2024-25 Supplementary Information Tables

List of supplementary information tables for the 2024-25 Departmental Plan

Gender-based analysis plus

General information: Institutional GBA Plus capacity


GBA Plus is an analytical tool used to support the development of responsive and inclusive policies, programs, and other initiatives. GBA Plus is a process for understanding who is impacted by the issue or opportunity being addressed by the initiative; identifying how the initiative could be tailored to meet diverse needs of the people most impacted; and anticipating and mitigating any barriers to accessing or benefitting from the initiative. GBA Plus is an intersectional analysis that goes beyond biological (sexes) and socio-cultural (genders) differences to consider other factors, such as age, disability, education, ethnicity, economic status, geography (including rurality), language, race, religion, and sexual orientation and how these simultaneously intersect with one another and interact with contextual and systemic factors. Using GBA Plus involves taking a gender- and diversity-sensitive approach to our work.

Women and Gender Equality Canada (WAGE) supports governance on GBA Plus implementation across the government by providing leadership in bringing together federal departments and agencies to collaborate on advancing the government’s diversity and inclusion priorities. As part of this work, WAGE plays a secretariat and advisory roles for several committees, working groups and other bodies to collectively enhance the integration of GBA Plus for more evidence-informed public policies. In addition, WAGE plays a leadership role in government wide GBA Plus implementation by monitoring progress, trends, and gaps within federal organizations. The GBA Plus Implementation Survey has helped in determining progress areas including for example, that most departments and agencies (79% in 2019-20) had a GBA Plus Champion or other senior management representative leading GBA Plus, and that more organizations had a Champion than in the previous (2018-19) survey.

WAGE’s GBA Plus Directorate is pivotal in providing advice on integrating GBA Plus considerations into departmental initiatives. They also support the Department’s GBA Plus Champion in fostering engagement in capacity-building.

WAGE’s GBA Plus Directorate also supports the following governance bodies that share information on GBA Plus and coordinate actions:

Targeted governance to deliver on the government’s commitments to enhance the framing and parameters of GBA Plus

In 2021, Minister Ien was mandated to work with key federal partners to enhance the framing and parameters of GBA Plus with particular attention to the intersectional analysis of race, indigeneity, rurality, disability, and sexual identity, among other characteristics. Over 2024-2025, WAGE will continue to support collaboration and ensure a cohesive approach to this work by helping steer a coordinated engagement process with governmental and non-governmental partners and develop options for a more robust and intersectional GBA Plus that better captures the lived experiences of all people living in Canada. 

WAGE Internal governance structures

In addition to horizontal structures, WAGE leverages its internal governance to promote the application of GBA Plus across all its activities and to grow departmental capacity to advance GBA Plus in various functional communities. Specifically:

The Executive Committee (EXCOM) is WAGE’s senior decision-making and priority-setting body. EXCOM is chaired by the Deputy Minister and includes departmental senior management, including the GBA Plus Champion, meets weekly to establish priorities, oversee the delivery of the department’s work, and take stock of progress. As a permanent member of EXCOM, the GBA Plus Champion ensures that GBA Plus is considered in all departmental activities and integrated into all decision-making processes.

The Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility Committee implements initiatives to support diversity and inclusion in the Department. Initiatives include raising awareness of diversity, inclusion and accessibility; and challenges related to these issues, celebrating diversity at WAGE, and providing departmental staff a forum for discussing contemporary issues related to diversity and inclusion.

The Indigenous Advisory Network is comprised of Indigenous employees within WAGE. It serves as a platform and community that provides advice, mentoring and support to foster wellness among Indigenous employees, and to provide opportunities for professional development.

The Indigenous Women’s Circle (IWC) plays an advisory role to WAGE. Membership of the IWC includes representation from First Nations, Métis, and Inuit women, youth, and Elders from across the country. The IWC provides strategic guidance and expertise to inform federal efforts to address systemic inequalities that Indigenous women experience, particularly those related to issues of GBV, economic insecurity, and Indigenous leadership.


As a centre of expertise for advancing gender equality and supporting the application of GBA Plus across government decision-making processes, WAGE works to:

Highlights of GBA Plus results reporting by program
Expertise and Outreach

The Expertise and Outreach Program includes the Department's policy, research, external relations, awareness, capacity-building and commemoration functions.

Strengthening Capacity to do GBA Plus - To better position the Department in promoting a greater understanding of GBA Plus and in supporting the capacity of federal departments to conduct GBA Plus at all stages of policy development and program delivery, including gender-based budgeting, WAGE conducts an annual government-wide GBA Plus Implementation Survey. This survey serves to collect data on different aspects of GBA Plus implementation, including capacity, data, and research used in GBA Plus; barriers to GBA Plus; and examples of initiatives where GBA Plus has been applied and its impact. Ultimately, this serves to ensure that when policies, programs, services and other initiatives are being developed, the Government of Canada designs better, more responsive and inclusive initiatives.

Research – Since 2016, WAGE has had a gender equality research program that has funding to collect data and evidence to inform initiatives to advance gender equality. In gathering data and supporting research, the department focuses on intersectionality and the disaggregation of data by identity factors in order to foster a broader understanding of issues that can be experienced differently by certain groups, including: Indigenous Peoples; women and girls; men and boys; two-spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, Plus (2SLGBTQI+) individuals; visible minorities; those living in northern, rural, and remote communities; people with disabilities; children and youth; people living on a low income; newcomers and immigrants to Canada; religious minorities; and seniors. These data and research inform the direction of WAGE and other government of Canada initiatives by empowering more robust GBA Plus throughout the lifecycle of these initiatives, including allowing the department to monitor the impacts of its initiatives from a GBA Plus perspective. In addition, these data and research are disseminated publicly to inform initiatives and allow for GBA Plus monitoring among intersectoral partners and other orders of government.

