Population of the federal public service by province or territory of work and tenure

From: Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat

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About the data

When reading the table below, the following information applies:

  • Source of information: Pay System as of of each year.
  • The federal public service consists of 2 population segments: the core public administration and separate agencies.
  • Departments and agencies in the core public administration are named in schedules I and IV of the Financial Administration Act. The Treasury Board is the employer of this segment of the federal public service.
  • Separate agencies are named in Schedule V of the Act. Separate agencies conduct their own negotiations or set their own classification levels for their employees.
  • Included in this information are:
    • active employees of all employment tenures (indeterminate, term, casual and student)
    • Governor in Council appointees
    • deputy ministers
    • federal judges
  • Excluded from this information are:
    • inactive employees (i.e., employees on leave without pay)
    • ministers’ exempt staff
    • Employees locally engaged outside of Canada
    • RCMP Regular Force members
    • RCMP Civilian members
    • Canadian Armed Forces members
  • Population counts for the following separate agencies are not included because their employee information is not available in the Pay System:
    • Canadian Security Intelligence Service
    • National Capital Commission
    • Canada Investment and Savings
    • Canadian Forces Non-Public Funds
    • Security Intelligence Review Committee (before 2010)
Population of the federal public service by province or territory of work and tenure
Province or territory of Work Tenure Year
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
 Alberta   Casual  369 416 340 386 393 383 381 245 272 284 328 269 273 329 274
 Indeterminate  14,467 14,247 13,777 12,825 12,402 12,316 12,328 12,507 12,438 12,945 13,462 14,044 14,183 15,032 15,621
 Student  215 213 199 181 210 240 230 220 265 282 282 203 274 301 334
 Term  1,469 1,352 1,335 1,366 1,442 1,489 1,864 1,940 2,141 2,048 2,016 2,995 3,694 3,817 3,373
 British Columbia   Casual  731 658 688 578 600 676 578 466 385 429 423 456 424 514 452
 Indeterminate  21,938 21,929 21,615 20,399 19,407 19,190 19,103 18,918 19,129 19,947 20,682 21,768 21,930 23,012 24,037
 Student  519 527 481 410 439 448 437 419 424 516 524 481 558 548 554
 Term  2,847 2,536 2,593 2,410 2,355 2,609 2,706 2,580 2,972 2,988 3,111 3,759 4,729 5,183 4,838
 Unknown  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 10 10 0 0 0 0
 Manitoba   Casual  366 395 345 357 398 232 216 96 107 118 109 114 154 138 125
 Indeterminate  9,767 9,472 9,297 8,763 8,372 8,314 8,126 8,226 8,395 8,805 9,121 9,482 9,502 10,077 10,496
 Student  271 210 210 166 171 155 117 116 148 168 201 167 198 252 247
 Term  1,559 1,537 1,666 1,407 1,385 1,387 1,560 1,647 2,204 2,275 2,192 2,393 3,211 2,936 3,127
 Unknown  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0
 National Capital Region (NCR)   Casual  3,158 3,593 2,774 2,673 3,577 3,984 3,981 3,839 4,371 4,936 4,468 4,589 4,845 4,811 3,730
 Indeterminate  102,332 103,978 103,743 98,328 95,659 94,438 93,912 94,592 98,245 104,175 109,592 116,317 121,217 130,501 135,481
 Student  2,974 2,928 2,724 2,261 2,792 2,909 3,083 3,158 3,544 4,371 4,392 4,296 4,954 5,121 4,808
 Term  6,486 5,858 5,415 5,171 5,219 5,957 6,399 6,361 6,858 7,731 8,633 9,610 10,714 11,491 11,444
 Unknown  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 27 10 17 7 5 17 12 42
 New Brunswick   Casual  410 345 271 293 310 386 434 287 304 230 264 394 446 246 256
 Indeterminate  7,172 7,250 7,120 6,895 6,894 7,079 7,024 7,110 7,212 7,641 7,914 8,565 9,406 9,905 10,404
 Student  143 131 89 41 61 91 85 62 67 97 96 83 95 131 139
 Term  840 946 693 648 634 725 785 893 1,442 1,665 1,848 1,837 1,773 2,148 2,611
 Unknown  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 5 7 2 0 1 0
 Newfoundland and Labrador   Casual  112 122 133 120 104 162 143 121 151 101 167 367 227 94 57
 Indeterminate  4,209 4,081 4,021 3,752 3,602 3,535 3,440 3,451 3,658 3,862 3,987 4,369 4,723 4,986 5,328
 Student  87 58 49 34 46 75 66 92 127 91 79 98 79 69 52
 Term  1,081 961 959 886 853 939 913 1,119 1,412 1,384 1,492 2,018 2,716 2,703 2,169
 Unknown  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0
