2SLGBTQI+ Community Capacity Fund: How to develop your application

3. How to develop your application

The first step is to create an account in the Online Application and Intake System (ONAIS). Consult the ONAIS system user guide to find more information on how to create an account. The guide also explains how to complete, submit, and track an application.

We recommend that you read this section while completing the application. It provides important details on the information and documentation we need. We will review your application using:

We have indicated the criteria in the instructions below. We will consider only the information we requested in the application form to assess your proposal.

Before starting an application, we encourage you to attend a virtual information session and to take the free online course: Introduction to Gender-based Analysis Plus (GBA Plus). It will help make your project more inclusive.

In this section

Part A: Organization information

You need to enter this information in your organization’s profile in the Online Application and Intake System (ONAIS). We recommend you review this information in ONAIS before you apply for each call for proposals. For this call for proposals, we ask that you include specific information for the mandate question. Also, you may need to update your contact information.

Legal name

State the legal name of your organization. You can find it on your certificate of incorporation or registration or on a document from the Canada Revenue Agency. If it is an acronym, give the full legal name.

If there is no legal name, state the operating or common name of your organization. If it is an acronym, give the full operating name.

Operating name

State the operating or common name of your organization if it is different from the legal name. The operating name is the most used name of your organization. If it is an acronym, give the full operating name.

Legally constituted (if applying under Stream 1)

This section is mandatory if you are applying under Stream 1. This is not required if you are applying under Stream 2 (up to $25,000 for unincorporated or unregistered organizations).

Indicate how your organization was created.

If you selected “created under an Act”, indicate which one (for example, Indian Act, University Act). In some cases, you may also have a certificate. If this is the case, please upload a copy.

If you selected “incorporated”, you must upload a copy of the certificate. The incorporation number is on the certificate.

If you selected “registered”, you must upload a copy of the certificate (“certificat d’attestation” in Quebec). It is issued by the provincial or territorial registrar. The registration number is on the certificate.

Eligibility criteria:


Select your organization’s type.

All applicants under this call for proposals must:

Eligibility criterion:

Organization scope

Indicate the scope of your organization as it currently appears in your mandate:


Provide the street address of your organization.

Organizations in Quebec

The Quebec National Assembly adopted the Act respecting the Ministère du Conseil exécutif (M-30). It sets out conditions for organizations that want to sign an agreement with the federal government. Organizations must comply with the Act respecting the Ministère du Conseil exécutif (M-30).

If your organization is in Quebec and meets one of the following criteria, it is subject to the Act:

Organizations subject to the Act must get authorization from the Government of Quebec. Only then can they sign an agreement with the Department. If your project is selected, we will provide you with more information.

If your organization’s street address is in Quebec:

Confidential address

Indicate if the street address of your organization is confidential, such as the address of a shelter.

Telephone and email

Provide the telephone number and email address of the organization.

Preferred official language of communication

Choose the official language in which you wish to communicate.


Indicate your organization’s mandate as it appears in your governing documents and website, if applicable (maximum 400 words).

These are some examples of mandates from organizations that work primarily or entirely with 2SLGBTQI+ communities:

These are some examples of mandates from organizations that do not work primarily or entirely with 2SLGBTQI+ communities:

Eligibility criteria:


Explain the type of governance body your organization has in place. Examples include a board of directors, board of trustees or advisory committee (maximum 400 words)

Explain how your governance body oversees the work of your organization. Include how often it meets to review its resources, activities and outcomes.

Describe what changes, if any, there have been to your governing body or senior management in the last two years. Describe the impact of these changes.

Assessment criterion:

Amounts owing

Indicate if your organization owes any amount to the Government of Canada.

If so, add the name of the Department or agency, the amount owing, the nature of the debt and if a payment plan is in place.

Part B: Primary contact person’s information

The primary contact person is who the Department may communicate with about this application. This person must know the details of the proposed project.

Give the primary contact person’s name, title, phone number and email.

We will send all correspondence to the primary contact person’s email.

Part C: Secondary contact person’s information

We will contact this person in the absence of the primary contact person. This person must also know the details of the proposed project.

Give the secondary contact person’s name, title, phone number and email.

Part D: Project information

How you heard about the CFP

Indicate how you first heard about this call for proposals.