Community Action and Innovation The Community Action and Innovation program provides grants and contributions to implement projects designed to address systemic barriers to gender equality. In 2024-25, this program will have impacts that support the pillars and goals of the Gender Results Framework. WAGE applies GBA Plus to the lifecycle of its initiatives under this program. Disaggregated data and population-specific research inform priorities for Calls for Proposals for funding. In addition, for each of the projects funded, WAGE collects, analyzes and reports on disaggregated data related to the outcomes and impacts of the initiatives. Mandatory annual data collection and reporting templates were established for all funding recipients and include the collection of data disaggregated by identity factors. This allows the department to monitor the uptake, reach, and impact of its funding for specific groups, and to make course corrections to ensure that barriers are mitigated and equal access to program benefits are achieved.

Details on transfer payment programs - Women’s Program (Voted)

Start date: 1973

End date: Ongoing

Type of transfer payment: Grants and Contributions

Type of appropriation: Appropriation annually through Estimates

Fiscal year for terms and conditions: 2021-22

Link to departmental result(s): The Department's interventions facilitate the advancement of gender equality

Link to the department’s Program Inventory: Community Action and Innovation

Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program: The purpose of the Women's Program is to advance equality for women in Canada by working to address or remove systemic barriers to their progress and advancement. The Program’s objective is to support action to achieve the full participation of women in the economic, social and democratic life of Canada through systemic change. Grant and contribution funding is provided to eligible Canadian organizations in support of projects at the local, regional and national levels that address the following three priority areas:

The Program: facilitates collaboration and networking; develops partnerships to address horizontal issues impacting women and girls; shares knowledge; and assists organizations working to advance women's equality to gain access to expertise, resources, and tools.

The Program does not have repayable contributions.

Expected results:

ER 1: Intended audiences have access to programs, resources and supports to address barriers to women's equality

ER 2: Networks and collaborations to increase the reach, impact, and sustainability of women's equality efforts are established

ER 3: Intended audiences use/apply knowledge in their policy and program work to address barriers to women's equality

Fiscal year of last completed evaluation: 2017-2018

Decision following the results of last evaluation: Continuation

Fiscal year of next planned evaluation: 2023-24 (underway)

General targeted recipient groups:

Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients:

The Department for Women and Gender Equality continues to develop tools and supports to better connect and engage recipients. Regional offices also work closely with recipients to support organizations' capacity building in various ways, such as facilitating partnerships and knowledge sharing.

Women’s Program - Financial information (dollars)
Type of transfer payment 2023–24 forecast spending 2024–25 planned spending 2025–26 planned spending 2026–27 planned spending
Total grants 81,518,581 61,794,195 61,794,195 14,750,000
Total contributions 23,834,988 33,215,397 33,215,397 4,193,977
Total other types of transfer payments 0 0 0 0
Total program 105,353,569 95,009,592 95,009,592 18,943,977

Details on transfer payment programs - Gender-Based Violence Program (Voted)

Start date: 2017

End date: Ongoing

Type of transfer payment: Grants and Contributions

Type of appropriation: Appropriation annually through Estimates

Fiscal year for terms and conditions: 2021-22

Link to departmental result(s): The Department's interventions facilitate the advancement of gender equality

Link to the department’s Program Inventory: Community Action and Innovation

Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program: The Gender-Based Violence (GBV) Program takes action under the Federal GBV Strategy "It's Time: Canada's Strategy to Prevent and Address Gender-Based Violence", which is the federal government’s contribution to the National Action Plan to End Gender-Based Violence. The GBV Program is population-specific, with the objective of supporting organizations working in the GBV sector to develop and implement promising practices to address gaps in supports for Indigenous and underserved groups of survivors in Canada.

Funding is provided to eligible organizations in support of projects at the local, regional and national levels, and is available for time-specific projects that address gaps in supports for specific groups of survivors, including Indigenous women and their communities, and other underserved populations, such as: racialized women; 2SLGBTQI+ persons; non-status/refugee/immigrant women; women living in northern, rural and remote communities; and women living with a disability.

In 2019, as part of the Government of Canada's National Strategy to Combat Human Trafficking (National Strategy), $10 million over 5 years, and $2 million ongoing was announced for the Department for Women and Gender Equality to support the development, testing and implementation of innovative and empowering promising practices to support at-risk populations to reduce their risk to being trafficked, as well as trauma-informed supports for victims and survivors of human trafficking. This initiative is using the established Terms and Conditions of the Gender-Based Violence Program while aligning under the Performance Measurement, Reporting, and Governance structure of the National Strategy.

The program does not have repayable contributions.

Expected results:

ER 1: Service providers access promising practices

ER 2: Service providers use/apply promising practices in their policy and programming work.

Fiscal year of last completed evaluation:

The GBV Program was last evaluated as part of the 2022-23 mid-term horizontal evaluation of It’s Time: Canada’s Strategy to Prevent and Address Gender-Based Violence (the GBV Strategy). The evaluation covered fiscal year 2017-18 to 2020-21.

