remember them.

Mitigating the Threat Posed By Canadian Extremist Travellers

Learn how the Government of Canada is protecting the public against Canadian extremist travellers through a coordinated approach with partner departments and agencies.

Authorization regime and humanitarian exception for activities in terrorist group controlled areas

Learn about the Authorization Regime, a process to facilitate the delivery of needed activities in terrorist-controlled areas via authorizations granted by the Minister of Public Safety to shield such activities from criminal liability.

What we are doing

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