Indicate which stream you are applying under:

Experience working with 2SLGBTQI+ communities

Describe your organization’s experience working with 2SLGBTQI+ communities. Also describe how the population that benefits from your work is one or several 2SLGBTQI+ communities (maximum 400 words).

Eligibility criteria:


Provide a brief and descriptive project title (maximum 15 words)

Anticipated start date

Indicate the anticipated start date of the project. Projects should start no earlier than October 2023.

We will only reimburse eligible costs incurred after the signature of the agreement.

Anticipated end date

Indicate the anticipated end date of the project.

Projects must end by March 31, 2026. As such, we will remove the costs of activities continuing after March 31, 2026.

Assessment criterion:

Project reach

For this call for proposals, select the same option as your organization’s scope. If you chose “national” for your organization scope, please select “pan-Canadian.”

Activity location type

Indicate if most of the project activities will take place in a rural or urban area, or both. A rural area is an area outside settlements with 1,000 people or more and has less than 400 people per square kilometre (see Statistics Canada).

Indicate if most activities will take place in a remote area. A remote area is an area that:

Indicate if most activities will take place in a northern area. A northern area is one of the three territories or an area above the:

This information can be found on the LatLong website.

If there are extra costs, these assessment criteria apply:

Needs to be addressed

Check all boxes that apply, indicating the categories of need your project will address. If you check “other”, you will be prompted to provide a brief description (maximum 100 words).

Assessment criteria:

Project objectives

Project objectives describe what you will do and how you will track progress and measure success. They should be clear and practical and describe measurable goals.

Indicate the project objectives (maximum 400 words):

Assessment criterion:

Population that will benefit from the project

The population that will benefit from the project should align with the call for proposals’ objective. We will prioritize projects that build the capacity of eligible organizations who focus on advancing equality for 2SLGBTQI+ people who are:

Indicate the gender of the population that will benefit from the project. You can select a maximum of two unless you select “All genders”. A person's gender may differ from the sex a person was assigned at birth. The categories ‘Women’, ‘Men’ and ‘All genders’ are considered inclusive of both cisgender and transgender individuals. If the project benefits another gender, choose the ‘Those not listed above’ category.

Indicate the age group of the population that will benefit from the project. You can select a maximum of two unless you select “All ages”.

Indicate the identity factor that best describes the population that will benefit from the project. If there is a primary target audience for your project, please select only one. If your project is broad, select those that apply. You can select a maximum of three unless you select “All Canadians”.

If the project focuses on benefitting Indigenous people, indicate whether the majority identifies as First Nations, Inuit, Métis, unaffiliated or urban Indigenous. You can select a maximum of two unless you select “All Indigenous people”. Indicate if the population that will benefit from the project is First Nations off reserve, First Nations on reserve or all First Nations people.

The project must benefit 2SLGBTQI+ communities. Indicate the population group it aims to benefit. You can select a maximum of 5 unless you select “All of the above”. If the population that will benefit from the project is another 2SLGBTQI+ population, indicate it using the ‘Other’ category (maximum five words).

If the project benefits racialized individuals, indicate which population group it specifically aims to benefit. You can select up to a maximum of two unless “All racialized people” is selected. If the project benefits another racialized population, indicate it using the “Other” category (maximum five words).


Indicate whether your organization’s leadership reflects the population that will benefit from the project. This includes the governance body or others with the power to make decisions.

We may use this information to prioritize applications that:

People served

Indicate the number of people served each year by your organization. If you represent a network of partners or of members, indicate the total number of people served each year.


Describe how you will engage and involve the community affected by the issue or need (maximum 350 words).

Engagement is a dialogue so that those affected by the issue can influence decisions. They may want to take part in the project in different ways. They may want to provide advice, help design the project or work on some activities.

Before completing an application, we encourage you to take the free online course: Introduction to Gender-based Analysis Plus (GBA Plus).

GBA Plus is a process used to assess how diverse people may experience policies and programs. The “plus” in GBA Plus acknowledges that GBA goes beyond sex and gender differences. We all have many identity factors that intersect to make us who we are. GBA Plus also considers many other identity factors, like ethnicity and age.