Decision following the results of last evaluation:

The 2022-23 horizontal evaluation was a mid-term evaluation. There were recommendations from the mid-term evaluation, as follows:

Recommendation 1 – Improve and strengthen the current federal vision for preventing and addressing GBV through the creation and strengthening of governance structures.

Recommendation 2 - Review and improve the existing logic model and performance measurement framework, including streamlining and adapting tools for data collection to the context of each partner department and agency.

Recommendation 3 - Better define the scope and role of the GBV Knowledge Centre with a view to maximizing its efficiency and the extent to which it can amplify the work undertaken through the GBV Strategy.

Fiscal year of next planned evaluation:

The next evaluation of the Federal GBV Strategy is planned for 2025-26.

General targeted recipient groups:

Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients:

The Department for Women and Gender Equality continues to support organizations working in the GBV sector in developing tools and supports to better connect and engage recipients. Regional offices also work closely with recipients to support organizations' capacity building in various ways, such as facilitating partnerships and knowledge sharing.

Gender-Based Violence Program - Financial information (dollars)
Type of transfer payment 2023–24 forecast spending 2024–25 planned spending 2025–26 planned spending 2026–27 planned spending
Total grants 22,539,437 22,305,402 22,305,402 8,307,000
Total contributions 7,002,277 6,936,267 6,936,267 2,343,000
Total other types of transfer payments 0 0 0 0
Total program 29,541,714 29,241,669 29,241,669 10,650,000

Details on transfer payment programs - Equality for Sex, Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression Program (SSOGIE)

Start date: 2019

End date: 2026-27

Type of transfer payment: Grants and Contributions

Type of appropriation: Appropriated annually through the Estimates

Fiscal year for terms and conditions: 2023-24

Link to departmental result(s): The Department's interventions facilitate the advancement of gender equality

Link to the department’s Program Inventory: Community Action and Innovation

Purpose and objectives of transfer payment program: The objective of the Equality for the SSOGIE program is to advance social, political and economic equality with respect to sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression.

Expected results:Footnote 1

SSOGIE Results Framework

GBV NAPFootnote 2 

Capacity Development for Indigenous Women and 2SLGBTQI+ organizations to combat GBV

Menstrual Equity Fund

Fiscal year of last completed evaluation: Not applicable

Decision following the results of last evaluation: Not applicable

Fiscal year of next planned evaluation: WAGE has committed to evaluate funding to support the implementation of the first Federal 2SLGBTQI+ Action Plan by 2026-27 (approval date)

General targeted recipient groups:

Initiatives to engage applicants and recipients: The Department for Women and Gender Equality regularly engages applicants and recipients to ensure their concerns are understood and considered. Regional offices also work to connect and support organizations and to facilitate partnerships and knowledge sharing.

Equality for Sex, Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression Program - Financial information (dollars)
Type of transfer payment 2023–24 forecast spending 2024–25 planned spending 2025–26 planned spending 2026–27 planned spending
Total grants 16,708,872 23,180,881 23,198,217 6,804,711
Total contributions 98,003,462 156,538,197 156,543,086 151,919,277
Total other types of transfer payments 0 0 0 0
Total program 114,712,334 179,719,078 179,741,303 158,723,988

Horizontal initiatives

General information
Name of horizontal initiative It’s Time: Canada’s Strategy to Prevent and Address Gender-Based Violence
Lead department Women and Gender Equality Canada
Federal partner organization(s) Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada; Justice Canada, Public Health Agency of Canada; Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Start date November 23, 2017
End date 2025-26

It’s Time: Canada’s Strategy to Prevent and Address Gender-Based Violence (the Strategy) is the Government of Canada’s response to gender-based violence (GBV). Its initiatives are organized across three pillars: preventing gender-based violence, supporting survivors and their families, and promoting responsive legal and justice systems. The Strategy takes a whole-of-government approach to prevent and address GBV, bringing together federal initiatives and aligning with provincial and territorial efforts, enabling enhanced collaboration. Women and Gender Equality Canada ensures the overall coordination of the Strategy through an interdepartmental mechanism. The Strategy is also the federal government’s contribution to advance the National Action Plan to End Gender-Based Violence, which was launched in November 2022.

The Government of Canada has invested a total of $574,002,370.

Overall, the Strategy has advanced shared outcomes through the following actions undertaken by the current five departments funded under the Strategy:

  • Women and Gender Equality Canada (WAGE) received funding to establish the GBV Knowledge Centre and GBV Secretariat, enhance data collection and research on GBV, develop a strategy that engages youth about online GBV, and fund the development and implementation of promising practices that support underserved survivors through the GBV Program. With Budget 2021 funding, WAGE is expanding upon this work by enhancing the Gender-Based Violence Program to support initiatives that engage men and boys, prevent and address human trafficking, and provide support for testing and implementing best practices; supporting GBV research and knowledge mobilization; and bolstering the capacity of Indigenous women and 2SLGBTQIA+ organizations to provide GBV prevention programming.
  • Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) received funding to support the implementation and testing of programs to prevent gender-based violence and family violence (including child maltreatment, teen/youth dating violence, intimate partner violence, and elder abuse), and to support the development of training and resources for health and allied professionals about GBV, trauma-informed care, and safety planning.
  • Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) received funding to increase its capacity to combat online child sexual exploitation, in support of domestic and international operational investigations, covert online operations, specialized victim identification investigations, and operational research and technological solutions. The funding will also enhance capacity to identify Canadian transnational child sex offenders.
  • Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) received funding to address GBV through enhancements to the Settlement Program, including developing a coordinated approach across the settlement sector in collaboration with the anti-violence sector, GBV training for settlement workers, and enhanced, place-based services for clients.
  • Justice Canada (JUS) received funding to ensure access to free legal advice and legal representation for survivors of sexual assault and intimate partner violence (IPV), as well as to provide additional supports for victims of IPV to navigate the family justice system. In addition, JUS received funding to support supervision services for parenting time in cases of separation and divorce to protect the safety and well-being of children and families.

