Deputy Minister Guylaine Roy transition binder
Table of content
- Mandate, raison d’etre, vision and mission
- Departmental legislation
- Departmental Plan
- Departmental Results Framework
- Gender Results Framework
- Organizational chart
Department for Women and Gender Equality – Departmental Results Framework
Core Responsibility | Advancing Gender Equality |
Description |
The Department for Women and Gender Equality advances gender equality for women, including social, economic, and political equality with respect to sex, sexual orientation, and gender identity or expression. The Department promotes a greater understanding of the intersection of sex and gender with other identity factors that include race, national and ethnic origin, Indigenous origin or identity, age, sexual orientation, socio-economic condition, place of residence and disability. The Department develops and coordinates policies and programs; and undertakes research and data collection and analyses related to these policies and programs; and raises public awareness through outreach. The Department provides advice to government to achieve Canada’s gender equality outcomes and goals, including advocacy for gender-based budgeting, and facilitates the advancement of gender equality among other partners and stakeholders, through its expertise, contribution to research and funding to community initiatives. The Department serves as a central point for sharing expertise across Canada and with international partners, and uses this knowledge to inform and support Canada’s gender equality priorities. |
Departmental Results & Departmental Results Indicators |
R1: The Department’s interventions facilitate the advancement of gender equality I1: % of projects funded by the Department that have an impact on reducing systemic barriers to gender equality I2: % of stakeholders that applied knowledge or resources from the Gender-based Violence Knowledge Centre I3: # of partnerships or coalitions with governments, and international, Indigenous, civil society, private sector, and women’s equality-seeking organizations I4: # of federal government data and research gaps filled as identified by the Interdepartmental Committee on Gender Equality |
R2: The federal government systematically considers gender equality I5: % of federal organizations satisfied with the Department’s tools and resources to incorporate gender equality considerations into their work I6: # of major new federal initiatives (e.g. policies and programs) that include specific measures to advance gender equality |
Programs |
Result | Indicator | Data collection frequency | Methodology |
R1: The Department’s interventions facilitate the advancement of gender equality |
I1: % of projects funded by the Department that have an impact on reducing systemic barriers to gender equality |
Annual |
Rationale: All funding by the Department for Women and Gender Equality’s programs is directed to projects that aim to have an impact on reducing systemic barriers to gender equality. This indicator provides information on the extent to which projects were successful in this regard, as set out in project proposals. Such systemic barriers are related to issues such as women in leadership positions, the economic security and prosperity of women, and gender-based violence. This indicator contributes to the assessment of the effectiveness of the Women’s Program and the Gender-based Violence program, and their impact on communities. Calculation / formula: At the end of each project funded by the Department, a Project Officer conducts a qualitative analysis of the narrative and data included in a final project report, and assesses the extent to which the project achieved expected results set out in the Project Results Framework. Since all projects funded by the Department’s programs have as their objective to reduce systemic barriers to gender equality, those projects that were determined to have exceeded, met or met most of the expected results will be considered to have had such an impact. The indicator will be calculated as follows: (Number of funded organizations that have had an impact on systemic barriers) ÷ total number of projects that came to an end over the same period) x 100. Baseline: Results for this indicator will be collected and reported for the first time through the 2018–19 Departmental Results Report. These results will be used to establish a baseline for this indicator. The target will be set for subsequent fiscal years. Definition(s):
Data source: Final project reports Data owner: Director General, Women’s Program and Regional Operations Note(s): nil |
I2: % of stakeholders that applied knowledge from resources or the Gender-based Violence Knowledge Centre |
Annual |