 Northwest Territories   Casual  24 20 24 19 32 13 6 7 8 4 9 12 12 10 10
 Indeterminate  596 617 581 528 413 417 432 444 435 442 453 492 488 499 514
 Student  4 1 2 2 2 5 3 0 2 7 1 1 4 4 2
 Term  144 108 73 63 40 37 50 45 37 53 52 66 71 83 75
 Unknown  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
 Nova Scotia   Casual  408 391 395 468 616 745 682 510 446 600 536 665 572 406 383
 Indeterminate  10,323 10,271 10,088 9,497 9,139 8,863 8,632 8,407 8,641 9,031 9,400 9,722 10,125 10,839 11,300
 Student  132 118 103 78 83 82 106 79 93 109 106 100 134 126 132
 Term  1,225 1,064 1,044 764 760 859 1,016 1,092 1,053 1,124 1,102 1,310 1,339 1,634 1,625
 Unknown  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 11 16 4 9 11 0 6
 Nunavut   Casual  10 9 6 11 12 16 11 4 2 5 3 4 2 3 3
 Indeterminate  214 248 255 249 247 252 245 249 257 256 267 287 302 313 347
 Student  1 4 2 5 2 1 1 3 0 1 1 0 0 0 1
 Term  28 16 24 17 24 17 24 29 29 34 46 43 49 50 45
 Ontario (minus the NCR)  Casual  605 668 748 701 857 948 829 452 578 600 494 649 829 838 764
 Indeterminate  34,950 35,076 35,355 33,755 32,457 31,871 31,635 31,433 32,452 33,159 33,924 35,112 35,388 38,341 40,671
 Student  764 713 676 657 620 696 672 772 810 877 1,094 776 1,048 1,176 1,266
 Term  4,532 4,307 3,988 3,776 3,812 4,276 4,770 4,761 4,542 4,983 5,577 6,966 7,783 8,394 8,190
 Unknown  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 3 0 0 0 0
 Outside of Canada   Casual  8 3 4 2 1 4 2 3 5 1 0 0 1 1 3
 Indeterminate  1,529 1,577 1,547 1,498 1,492 1,439 1,433 1,312 1,336 1,380 1,446 1,309 1,454 1,499 1,545
 Student  10 14 14 15 15 15 12 21 18 24 39 8 19 35 19
 Term  16 46 17 13 8 19 3 4 8 8 7 6 4 5 4
 Unknown  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
 Prince Edward Island   Casual  71 100 50 88 77 111 161 84 43 73 47 60 24 45 29
 Indeterminate  2,636 2,602 2,541 2,446 2,368 2,322 2,269 2,318 2,329 2,681 2,774 2,840 2,933 3,111 3,173
 Student  88 91 77 71 77 70 46 74 59 79 75 92 80 84 97
 Term  586 464 621 611 597 612 659 670 770 747 771 896 973 1,007 1,022
 Unknown  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 45 21
 Quebec (minus the NCR)  Casual  825 803 754 812 850 883 875 604 676 762 711 659 929 874 637
 Indeterminate  27,447 27,606 27,136 25,687 24,795 24,208 24,154 23,582 23,969 24,491 25,255 26,571 27,479 30,059 31,189
 Student  773 745 670 566 521 598 569 543 675 731 743 607 694 757 826
 Term  4,401 3,889 3,861 3,618 3,576 3,685 3,950 3,990 4,390 4,843 5,057 6,134 7,196 7,220 7,274
 Unknown  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 9 0 1 10 0 0 0
 Saskatchewan   Casual  181 171 201 173 169 116 134 76 73 70 75 64 73 96 77
 Indeterminate  5,868 5,801 5,689 5,321 5,146 5,090 5,048 5,055 5,011 5,199 5,339 5,406 5,381 5,620 5,812
 Student  146 137 121 114 145 113 113 92 103 124 154 119 112 115 130
 Term  488 488 465 464 497 565 607 591 609 526 520 653 762 766 784
 Unknown  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0
 Unknown   Casual  0 0 0 0 0 0 810 709 969 761 931 1,027 835 232 185
 Indeterminate  0 0 0 0 0 0 436 4,554 4,866 5,276 5,988 6,009 6,592 6,779 7,801
 Student  0 0 0 0 0 0 167 628 1,091 676 1,059 1,032 674 482 511
 Term  0 0 0 0 0 0 128 641 471 706 549 774 808 863 817
 Unknown  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 19 3 3 3 2 1 2
 Yukon   Casual  14 12 10 11 6 4 8 2 7 10 8 7 2 6 5
 Indeterminate  378 402 379 340 328 334 327 316 347 355 369 374 373 408 412
 Student  1 1 1 4 5 2 5 2 0 3 6 1 3 2 2
 Term  32 26 33 23 24 27 38 26 31 30 37 45 55 61 62
 Total  282,980 282,352 278,092 262,817 257,138 257,034 258,979 262,696 273,571 287,983 300,450 319,601 335,957 357,247 367,772

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Data file Description
Population of the federal public service by province or territory of work and tenure These data present population counts by province or territory of work and tenure for all federal public service organizations (all departments and agencies governed by the Financial Administration Act (FAA) Schedules I, IV and V) from to .

Glossary of key terms

To assist you with your analysis of federal public service human resources data, we have compiled a glossary of key terms that are used in many of the Office of the Chief Human Resources Officer’s (OCHRO) demographic snapshots and reports. This glossary has been developed to help provide a common language across OCHRO’s demographic snapshots and reports.

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