Video: At your service for expert translations

Transcript: At your service for expert translations

Start of video

[Music plays]

(Text on screen: The Translation Bureau at your service for Expert Translations)

[Close up of a woman sitting behind a desk rubber stamping documents]

[Close up of a woman standing beside a shredder and shredding documents and a support technician working on a tv hung up on the wall in the background]

[Close up shot of documents being shredded]

[Close up shot of the support technician working on the tv]

[Wide shot of all three people. A woman enters from the left side of the screen and begins handing out documents to all three people who have confused looks on their faces]

Folks, drop everything you're doing. We've got to translate these documents by Friday.

[Wide shot freezes and fades to white as a spokesperson enters from the left]

[Animated graphic on upper right of screen]

(Text on screen: Language Professionals)

You can't improvise being a translator. Trust the Translation Bureau's highly qualified language professionals to expertly fulfill your linguistic services needs.

(Text on screen: The Translation Bureau. Language Professionals, After-Hours Emergencies, 101+ Languages, Document Security, High Quality)

(Text on screen: Check us out:,,,

[Music stops]

(Text on screen: ISBN 978-0-660-69618-8, Catalogue S53-58/3-2024E-MP4)

(Public Services and Procurement Canada signature)

(Canada Wordmark)

End of video

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