Video: At your service in 101+ languages

Transcript: At your service in 101+ languages

Start of video

[Music plays]

(Text on screen: The Translation Bureau at your service in 101+ Languages)

[Close up of elevator doors opening and a service dog being walked out]

[Wide shot of a man and his dog arriving in a lobby being greeted by a woman translator and another man with a prosthetic arm]

[Shot of the man with a prosthetic arm greeting the man with the dog]

Good morning, delegate Alvarez. Thank you for joining us today.

[Shot of the woman translating to the man with the dog]

Gracias por reunirse hoy con nosotros señor delegado

[Shot of the man with the dog replying]

Gracias por recibirme.

[Shot of all three people with woman translating to the man with a prosthetic arm]

Thank you for having me.

[Wide shot of lobby with all three people and the dog. Man with the prosthetic arm is speaking to the man with the dog]

Would you care for something to drink before the meeting?

[Shot of the woman translating to the man with the dog]

¿Le apetece tomar algo antes de la reunión?

[Shot of dog]

Arf! Arf! Woof?

[Shot of the woman translating for the dog to the other two men]

He says he wants water. ¿Quiere agua


[Wide shot of all three people laughing, freezes and fades to white as a spokesperson enters from the right]

[Animated graphic on upper left of screen]

(Text on screen: 101+ Languages)

Yeah, we are that good. Trust the Translation Bureau with your linguistic services needs in 101 languages, including official, Indigenous, foreign and sign languages.

(Text on screen: The Translation Bureau. Language Professionals, After Hours Emergencies, 101+ Languages, Document Security, High Quality)

(Text on screen: Check us out:,,,

[Music stops]

(Text on screen: ISBN 978-0-660-69614-0, Catalogue S53-58/1-2024E-MP4)

(Public Services and Procurement Canada signature)

(Canada Wordmark)

End of video

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