Inclusive event planning

Intersectionality image illustrating some of the identity factors considered in GBA Plus
Figure 1: Intersectionality - Text version

This figure illustrates some of the factors which can intersect with sex and gender. Six oblong shapes of differing colors overlap and fan out. Each oblong has two identity factors written on it. The top oblong has “sex and gender” written in a larger font. Starting below sex and gender and going clockwise, the additional identities identified are: geography, culture, income, sexual orientation, education, race, ethnicity, religion, age, and disability.

Pre-event Planning
Location preparation
Distributable materials

What is GBA Plus?

GBA Plus (Gender-based Analysis Plus) is an analytical tool and process developed by the Government of Canada that is used to assess how diverse groups of women, men and gender diverse people may experience policies, programs and initiatives. The “plus” in GBA Plus acknowledges that GBA is about more than biological (sex) and socio-cultural (gender) differences. We all have multiple identity factors that intersect and influence who we are; GBA Plus also provides a framework and work method to consider inequalities based on personal attributes like race, ethnicity, religion, age, and mental or physical disability.

GBA Plus and gender equality

In 1995, the Government of Canada committed to using GBA Plus to advance gender equality in Canada, as part of the ratification of the United Nations’ Beijing Platform for Action.

Gender equality is enshrined in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, which is part of the Constitution of Canada. Gender equality means that diverse groups of women, men and gender diverse people are able to participate fully in all spheres of Canadian life, contributing to an inclusive and democratic society.

We often assume that our work or our policies apply to everyone equally and there are no gender or diversity issues to consider. GBA Plus helps us recognize and move beyond our assumptions, uncover the realities of people’s lives, and find ways to address their needs.

GBA Plus should be applied throughout an initiative’s process, from inception to implementation to evaluation to identify and mitigate potential challenges and barriers to ensure inclusivity for all people.

GBA Plus Process
Text version

Graphic illustrating the steps of GBA Plus: identify issue, challenge assumptions, gather the facts (research and consult), develop options and make recommendations, monitor and evaluate, communicate, document. GBA Plus for excellent results for diverse Canadians.

The Learning Pyramid
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An image of the "Learning Pyramid," which indicates the average learning retention rates from least to most effective in percentage. In the "passive learning" category is lecture (5%), reading (10%), audio-visual (20%), and demonstration (30%). In the "active learning category" is discussion group (50%), practice by doing (75%), and apply skills / teach others (90%).


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