Statement by the Chair and CEO of the Canadian Transportation Agency on the introduction of the Transportation Modernization Act

News Release

May 16, 2017 – Gatineau, QC – Canadian Transportation Agency

"The Canadian Transportation Agency noted with interest the introduction in the House of Commons today of the Transportation Modernization Act. The proposed changes to the Canada Transportation Act would give the Agency additional tools to help protect air travellers and foster balance and efficiency in the national freight rail system. We will provide Parliamentarians with any information and analysis that would be helpful as they consider the legislation. In the meantime, the Agency is making preparations to ensure the timely, fair, and effective implementation of updated legislation. This includes plans to consult stakeholders, experts and Canadians in general on the new regulations. "

- Scott Streiner, Chair and CEO of the Canadian Transportation Agency


Last year, the Agency launched a Regulatory Modernization Initiative with the aim of reviewing all the regulations it administers and bringing them into line with current business models, user expectations, and best practices in the regulatory field. Stakeholder and public consultations are under way on accessible transportation regulations and air licencing and charter regulations. The timing of consultations on air traveller protection regulations and rail-related regulations will depend in part on the progress of the Bill. Once they begin, all Canadians will have a chance to make their views known through online and in-person forums.

About the Agency

The Canadian Transportation Agency is an independent, quasi-judicial tribunal and regulator with the powers of a superior court. The Agency has three core mandates: keeping the national transportation system running efficiently and smoothly, protecting the human right of persons with disabilities to an accessible transportation network and providing consumer protection for air passengers. To help advance these mandates, the Agency makes ground rules that establish the rights and responsibilities of transportation service providers and users and level the playing field among competitors. It also resolves disputes using a range of tools from facilitation and mediation to arbitration and adjudication and ensures that transportation providers and users are aware of their rights and responsibilities and how the Agency can help them.



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