Occupational group structure review

A modern classification system will provide for improved quality and consistency of job evaluation decisions, a reduced number of distinct job evaluation standards, and an effective means to value the skills, effort, responsibility and working conditions of work.

The Occupational Group Structure (OGS) review process is a complex undertaking for the public service, due to its size and diversity. It entails:

  • detailed data analysis;
  • information gathering from organizations on the work that is being reviewed;
  • consultation with key stakeholders, including bargaining agents;
  • reporting and validation with governance committees;
  • development of new occupational group definitions, when required; and
  • testing to validate results.

The Office of the Chief Human Resources Officer is committed to ensuring modernized tools are available to meet the evolving needs of the public service.

If you have questions, please contact us:
Public Enquiries at questions@tbs-sct.gc.ca.

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