Learn more about the Strategy

Governance structure

The strategy promotes a whole-of-government approach and includes federal partners and other complementary federal departments and agencies funded by the Strategy (horizontal initiative partners), as well as others whose actions support the overarching goals of the Strategy.

Interdepartmental Mechanism

While WAGE is the overall lead of federal efforts to prevent and address GBV, many federal departments and agencies actively contribute per their distinct mandates to prevent and address gender-based violence. WAGE is responsible for coordinating and overseeing the implementation of the Federal GBV Strategy in partnership and coordination with federal departments and agencies, including the four other federal organizations funded by the Strategy and involved in this horizontal initiative.

Total federal funding allocated from start to end date (dollars) $574,002,370 from 2021-2022 to 2025-26
Total federal planned spending to date (dollars) $323,298,215
Total federal actual spending to date (dollars) $287,440,849
Date of last renewal of initiative Not applicable
Total federal funding allocated at last renewal and source of funding (dollars) Not applicable
Additional federal funding received after last renewal (dollars) Not applicable
Total planned spending since last renewal Not applicable
Total actual spending since last renewal Not applicable
Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation 2025-2026
Planning highlights

In 2024-2025, WAGE will:

  • Further augment gender-based violence research and knowledge mobilization with funding supporting community research models, working with Statistics Canada to develop a national femicide database, and enhancing the sample size of national gender-based violence surveys;
  • Continue to lead and coordinate the implementation of the Federal GBV Strategy, as the federal contribution to the National Action Plan to End Gender-Based Violence;
  • Ensure that the Federal GBV Strategy continues to be a strong contribution to the National Action Plan to End Gender-Based Violence;
  • Continue to provide funding to organizations in the GBV sector to support the development and implementation of promising practices to prevent gender-based violence and address gaps in supports for victims and survivors and their families;
  • Continue to engage with funded and complementary federal departments to advance Government of Canada efforts to end GBV;
  • Continue engaging with, amongst others, civil organizations, Indigenous partners, victims and survivors, researchers, and experts concerning the Federal GBV Strategy;
  • Use the GBV Knowledge Centre to raise awareness and share information in support of ending gender-based violence;
  • Support the implementation of the Federal Pathway to Address Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and 2SLGBTQQIA+ People, the federal government’s contribution to the 2021 Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls, and 2SLGBTQQIA+ People National Action Plan: Ending Violence Against Indigenous Women, Girls, and 2SLGBTQQIA+ People in response to the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls’ Calls for Justice, in partnership with First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples;
  • Continue to implement an initiative to bolster the capacity of Indigenous women’s and 2SLGBTQI+ organizations to provide GBV prevention programming. This initiative was announced in Budget 2021 and is a key deliverable of the Federal Pathway.

IRCC: In 2024-25, IRCC will continue to support the development of a coordinated, settlement sector-wide approach to GBV (ngbv.ca) to increase the capacity of front-line settlement workers, as well as enhance place-based services for newcomers and refugees. With collaboration between the settlement and anti-violence sectors, this strategy will support the development of consistent GBV policy and protocol resources, as well as training that is culturally competent and trauma-informed. The bilingual ‘Bridges to Safety’ training will improve the capacity of settlement workers to effectively respond to GBV, as well as adopt a preventative response that strengthens the capacity of newcomers and refugees, including men and boys, to engage on the issue. The GBV Partnership will continue to advance best practices that address emerging GBV issues for these sectors, along with effective resources for stakeholders to support a strong and strategic cross-sectoral approach.

JUS: In 2024-25, JUS expects to support multi-year funding agreements across 13 jurisdictions to provide independent legal advice and legal representation (ILA/ILR) to victims and survivors of sexual assault and IPV. ILA/ILR will be delivered by provincial and territorial governments (PTs), as well as legal clinics and non-governmental organizations. In addition, JUS expects to support funding agreements in 11 jurisdictions with provincial governments, community partners and stakeholders, to improve support and access to justice for victims of intimate partner violence who are involved in the family justice system. Also, it is expected that supervision services for parenting time will be enhanced or made available in seven jurisdictions, with ongoing discussions with other PTs to ensure this investment is accessible to as many regions as possible.

PHAC: Child maltreatment, intimate partner violence and mistreatment of older adults are strongly linked to negative physical and mental health outcomes throughout the life course. Preventing family and gender-based violence is crucial to ensuring Canadians have improved mental and physical health, now and in the future.

To achieve this, PHAC will continue to support organizations that deliver and test interventions to prevent violence and foster healthy relationships. This includes supporting professionals and service providers in responding safely and effectively to survivors of violence, and funding a community of practice that offers a forum to develop knowledge and share best practices among projects. In doing so, PHAC contributes to building the evidence base on what works, for whom and in which contexts. In 2024-25, PHAC will continue to support existing projects working to prevent and address family violence under the Preventing and Addressing Family Violence: The Health Perspective Investment.

