2SLGBTQI+ Action Plan Survey Results - Safety and Justice
LGBTQ2 communities continue to face long-standing barriers to full freedom and equity in Canadian society. That is why the Government of Canada is committed to developing the first-ever Federal LGBTQ2 Action Plan, which will strive to improve the lives of Canada’s diverse LGBTQ2 communities. The LGBTQ2 Action Plan Survey was the first engagement activity supporting the development this plan.Footnote 1
This visual product displays the survey results for questions related to safety and justice in a disaggregated manner, by showing results for related questions broken down by the respondent’s gender, age, sexual orientation, population group, Indigenous identity, disability status, province of residence and more.
To see other data releases related to the LGBTQ2 Action Plan survey, please visit the LGBTQ2 Action Plan Survey Findings page.
Alternate format
The primary text version of Safety and Justice is presented following the alternate PDF version.
Survey Approach
The LGBTQ2 Action Plan Survey was conducted by the Government of Canada’s LGBTQ2 Secretariat between November 27, 2020 and February 28, 2021. Survey participants for this crowdsourced initiative were recruited with the assistance of partner organizations through social networks, advertising, and word of mouth. A total of 25,636 LGBTQ2 people living in Canada responded to the survey.Footnote 2 Respondents were given the choice to answer questions concerning sexual orientation, gender identity, and/or gender expression. Results are representative of those who responded to the survey and cannot be used to make generalizations about the entire population of LGBTQ2 people living in Canada.
Public Safety
1. I feel safe being affectionate with my partner(s) in public…
Survey respondents overall

Survey respondents overall – text version
Survey Respondents Overall | Percentage |
Rarely / Never | 21% |

Response by gender identity – text version
Two-Spirit respondents (30%) and cisgender men respondents (27%) felt less safe being affectionate with partner(s) in public when compared to other respondents.
Gender Identity | Rarely / Never Percentage |
Woman (transgender) | 18% |
Woman (cisgender) | 15% |
Man (transgender) | 19% |
Man (cisgender) | 27% |
Gender Diverse | 16% |
Non-Binary / Agender | 18% |
Two-Spirit | 30% |

Response by sexual orientation – text version
Gay (28%), demisexual (24%), and lesbian (21%) respondents felt the least safe with public affection when compared to other respondents.
Sexual Orientation | Rarely / Never Percentage |
Lesbian | 21% |
Gay | 28% |
Bisexual | 13% |
Pansexual | 13% |
Queer | 16% |
Asexual | 18% |
Unsure | 17% |
Demisexual | 24% |
Heterosexual | 11% |
Two-Spirit | 30% |
4. I feel safe being affectionate with my partner(s) in public…
Response by population group and Indigenous identity

Response by population group and Indigenous identity – text version
South Asian (28%), Indigenous (26%) and Middle Eastern / North African respondents (25%) felt less safe, when asked about being affectionate in public when compared to other respondents
Population Group and Indigenous Identity | Rarely / Never Percentage |
South Asian | 28% |
East Asian | 18% |
South East Asian | 18% |
Middle Eastern / North AfricanFootnote 3 | 25% |
Black Caribbean | 22% |
Black African | 21% |
Latin American | 17% |
Racialized: Other GroupsFootnote 4 | 21% |
White and RacializedFootnote 5 | 21% |
White | 20% |
Indigenous | 26% |
5. I consider personal safety risks when deciding how to dress or appear in public…
Survey respondents overall

Survey respondents overall – text version
Survey Respondents Overall | Percentage |
Always / Often | 41% |
6. I consider personal safety risks when deciding how to dress or appear in public…
Response by gender identity

Response by gender identity – text version
Transgender women respondents considered personal safety risks the most when deciding how to dress or appear in public.
Gender Identity | Always / Often Percentage |
Woman (transgender) | 67% |
Woman (cisgender) | 38% |
Man (transgender) | 55% |
Man (cisgender) | 33% |
Gender Diverse | 57% |
Non-Binary / Agender | 58% |
Two-Spirit | 49% |
7. I consider personal safety risks when deciding how to dress or appear in public…
Response by sexual orientation

