Gender-based Analysis Plus implementation survey results 2018-2019

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GBA Plus Implementation Survey Results Highlights

The results of the third Gender-Based Analysis Plus (GBA Plus) Implementation Survey show that progress continues on advancing GBA Plus across the federal government; 74 federal departments and agencies responded in 2018-2019.


The table compares elements of GBA Plus in the 49 departments that responded to both the 2017 and 2019 surveys:

  • 84% of organizations have a GBA Plus champion or other senior management lead.
  • 86% of organizations have discussions on GBA Plus at senior management committees.
  • 86% of organizations have GBA Plus tools and resources to assist employees.
  • 80% of organizations have a GBA Plus responsibility centre. 

Full-Time Equivalents

The survey results show that most elements of GBA Plus capacity have increased. The survey highlighted the following facts regarding GBA Plus full-time equivalents (FTEs):

  • The vast majority of departments have some staff dedicated to GBA Plus.
  • About one quarter of departments have more than five staff members dedicated to GBA Plus.
  • Very few departments have no staff dedicated to GBA Plus.


Three quarters of departments use the Women and Gender Equality Canada online GBA Plus course in policy. Mandatory GBA Plus training is becoming more common. Results from the 46 departments that responded to the 2017 and 2019 surveys show the following: in 2019, 52% of federal departments had mandatory GBA Plus training, compared to 41% in 2017. 


GBA Plus is applied often to Cabinet documents and other work. The table shows the percentage of respondents that integrate GBA Plus into each government functional area.

Data Collection 

Most departments report having access to data disaggregated by a variety of identity factors when conducting GBA Plus. The table shows the percentage of respondents that collect disaggregated data for each factor. 

Going Forward

While progress has been made on implementing GBA Plus in terms of capacity, training, application, and data collection, work continues on advancing GBA Plus across the government. Some remaining challenges include the following: 

  • Most GBA Plus training is still non-mandatory, and it is less applied in some functional areas.
  • GBA Plus needs to be more consistently applied across all phases of the policy development cycle.
  • Tracking and monitoring on the implementation and impacts of GBA Plus is limited.
  • Lack of time, capacity, and access to data continue to be cited as barriers.

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