RCMP: In 2024-2025, the RCMP will continue to enhance its capacity to pursue online child sexual exploitation investigations and combat transnational child sex offenders. Operational focus will remain on victim identification, investigational pursuit of offenders, identification and implementation of technological solutions, and increased research and analytical assessment and response to emerging threats (i.e. self exploitation material, live streaming).

Contact information Questions related to the GBV Strategy can be sent to: FEGC.Finalaviolence-EndViolence.WAGE@fegc-wage.gc.ca

Horizontal initiative framework: departmental funding by theme (dollars)

Shared outcomes:

  1. Gender-based violence (GBV) is reduced
  2. Those impacted by GBV have improved health, economic and social outcomes
Horizontal initiative: It’s Time: Canada’s Strategy to Prevent and Address Gender-Based Violence
Name of theme Knowledge & Governance Intervention Internal Services
Theme outcomes ER 1 Intended audiences access GBV-related evidence, programs and supports ER 1 Intended audiences access GBV-related evidence, programs and supports Not applicable
ER 2 Intended audiences use/apply GBV-related evidence in their policy and programming work
ER 2 Intended audiences use/apply GBV-related evidence in their policy and programming work ER 3 Those impacted by or at risk of GBV are better supported
ER 4 Social norms and attitudes that contribute to GBV are decreased
Department for Women and Gender Equality $22,746,314 $385,576,553 $6,632,431
Department of Justice Not applicable $113,661,475 Not applicable
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) Not applicable $2,000,000 Not applicable
Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) Not applicable $21,154,177 $619,840
Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) Not applicable $19,275,424 $1,976,156
TOTAL $22,746,314 542,027,629 $9,228,427