Response by sexual orientation – text version
Lesbian and gay respondents considered their personal safety risks the least when deciding how to dress or appear in public.
Sexual Orientation | Always / Often Percentage |
Lesbian | 37% |
Gay | 34% |
Bisexual | 45% |
Pansexual | 51% |
Queer | 50% |
Asexual | 47% |
Unsure | 50% |
Demisexual | 46% |
Heterosexual | 46% |
Two-Spirit | 49% |
8. I consider personal safety risks when deciding how to dress or appear in public…
Response by population group and Indigenous identity

Response by population group and Indigenous identity – text version
South Asian (52%) and Black African (51%) respondents reported more than other respondents that they considered personal safety risks when deciding how to dress or appear in public.
Population Group and Indigenous Identity | Always / Often Percentage |
South Asian | 52% |
East Asian | 36% |
South East Asian | 46% |
Middle Eastern / North African | 47% |
Black Caribbean | 46% |
Black African | 51% |
Latin American | 45% |
Racialized: Other Groups | 50% |
White and Racialized | 50% |
White | 40% |
Indigenous | 49% |
9. I consider personal safety risks when deciding how to dress or appear in public…
Response by age group

Response by age group – text version
Younger respondents also considered personal safety risks more often than respondents from older demographic groups when deciding how to dress or appear in public.
Age Group | Always/Often Percentage |
16 to 17 | 50% |
18 to 24 | 51% |
25 to 34 | 43% |
35 to 44 | 38% |
45 to 54 | 35% |
55 to 64 | 30% |
65 and above | 27% |
10. I consider personal safety risks when deciding how to dress or appear in public…
Response by disability status

Response by disability status – text version
Over half of respondents with a disability (53%) said that they considered personal safety risks when deciding how to dress or appear in public.
Disability Status | Always/Often Percentage |
Disability | 53% |
No disability | 37% |
Violence and Discrimination
11. Over the past five years have you experienced any form of violence due to homophobia, transphobia, biphobia or other forms of discrimination directed at your sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression?
Survey respondents overall

Survey respondents overall – text version
Survey Respondents Overall | Percentage |
Yes | 39% |
The most common forms of violence and discrimination reported by those who experienced them were:
Forms of Violence and Discrimination | Percentage |
Physical violence | 17% |
Verbal abuse | 90% |
Psychological violence | 47% |
Sexual violence | 13% |
Property damage | 9% |
Online harassment | 51% |
12. Over the past five years have you experienced any form of violence due to homophobia, transphobia, biphobia or other forms of discrimination directed at your sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression?
Response by gender identity

Response by gender identity – text version
Two-Spirit respondents and transgender women respondents experienced more physical and sexual violence than other respondents. Cisgender men (35%) and cisgender women (33%) respondents were least likely to experience violence and discrimination.
Gender Identity | Percentage of Respondents who said Yes | Experienced Physical Violence Percentage | Experienced Sexual Violence Percentage |
Woman (transgender) | 54% | 32% | 21% |
Woman (cisgender) | 33% | 11% | 15% |
Man (transgender) | 56% | 23% | 19% |
Man (cisgender) | 35% | 18% | 6% |
Gender Diverse | 53% | 18% | 18% |
Non-Binary / Agender | 54% | 19% | 20% |
Two-Spirit | 63% | 33% | 25% |
13. Over the past five years have you experienced any form of violence due to homophobia, transphobia, biphobia or other forms of discrimination directed at your sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression?
Response by sexual orientation

Response by sexual orientation – text version
Queer (51%) and demisexual (47%) respondents experienced a higher rate of violence and discrimination, while heterosexual and demisexual respondents experienced more physical and sexual violence.
Sexual Orientation | Percentage of Respondents who said Yes | Experienced Physical Violence Percentage | Experienced Sexual Violence Percentage |
Lesbian | 38% | 15% | 12% |
Gay | 38% | 18% | 7% |
Bisexual | 37% | 16% | 19% |
Pansexual | 45% | 20% | 20% |
Queer | 51% | 19% | 18% |
Asexual | 39% | 13% | 20% |
Unsure | 33% | 17% | 12% |
Demisexual | 47% | 28% | 23% |
Heterosexual | 42% | 32% | 24% |
Two-Spirit | 63% | 33% | 25% |
14. Over the past five years have you experienced any form of violence due to homophobia, transphobia, biphobia or other forms of discrimination directed at your sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression?
Response by population group and Indigenous identity

