Indigenous Women's Circle
The Indigenous Women’s Circle (the Circle) launched in 2018. It engages with Indigenous women leaders and subject matter experts in the public and private sectors. The Circle members share insights on the challenges they face and their priorities for the Government of Canada to advance gender equality. Since the Circle began, several Indigenous women have served in an advisory role for two-year terms. They have brought a wealth of knowledge on three priority areas at Women and Gender Equality Canada (WAGE):
- increasing women’s economic security and prosperity
- encouraging women’s leadership and democratic participation
- ending violence against women and girls
Applications are no longer being accepted for the Circle. The deadline for applications was September 27, 2024. For more information, see the Application review process.
Key contributions
Here are some key contributions of the Circle over the past several years:
- Contributed to the development of Pillar 4 – Implementing Indigenous-led approaches of the National Action Plan to End Gender Based Violence (GBV)
- Advised on the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls Commemoration Fund
- Advised on WAGE’s COVID-19 pandemic response
- Provided guidance on the framing of the $55 million call for proposals to increase the capacity of Indigenous women’s and 2SLGBTQQIA+ organizations to address GBV
- Made key recommendations on the Federal 2SLGBTQI+ Action Plan that led to the inclusion of a third pillar, Support Indigenous 2SLGBTQI+ resilience and resurgence
- Saw a Two-Spirit advisor hired
- Saw “2S” added to the front of the Government of Canada’s new acronym to recognize Two-Spirit people as the first 2SLGBTQI+ communities
- Advised on the development of the Menstrual Equity Fund pilot
- Helped develop Canada’s 2024 United Nations Commission on the Status of Women side event “Indigenous Women’s Voices on the Barriers and Opportunities Towards their Inclusive Socio-Economic Development”
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