Planning information

Horizontal initiative overview
Name of horizontal initiative Total federal funding allocated since the last renewalTable notei,Table noteii (dollars) 2024-2025 planned spendingTable noteii
Horizontal initiative shared outcomes (SO) Performance indicator(s) Target(s) Date to achieve target
It’s Time: Canada’s Strategy to Prevent and Address Gender-Based Violence $574,002,370 $82,982,142 ER 1.1 Those impacted by gender-based violence have improved health, economic and social outcomes PI 1.1.1 % of intimate partner violence survivors who report good, very good, or excellent health, by gender T 1.1.1 The target will be set once the baseline has been established 2025-2026
PI 1.1.2 % of sexual assault survivors reporting social isolation (stay home at night, avoid people and places) as a result of victimization T 1.1.2 Less than 46% 2025-2026
ER 1.2 Gender-based violence is reduced PI 1.2.1 % of population that self-reported being sexual assaulted (past 12 months) T 1.2.1 Less than 3% 2025-2026
PI 1.2.2 % of population aged 15 and older who self-reported experiencing intimate partner violence (past 12 months) T 1.2.2 Less than 12% 2025-2026
PI 1.2.3 # of victims of homicide, per 100,000 population T 1.2.3 Less than 2.06 2025-2026
PI 1.2.4 % of individuals who experienced online/cyber violence T 1.2.4 Less than 18% 2025-2026
PI 1.2.5 % of individuals subjected to physical, sexual or psychological violence T 1.2.5 Less than 40% 2025-2026
PI 1.2.6 % of population who self-reported childhood maltreatment (before age 15), by type of maltreatment T 1.2.6 Physical assaults: ≤23% Sexual assaults: ≤7% 2025-2026
PI 1.2.7 # of men charged with physical and sexual assault, IPV homicide and human trafficking T 1.2.7 Less than 506,269 2025-2026
PI 1.2.8 # of victims of police-reported human trafficking T 1.2.8 Less than 515 2025-2026
Theme 1 details
Name of theme Total federal funding allocated since the last renewal (dollars) 2024-25 Federal theme planned spending (dollars) Theme outcomes Performance indicators Theme targets Date to achieve theme target
Knowledge and Governance $22,746,314 $4,980,082 [ER 2.1] Intended audiences access GBV-related resources. [PI 2.1. 1] # of targeted programs, resources and supports delivered through knowledge and governance activities [T 2.1.1] At least 13 March 2025
[PI 2.1.2] # of people reached by knowledge and governance activities [T 2.1.2] The target will be set once the baseline has been established in March 2025. March 2025
[ER 2.2] Intended audiences use GBV-related evidence in their policy and programming work. [PI 2.2.1] % of knowledge and governance activity participants that reported they use the evidence products in their work or lives [T 2.2.1] 70% March 2024
Theme 1 horizontal initiative activities
Departments Link to department’s Program Inventory Horizontal initiative activity (activities) Total federal funding allocated to each horizontal initiative activity since last renewalTable notei,Table noteii (dollars) 2024–2025 planned spending for each horizontal initiative activityTable noteii
2024–2025 horizontal initiative activity expected result(s) 2024–2025 horizontal initiative activity performance indicator(s) 2024–2025 horizontal initiative activity target(s) Date to achieve horizontal initiative activity target
WAGE Expertise and Outreach Create and share knowledge (Knowledge Centre and Research and Data Collection) $22,746,314 $4,980,082 [ER 3.1] Intended audiences access GBV-related resources created by WAGE funded activities. [PI 3.1.1] # of knowledge productsFootnote 3 created by WAGE-funded activities [T 3.1.1] At least 13 March 2025
[PI 3.1.2] # of people reached by WAGE funded activities [T 3.1.2] This is a new indicator. The target will be set once the baseline has been established in March 2025. March 2025
[PI 3.1.3] # of engagements with GBV-related social media content hosted by WAGE [T 3.1.3] Greater than 34,528 March 2024
[PI 3.1.4] # of distinct WAGE Knowledge Centre website sessions [T 3.1.4] Greater than 800   March 2024
[ER 3.2] Intended audiences use GBV-related evidence created by WAGE-funded activities, in their policy and programming work. [PI 3.2.1] % of Wage Knowledge Centre visitors reporting that they use the evidence products in their work or lives [T 3.2.1] 70%. March 2024
  Internal Services $2,278,431, $484,877        
Theme 2 details
Name of theme Total federal theme funding allocated since last renewalTable notei,Table noteii (dollars) 2024–2025 Federal theme planned spending (dollars)Table noteii Theme outcome Performance indicator(s) Target Date to achieve target
Intervention $542,027,629 $75,935,462 [ER 4.1] Intended audiences access GBV-related resources. [PI 4.1.1] # of targeted programs, resources intervention activities [T 4.1.1] At least 75 March 2025
[PI 4.1.2] # of people reached by intervention activities [T 4.1.2] At least 1,400,000 March 2025
[PI 4.1.4] # of distinct website sessions [T 4.1.4] Greater than 800 March 2024
[PI 4.1.5] % of awareness activity participants who report improved awareness of key messages [T 1.5] 70% March 2024
[ER 4.2] Intended audiences use GBV-related evidence in their policy and programming work. [PI 4.2.1] % of intervention activity participants reporting that they use the evidence products in their work or lives [T 4.2.1] 70% March 2024
[PI 4.2.2] % of projects reporting increased knowledge and / or skills among participants [T 4.2.2] 85% March 2026
[ER 4.3] Those impacted by or at risk of GBV are better supported. [PI 4.3.1] % of survivors of sexual assaults who reported incident to police [T 4.3.1] Greater than 5% March 2026
[PI 4.3.2] % of respondents who reported contacting or using any services to get help, who had a positive outcome because of this contact [T 4.3.2] At least 70% March 2026
[ER 4.4] Social norms and attitudes that contribute to GBV are decreased. [PI 4.4.1] % of individuals reporting agreement with attitude statements that contribute to GBV, by Gender [T 4.4.1] 1 People should be able to express their gender however they choose (disagree): Women - less than 5% Men - less than 8%  There are significant obstacles that make it harder for women to get ahead than men (disagree): Women - less than 11% Men - less than 22% People who report sexual assault are almost always telling the truth (disagree): Women - less than 10% Men - less than 16% Violence between partners can be excused if people get so angry they lose control (agree): Women - less than 6% Men - less than 9% It is understandable that someone would react violently if they suspect their partner of having an affair (agree): Women - less than 16% Men - less than 20% If a family member of mine came out as transgender, I would not be able to support them (agree): Women - less than 8% Men - less than 11% People have the right to check who their partner has been calling or texting at all times (agree): Women - less than 18% Men - less than 27% Same-sex and opposite-sex couples should have the same rights to adopt children (agree): Women - more than 79% Men - more than 70% March 2026
[PI 4.4.2] % of respondents experiencing a violent incident in the past 12 months, who were made to feel that they were to blame for the incident, by Gender [T 4.4.2] Less than 20% March 2026
[PI 4.4.3] % of respondents who disagree that violence between partners can be excused if people get so angry, they lose control, by Gender [T 4.4.3] Women - greater than 88%; Men -   greater than 83% March 2026
[PI 4.4.4] % of respondents who reported that they did not use any available services to get help because they felt unsupported, by Gender [T 4.4.4] People assaulted by an intimate partner: All genders - 14.1%
Women - 14.8%
Men - NA People assaulted by someone other than an intimate partner: All - 5.7%
Women - 4.9%
Men - 6.8%
March 2026
[PI 4.4.5] % of sources for mainstream media who are women [T 4.4.5] Greater than 29% March 2026
Theme 2 horizontal initiative activities
Departments Link to department’s Program Inventory Horizontal initiative activity (activities) Total federal funding allocated to each horizontal initiative activity since last renewal Table notei,Table noteii (dollars) 2024–25 planned spending for each horizontal initiative activityTable noteii
HI Activity output(s)/outcome(s) Performance indicator(s) Target Date to achieve target


Settlement Program

Enhanced GBV supports for immigrants and refugees



[ER 7.1] Service providers access GBV-related evidence, and resources, to address GBV for immigrants and refugees.

[PI 7.1.1] % of participating service providers that report increased competencies to address GBV for immigrants and refugees.

[T 7.1.1] 70%

March 2026

[PI 7.1.2] Annual Settlement Program expenditures on GBV initiatives

[T 7.1.2] $400,000

March 2026

[PI 7.1.3] # of service providers that accessed GBV training and resources through the initiative.

[T 7.1.3] 100

March 2026

[ER 7.2] Service providers use GBV-related evidence in their policy and programming work to address GBV for immigrants and refugees.

[PI 7.2.1] % of participating service provider organizations that report increased competencies to strengthen networks to address GBV for immigrants and refugees.

[T 7.2.1] 70%

March 2026


Family Justice (Canadian Family Justice Fund)

Support for Supervised Parenting Time Services



[ER 8.1] Provinces and territories access GBV-related evidence in their policy and programming work.

[PI 8.1.1] % of provinces and territories with existing SPT programs that accessed funding to establish or enhance their services.