Response by population group and Indigenous identity – text version
Indigenous respondents reported that they experienced more violence and discrimination (53%) than population group respondents. Middle Eastern / North African respondents reported higher rates (66%) of online harassment than respondents from other population group respondents.
Population Group and Indigenous Identity | Percentage of Respondents who said Yes | Experieced Verbal Abuse Percentage | Experienced Online Harassment Percentage |
South Asian | 45% | 91% | 56% |
East Asian | 37% | 92% | 46% |
South East Asian | 43% | 90% | 49% |
Middle Eastern / North African | 48% | 90% | 66% |
Black Caribbean | 44% | 89% | 46% |
Black African | 45% | 75%Footnote 6 | 58% |
Latin American | 48% | 86% | 43% |
Racialized: Other Groups | 49% | 93% | 57% |
White and Racialized | 49% | 92% | 59% |
White | 37% | 90% | 50% |
Indigenous | 53% | 92% | 62% |
15. Over the past five years have you experienced any form of violence due to homophobia, transphobia, biphobia or other forms of discrimination directed at your sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression?
Response by province or territory of residence

Response by province or territory of residence – text version
Respondents reported varied levels of violence and discrimation across the country.
Province or Territory of Residence | Percentage of Respondents who said Yes |
BC | 39% |
ON | 40% |
NS | 34% |
AB | 44% |
QC | 35% |
MB | 39% |
SK | 41% |
NL | 41% |
NB | 35% |
PE | 37% |
Territories | 44% |
16. Over the past five years have you experienced any form of violence due to homophobia, transphobia, biphobia or other forms of discrimination directed at your sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression?
Response by disability status

Response by disability status – text version
Those with a disability (51%) were more likely to say they experienced violence and discrimination than those without a disability (35%). They were also much more likely to experience high levels of all forms of violence and abuse, especially online harassment and psychological abuse.
Disability Status | Percentage of Respondents who said Yes | Experienced Psychological Violence Percentage | Experienced Online Harassment Percentage |
Disability | 51% | 58% | 63% |
No Disability | 35% | 40% | 45% |
17. Thinking only of the violence directed at you based on your sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression over the last five years, did you report any of the incidents to the police?
Survey respondents overall

Survey respondents overall – text version
Survey Respondents Overall | Percentage |
No | 91% |
Reasons respondents did not report the violence they experience
Survey Respondents Overall | Percentage |
I didn't trust the police | 45% |
I didn't think it would make a difference | 74% |
I didn't think that the police would believe me | 26% |
18. Thinking only of the violence directed at you based on your sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression over the last five years, did you report any of the incidents to the police?
Response by gender identity

Response by gender identity – text version
Mistrust of the police was higher among non-binary/agender and transgender respondents.
Gender Identity | Percentage of Respondents who said No | Reasons for Not Reporting Percentages | ||
I didn't trust the police | I didn't think it would make a difference | I didn't think that the police would believe me | ||
Woman (transgender) | 85% | 64% | 73% | 36% |
Woman (cisgender) | 93% | 38% | 74% | 24% |
Man (transgender) | 92% | 61% | 74% | 34% |
Man (cisgender) | 89% | 32% | 75% | 18% |
Gender Diverse | 92% | 58% | 74% | 36% |
Non-Binary / Agender | 93% | 67% | 75% | 36% |
Two-Spirit | 86% | 59% | 69% | 43% |
19. Thinking only of the violence directed at you based on your sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression over the last five years, did you report any of the incidents to the police?
Response by sexual orientation

