Video: At your service for language quality

Transcript: At your service for language quality

Start of video

[Music plays]

(Text on screen: The Translation Bureau at your service for Language Quality)

[Shot of a woman sitting in an office typing and smiling]

[Shot of computer screen with auto translating software on it. A translation is selected and slot machine animation pops up. The cursor clicks a copy button]

(Text on Screen: Easy Translate)

[Slot machine sound effect]

[Shot of email window opening and a copy of the auto translation is pasted into the email. Cursor moves to send button.]

[Close up shot of woman’s hand clicking a mouse]

[Shot of woman sitting at desk being startled by a woman who appears over her shoulder]

The email you just sent. Did you get it proofread?

[Close up of both women]

Because I saw several errors in it.

[Shot of a man appearing in front of the woman behind the desk in the cubicle across from her]


[Close up of man]

Who translated that for you?

[Wide shot of all three people]

[Phone rings]

[Woman behind the desk answers the phone]

Yeah, yeah. I know

[Close up of woman behind the desk on the phone]

The translation.

[Close up fades to white as a spokesperson enters from the right]

[Animated graphic on upper left of screen]

(Text on screen: High Quality)

Don't gamble on machine translation. Trust the Translation Bureau for high quality linguistic services.

(Text on screen: The Translation Bureau. Language Professionals, After-Hours Emergencies, 101+ Languages, Document Security, High Quality)

(Text on screen: Check us out:,,,

[Music stops]

(Text on screen: ISBN 978-0-660-69620-1, Catalogue S53-58/4-2024E-MP4)

(Public Services and Procurement Canada signature)

(Canada Wordmark)

End of video

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