Accessibility feedback process at Shared Services Canada

Your feedback will help Shared Services Canada identify and break down accessibility barriers. Provide feedback on SSC’s Accessibility Plan, your experience of our accessibility, or any other matter related to accessibility. Find out how we'll use your feedback.

Alternate formats

The accessibility plan, progress report and feedback process are available in alternate formats. 

Please contact us to provide feedback or request an alternate format. When requesting an alternate format, make sure that you specify what format you need. The following alternate formats are available on request:

Feedback you can submit

Feedback can include questions or comments about SSC’s Accessibility Plan, as well as any barriers you may have experienced when dealing with SSC.

How to contact us to provide feedback

Provide your feedback using any of the methods below. You may use this contact information to request a copy of the accessibility plan, progress reports and the feedback process description in an alternate format. Feedback will be acknowledged in the same manner in which it was received, unless it was received anonymously 

Accessibility feedback form
By email:
By telephone:
(Toll-free in Canada) 1-833-970-3746
By mail:
Director, Accessibility Strategy and Governance Unit
Shared Services Canada
10 Wellington Street, 2nd Floor
Gatineau, Quebec, K1A 0H4

Submit anonymous feedback

If you want to provide anonymous feedback:

If you provide anonymous feedback, we will not attempt to contact you.

Designated person to receive feedback

The Director of Accessibility Strategy and Governance is responsible for receiving feedback on the SSC Accessibility Plan or any issue or barrier related to accessibility that you experience when dealing with SSC.

If you want a response

Accessibility feedback received by SSC will be acknowledged in the same format it was received, unless it was received anonymously. 

Finding answers to more complex issues might take time. If that’s the case for your feedback, we’ll let you know what we’re doing.

What we do with your feedback

We will acknowledge all accessibility feedback we receive, except feedback that is sent anonymously.

We analyze feedback for trends and patterns. We don’t identify individuals in our reports.

The only time your feedback will be connected to you is when you request a personal response from our accessibility team.

We publish annual progress reports in the years between accessibility plans. In these progress reports, we report on the feedback we receive and how we are taking it into consideration.

We may address some feedback right away, while other feedback will inform future accessibility plans. Depending on the type of feedback we receive we may need to:


Your feedback will not be associated with your name. We will only share needed information with employees directly involved in improving accessibility at SSC and to keep those who submit feedback up to date.

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