Response by sexual orientation – text version
Demisexual (63%), queer (61%) and asexual (60%) respondents were more likely to respond ‘not trusting the police’ as a reason for not reporting violent incidents.
Sexual Orientation | Percentage of Respondents who said No | Reasons for Not Reporting Percentages | ||
I didn't trust the police | I didn't think it would make a difference | I didn't think that the police would believe me | ||
Lesbian | 92% | 42% | 74% | 24% |
Gay | 89% | 34% | 75% | 20% |
Bisexual | 93% | 52% | 73% | 30% |
Pansexual | 91% | 56% | 75% | 36% |
Queer | 93% | 61% | 76% | 32% |
Asexual | 92% | 60% | 76% | 38% |
Unsure | 90% | 43% | 69% | 34% |
Demisexual | 92% | 63% | 71% | 33% |
Heterosexual | 86% | 51% | 69% | 34% |
Two-Spirit | 86% | 59% | 69% | 43% |
20. Thinking only of the violence directed at you based on your sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression over the last five years, did you report any of the incidents to the police?
Response by population group and Indigenous identity

Response by population group and Indigenous identity – text version
The main reason that respondents gave for not reporting violent incidents to the police was that they didn’t think it would make a difference.
Population Group and Indigenous Identity | Percentage of Respondents who said No | Reasons for Not Reporting Percentages | ||
I didn't trust the police | I didn't think it would make a difference | I didn't think that the police would believe me | ||
South Asian | 90% | 40% | 72% | 28% |
East Asian | 94% | 44% | 84% | 29% |
South East Asian | 95% | 49% | 81% | 30% |
Middle Eastern / North African | 89% | 49% | 72% | 26% |
Black Caribbean | 92% | 58% | 68% | 32% |
Black AfricanFootnote 7 | 86% | 61% | 70% | 31% |
Latin American | 90% | 40% | 74% | 27% |
Racialized: Other Groups | 82% | 62% | 73% | 37% |
White and Racialized | 92% | 58% | 76% | 32% |
White | 91% | 44% | 74% | 25% |
Indigenous | 87% | 51% | 73% | 35% |
21. Thinking only of the violence directed at you based on your sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression over the last five years, did you report any of the incidents to the police?
Response by age group

Response by age group – text version
Older respondents were more likely to report violent incidents to the police compared to younger respondents.
Age Group | Percentage of Respondents who said No | Reasons for Not Reporting Percentages | ||
I didn't trust the police | I didn't think it would make a difference | I didn't think that the police would believe me | ||
16 to 17 | 94% | 48% | 76% | 30% |
18 to 24 | 94% | 55% | 74% | 32% |
25 to 34 | 92% | 49% | 76% | 28% |
35 to 44 | 89% | 36% | 74% | 21% |
45 to 54 | 85% | 31% | 71% | 18% |
55 to 64 | 84% | 27% | 65% | 16% |
65 and above | 83% | 26% | 68% | 14% |
22. Thinking only of the violence directed at you based on your sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression over the last five years, did you report any of the incidents to the police?
Response by disability status

Response by disability status – text version
59% of those with a disability did not report experiences of violence to the police because they didn’t trust the police, while only 37% of those with no disability felt this way.
Disability Status | Percentage of Respondents who said No | Reasons for Not Reporting Percentages | ||
I didn't trust the police | I didn't think it would make a difference | I didn't think that the police would believe me | ||
Disability | 89% | 59% | 73% | 36% |
No Disability | 92% | 37% | 75% | 21% |
23. Thinking only of the violence directed at you based on your sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression over the last five years, did you report any of the incidents to the police?
Response by first official language

Response by first official language – text version
First Official Language | Percentage of Respondents who said No | Reasons for Not Reporting Percentages | ||
I didn't trust the police | I didn't think it would make a difference | I didn't think that the police would believe me | ||
English | 91% | 45% | 75% | 27% |
French | 91% | 35% | 67% | 20% |
24. Thinking only of the violence directed at you based on your sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression over the last five years, who committed the act(s) against you?
Survey respondents that experienced violence

Survey respondents that experienced violence – text version
Survey Respondents that Experienced Violence | Percentage |
A Stranger | 82% |
Family | 28% |
Co-worker | 27% |
Friend or Acquaintance | 26% |
Online Friend or Acquaintance | 25% |
Page details
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