Engagement to review Public Safety’s Evaluation Process

Current status: Closed

This targeted engagement commenced on September 25, 2023 and closed to new input on October 15, 2023.

Public Safety supports a range of projects through its crime prevention, community safety, and community corrections programs and encourages the sharing of best practices regarding effective and cost-efficient interventions in the Canadian context.

Public Safety received feedback indicating that the current evaluation processes are challenging to some funding recipients, and are not always culturally relevant for diverse communities across Canada. The goal of this engagement is to learn more about these issues by connecting with stakeholders who have navigated the evaluation processes or are experts in the area of evaluation, and can offer constructive feedback on the materials and support provided by Public Safety. These findings will feed into evaluation materials and processes to better support funding recipients going forward.

How to participate

Public Safety Canada is only seeking input from those who have been involved in an evaluation as a funding recipient or contracted evaluator since 2014.


September 25, 2023 – October 15, 2023.

Related information

Contact us

For more information, please contact the Research Division, Crime Prevention Branch.

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