[T 8.1.1] Not applicableFootnote 4

Not applicable

[PI 8.1.2] % of provinces and territories without pre-existing SPT services that established new SPT services.

[T 8.1.2] 33% of PTs without existing services.

March 2026

[ER 8.2] Canadian families who are impacted by or at risk of GBV are better supported.

[PI 8.2.1] % of provinces and territories that report an increase in access to Supervised Parenting Time services for Canadian families.

[T 8.2.1] > 80% of P/Ts accessing funding report an increase in access to Supervised Parenting Time Services.

March 2026

Family Violence Initiative and Family Justice (Justice Partnership and Innovation Program)

Additional Supports for Victims of Intimate Partner Violence



[ER 9.1] Victims of IPV access family justice system services/supports.

[PI 9.1.1] # of funding agreements with provinces and territories and their partners for activities and services for victims of intimate partner violence in the family justice system (e.g. family court support workers, counsel for cross-examination, projects that promote family screening and justice system coordination).

[T 9.1.1] Not applicableFootnote 5

Not applicable

[PI 9.1.2] # of new family justice resources accessible to victims of IPV.

[T 9.1.2] 10

March 2025

[PI 9.1.3] % increase of victims of IPV accessing new family justice services/supports.

[T 9.1.3] 20%

March 2026

[ER 9.2] Victims impacted by or at risk of IPV are better supported.

[PI 9.2.1] % of projects reporting victims impacted by or at risk of IPV are better supported in the family justice system.

[T 9.2.1] 90%

March 2026

[PI 9.2.2] # of jurisdictions reporting improvements to the family justice system to better supports victims of IPV.

[T 9.2.2] 8

March 2026

[PI 9.2.3] # of new Family Court Support Workers supporting victims of IPV.

[T 9.2.3] 25

March 2026

[PI 9.2.4] # of communities with new/enhanced access to family justice system resources for victims impacted by or at risk of IPV.

[T 9.2.4] 20 established in March 2024.

March 2026

Pilot Independent Legal Advice and Representation models for victims of intimate partner violence



[ER 10.1] Victims of intimate partner violence (IPV) access GBV-related resources.

[PI 10.1.1] # of jurisdictions that accessed funding for Independent Legal Advice/Representation for victims of IPV.

[T 10.1.1] Not applicable (see footnote 4)

Not applicable

[PI 10.1.2] # of targeted services and supports delivered to victims of IPV.

[T 10.1.2] Not applicable (see footnote 4)

Not applicable

[PI 10.1.3] % increase in number of victims of IPV that access Independent Legal Advice/ representation.

[T 10.1.3] Not applicableFootnote 6

Not applicable

Victims of Crime (Victims Fund)

National Independent Legal Advice and Representation for victims of sexual assault



[ER 11.1] Victims of sexual assault access GBV-related resources.

[PI 11.1.1] # of jurisdictions that accessed funding for Independent Legal Advice programs for victims of sexual assault.

[T 11.1.1] Not applicableFootnote 7

Not applicable

[PI 11.1.2] % increase in number of victims of sexual assault that accessed Independent Legal Representation programs.

[T 11.1.2] Not applicable (see footnote 4).

Not applicable

[PI 11.1.3] % annual increase in number of victims accessing services.

[T 11.1.3] 10% annual increase in number of victims accessing services.

March 2026

[ER 11.2] Victims of sexual assault are better supported.

[PI 11.2.1] % of victims of sexual assault who report feeling supported after accessing Independent Legal Representation programs.

[T 11.2.1] >75% of respondents report feeling supported after accessing Independent Legal Representation programs.

March 2026

[PI 11.2.2] % of victims of sexual assault who reported a better understanding of their legal options after accessing Independent Legal Advice programs.

[T 11.2.2] 75% of respondents report a better understanding of their legal options after accessing Independent Legal Advice programs.

March 2026

Internal Services




Health Promotion

Delivery of interventions to prevent family violence (FV) and its health impacts, with intervention research (IR)Footnote 8



[ER 12.1] People affected by FV access FV prevention knowledge, programs, and supports.Footnote 9

[PI 12.1.1] # of knowledge products created through funded FV prevention projects

[T 12.1.1] The target will be set once the baseline has been established in September 2024.

March 2026

[PI 12.1.2] # of participants reached through interventions to prevent FV.

[T 12.1.2] The target will be set once the baseline has been established in September 2024.

March 2027

[ER 12.2] People affected by FV use FV prevention knowledge/skills in their lives.

[PI 12.2.1] % of participants reporting that they use FV prevention knowledge/skills in their lives.

[T 12.2.1] The target will be set once the baseline has been established by March 2026, after first phase of projects.

March 2027

[PI 12.2.2] % of effective FV prevention interventions that continue to be delivered after the initial funding period.

[T 12.2.2] The target will be set once the baseline has been established by March 2026, after first phase of projects.

March 2027

Internal Services




Sensitive and Specialized Investigative Services

Enhanced capacity to combat online sexual exploitation of children and transnational child sex offenders



[ER 23.1] Law enforcement agencies access GBV-related evidence, programs, and support.

[PI 23.1.1] % increase in the number of risk assessments completed annually on registered child sex offenders

[T 23.1.1] The target will be set once baseline data have been established. The % decrease will be re-assessed annually to ensure the measure is meaningful and does not plateau (e.g. if backlog is eliminated). 

