Disability Insurance (DI) Plan Premium Rate Increase Effective February 1, 2013


To: Compensation Managers, Heads of Human Resources, Participating Employers

The purpose of this notice is to inform plan members and employers participating in the Disability Insurance (DI) Plan of a premium rate change, effective .

DI Premium Rate Increase

Each year, the DI Board of Management reviews the financial operation of the Plan.  Based on this review, the Board, through the National Joint Council (NJC) Executive, makes a recommendation to the President of the Treasury Board regarding the premium rate necessary to ensure that the plan is financially sound and continues to operate in the best interest of plan members.

Effective , the new approved premium rate is $1.93 per $1,000 of insured salary.

The cost sharing ratio is 85% employer paid and 15% employee paid.

Please ensure that all members of the Plan are provided with a copy of this bulletin.

Administrative Information

Participating employers with their own pay facilities are required to ensure that premiums remitted to Sun Life, effective F are done so in accordance with the information in this notice.

Enquiries about the DI Plan

Employees with questions about their coverage under the DI Plan should contact their compensation advisor.

Should you have any questions regarding this notice, please contact Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat, Pensions and Benefits Sector at pbs-spas@tbs-sct.gc.ca.

Bayla Kolk
Assistant Deputy Minister
Pensions and Benefits Sector

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