Assessment criteria:

Work plan

The work plan provides information on key activities and timelines. Organizations often rely on detailed work plans to manage projects. For this application, only include the steps that will help achieve your objectives. Do not include all the steps you will take to manage the project, such as hiring an employee or reporting on your project. If the project is approved, you will need to report on all activities to the Department. It will be easier to write reports if you only include the important activities in your workplan. Activities in the workplan must align with the costs in the budget.

The key activities need to:

Read the Activities section for more information on eligible and ineligible activities.

If applying under Stream 2, read Creating a not-for-profit corporation for more information on how to incorporate or become registered.

If activities could affect the well-being of participants, you should include cultural and emotional support.

For activities that take place across Canada, you may include translation or other supports.

Eligibility criteria:

Assessment criteria:


A project partner usually has expertise and an interest in the issue. Although a partner’s role can vary, a project partner is not accountable for the project outcomes.

If your project includes partners, state their organization type and the role they will play in the project (maximum 300 words). If your organization partnered with the organization in the past, describe the role it played.

Project description

We will use your project description as a summary of your proposed project. It should help anyone understand your project. We may use your project description to identify projects for priority funding. We may also provide your project description to internal and external review committees.

Provide a short description of the key activities and expected results. Include your organization’s name and the project duration in months (maximum 200 words).

Here is a suggested template:

Through this [insert number of months]-month project, [insert organization name] will build stronger capacity of 2SLGBTQI+ community organizations and networks to advance 2SLGBTQI+ equality. It will address [name gaps, needs, barriers]. The project will include [outline key activities].

Official-language minority community

An official-language minority community (OLMC) is a Francophone population outside of Quebec or an Anglophone population in Quebec. The Treasury Board Secretariat website lists all OLMCs.

Indicate if the project will benefit or involve members of an OLMC. This applies to organizations that work in and around OLMCs. In such cases, it could be important to involve community members to have a more inclusive project.

Here are some examples of how your organization can involve OLMCs:

Translation of existing or new documents is not sufficient to benefit or involve an OLMC.

If the project will involve OLMCs, describe how your organization will do so (maximum 250 words).

Part E: Budget

We will use the information you provide in this section to assess the total cost of the project. We will also check if the anticipated sources of funding would cover the costs. Costs must align with the activities described in the work plan.


Fill out the budget. Read the ONAIS system user guide for more information.

Important tips for creating your budget:

Eligible costs are those that are necessary to support the purpose of the project. There are two categories of eligible costs:

Administrative costs can be up to 20% of the total funding requested from WAGE. It is important to list the costs in the proper categories. For example, if you list administrative costs under direct costs, we will move them to the right category. This may result in administrative costs that are over 20% of the total funding. In this example, we would cut administrative costs to ensure your project respects the 20% maximum.

Include audit costs for projects of $300,000 and above in your administrative costs. The Department requires the following on an annual basis:

You can only apply to this call for proposals once. This also means that you can only apply to one stream.

Stream 1:  Eligible organizations that are incorporated or registered can apply for a total maximum amount of:

There are often extra costs of living and travelling in northern or remote areas. You may apply for an extra 35% for activities in these areas (see Activity location type question for definitions). If your project includes costs for activities in a remote or northern area (stream 1), they must be demonstrated in your budget.

Stream 2:  Eligible organizations that are not yet incorporated or registered can apply for a total maximum amount of:

Eligibility criterion:

Assessment criteria:

Sources of revenue

It is not mandatory to have financial or in-kind contributions from other sources. However, if other partners contribute to the project, you must complete this section.

A financial contribution is money that covers project costs. It could be from other levels of government, the private sector or foundations.

An in-kind contribution is an alternative to money. It is a good or service provided instead of cash. For example, if a partner provides a room for a project activity but does not charge you, it is an in-kind contribution. Another example is the time a volunteer spends on your project. The Department will not reimburse in-kind contributions.

We reserve the right to conduct reference checks with your partners.

Amount requested from the Department

Indicate the total amount of funding you are requesting from the Department. You cannot request more than the maximum limit for your stream or organization type. The only exception is for Stream 1 projects that include activities in northern or remote areas.

Assessment criteria:

Part F: Declaration

Only a person with signing authority can sign the application. To sign, enter the name and position of the signatory. By signing the application, the representative confirms that they have:

Next, submit the application.

Eligibility criteria:

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