March 2025

[PI 23.1.2] # of actionable reports received and subsequently disseminated (reviewed and shared) by the National Child Exploitation Crime Centre to Canadian police of jurisdiction within 10 days

[T 23.1.2] The target will be set once baseline data have been established

March 2025

[ER 23.2] Those impacted by or at risk of GBV, including survivors, are better supported across the justice and social sectors.

[PI 23.2.1] % increase of Canadian victims of online child sexual exploitation identified and uploaded to Interpol`s International Child Sexual Exploitation Database (ICSE DB)

[T 23.2.1] 10% increase annually.  The % increase will be re-assessed annually to ensure the measure is meaningful and does not plateau.

March 2025

[PI 23.2.2] # of charges laid against suspects of online child sexual exploitation offences

[T 23.2.2] The target will be set once baseline data have been established

March 2025

Internal Services




Community Action and Innovation

Gender-Based Violence Funding Program



[ER 24.1] Service providers access promising practices*.

[PI 24.1.1] # of targeted programs, resources or supports delivered by funded organizations through the GBV Funding Program

T 24.1. The target will be set once the baseline has been established in March 2024 at the end of the funding cycle.

March 2025

[PI 24.1.2] # of service providers reached by funded activities

[T 24.1.2] The target will be set once the baseline has been established in March 2024 at the end of the funding cycle.

March 2025

[PI 24.1.3] # of service providers unable to access promising practices

[T 24.1.3] The target will be set once the baseline has been established in July 2024.

March 2025

[ER 24.2] Service providers use promising practices in their policy and programming work.

[PI 24.2.1] % of service providers reporting that they use the promising practices products in their work or lives

[T 24.2.1] 70%

March 2025

Strengthen capacity of Indigenous women and 2SLGBTQI+ organizations



[ER 25.1] Indigenous women and 2SLGBTQI+ organizations access GBV-related resources.

[PI 25.1.1] # of targeted programs, resources and supports delivered by Indigenous women and 2SLGBTQI+ organizations, by targeted populations

[T 25.1.1] The target will be set once the baseline has been established in July 2024 at the end of the funding cycle.

March 2025

[PI 25.1.2] # of women and 2SLGBTQI+ organizations reached by funded activities to strengthen the capacity of Indigenous women and 2SLGBTQI+ organizations, by targeted populations

[T 25.1.2] The target will be set once the baseline has been established in July 2024 at the end of the funding cycle.

March 2025

[ER 25.2] Indigenous women and 2SLGBTQI+ organizations use GBV-related evidence in their policy and programming work.

[PI 25.2.1] % of Indigenous women and 2SLGBTQI+ organizations reporting that they use the evidence products in their work or lives, by targeted populations

[T 25.2.1] 70%

March 2025

Urgent support to crisis hotlines



[ER 26.1] People impacted by or at risk of GBV access GBV-related resources provided by crisis hotlines.

[PI 26.1.1] # of organizations that received funding for support to crisis hotlines

[T 26.1.1] The target will be set once the baseline has been established in 2024-25.

March 2025

[PI 26.1.2] # of targeted programs, resources or supports delivered through crisis hotlines, by targeted populations

[T 26.1.2] The target will be set once the baseline has been established in March 2024

March 2025

[PI 26.1.3] # of calls received (daily)

[T 26.1.3] The target will be set once the baseline has been established in March 2025 at the end of the funding cycle.

March 2025

[PI 26.1.4] # of calls dropped (daily)

[T 26.1.4] The target will be set once the baseline has been established in March 2025 at the end of the funding cycle.

March 2025

Urgent support to GBV organizations



[ER 27.1] Women and children access programs and supports through GBV organizations.

[PI 27.1.1] # of GBV organizations that received urgent support funding

[T 27.1.1] The target will be set once the baseline has been established in 2024-25.

March 2025

[PI 27.1.2] # of targeted programs, resources and supports delivered by GBV organizations receiving urgent support funding, by targeted populations

[T 27.1.2] The target will be set once the baseline has been established in March 2024.

March 2025

[PI 27.1.3] # of women and children reached by funded initiatives delivered by GBV organizations receiving urgent support funding

[T 27.1.3] The target will be set once the baseline has been established in March 2024.

March 2025

[PI 27.1.4] # of people unable to access programs, resources or supports delivered by GBV organizations

[T 27.1.6] The target will be set once the baseline has been established in March 2024.

March 2025

[ER 28.1] Youth intervention participants access GBV-related resources.

[PI 28.1.1] # of targeted programs, resources and supports delivered through the youth awareness campaign

[T 28.1.1[ The target will be set once the baseline has been established in 2024-25.

March 2025

[PI 28.1.2] # of youth reached by the youth awareness campaign.

[T 28.1.2] The target will be set once the baseline has been established in March 2024.

March 2025

[PI 28.1.3] % of youth who report improved awareness of key messages

[T] 70%

March 2025

[ER 28.2] Youth intervention participants use GBV-related evidence in their lives.

[PI 28.2.1] % of youth reporting that they use the evidence products in their work or lives

[T 28.2.1] 70%

March 2025

Internal Services



Total spending, all themes
  Total federal funding allocated since the last renewalTable notei,Table noteii(dollars) 2024-25 Total federal planned spendingTable noteii (dollars)
Theme 1 (Knowledge) $ 22,746,314 $ 4,980,082
Theme 2 (Intervention) $ 542,027,629 $ 75,935,462
Internal services $ 9,228,427 $ 2,066,598
Total, all themes $ 574,002,370 $ 82,982,142

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