Rationale: Knowledge transfer and uptake is one of the primary goals of the Gender-Based Violence Knowledge Centre (KC). This indicator measures the proportion of stakeholders who applied knowledge or resources supported by the KC. It demonstrates the Department’s role as an expert enabler, working with and through others, in support of advancing gender equality through evidence-based decision-making. Calculation / formula: This indicator is calculated using the Gender-Based Violence Knowledge Centre (KC) Survey, in which respondents are asked if they applied the knowledge or resources from the KC. The numerator is the number of respondents that reported applying knowledge or resources supported by the Gender-Based Violence Knowledge Centre in a given fiscal year. The denominator is the number of stakeholders who accessed the Gender-Based Violence Knowledge Centre survey in a given fiscal year. Baseline: The baseline will be established in 2019-20. The target will be greater than 75%. Definition(s):
Data Source: Gender-Based Violence Knowledge Centre survey Data Owner: Director General, Policy and External Relations Note(s): nil |
I3: # of partnerships or coalitions with governments, and international, Indigenous, civil society, private sector and women’s equality-seeking organizations |
Annual |
Rationale: This indicator captures the extent to which the Department facilitates the advancement of gender equality, given much of its work is done through and with others. The Department is engaged in formal collaborations with a broad range of organizations, including governments, Indigenous organizations, civil society, private sector, women’s and equality-seeking organizations. Calculation / formula: This indicator will be presented in two parts and is calculated using data from an annual survey of departmental staff as well as reporting from recipients of project funding from the Capacity-Building call for proposals, the Gender-Based Violence Program and the Women’s Program. Respondents will be asked to indicate the number of partnerships and coalitions in a given reporting period that help advance work focused on gender equality through collaboration, coproduction of resources, tools or materials, or other specific deliverables. Separate counts will be reported for the Department and for recipients of project funding. Baseline: A baseline will be established in 2019-20. Definition(s):
Data source: Annual survey of departmental staff as well as reporting from recipients of project funding. Data owner: Director General, Research, Results, and Delivery; Director General, Women’s Programs Note(s): nil |
I4: # of federal government data and research gaps filled as identified by the Inter-Departmental Committee on Gender Equality |
Annual |
Rationale: This indicator measures the extent to which the Department is addressing research gaps identified as priority within the federal government context by an Inter-Departmental Committee chaired by the Department. The indicator demonstrates the extent to which the Department is enhancing capacity for an evidence-based policy approach to advancing gender equality by undertaking research and data collection to increase access to evidence and data. Calculation / formula: This indicator is calculated using departmental administrative data, as a count of deliverables completed in a given fiscal year that were identified in the Department’s Gender Equality Data and Research Plan. This Plan is developed based on gaps identified by the Inter-Departmental Committee. Baseline: The baseline and target will be established in 2019-20. Definition(s):
Data source: Gender Equality Data and Research Plan Data owner: Director General, Results and Delivery Note(s): nil |
R2: The federal government systematically considers gender equality |
I5: % of federal organizations satisfied with the Department’s tools and resources to incorporate gender equality considerations into their work |
Annual |
Rationale: This indicator measures the satisfaction of federal organizations with the tools the Department for Women and Gender Equality has provided them to support consideration of gender equality in their work. The Department’s objective is to provide those organizations with the necessary tools and supports to help them incorporate considerations for gender equality into their activities. Calculation / formula: The percentage will be calculated by dividing the number of departments/agencies that reported that the Department’s tools and resources exceeded or met their expectations by the number of respondents, x 100. Baseline: The baseline is the 2016/17 Annual survey of Federal departments on GBA+ (68% of respondents indicated that the Department’s tools and resources on GBA+ accessed by their department/agency exceeded or met their expectations). The target will represent an increase. Definition(s):
Data source: Annual survey of federal departments/agencies whose deputy ministers/agency heads are members of the Public Service Management Advisory Committee. Data owner: Director General, Policy and External Relations Note(s): Question in the annual GBA+ survey: As the Government of Canada's centre of expertise on gender equality issues, SWC is a knowledge broker and facilitator; the agency offers input, advice and strategic support to other federal departments and agencies. One of SWC's key responsibilities is to help build capacity and tools to foster the full integration of GBA+ across Government. This includes engaging other departments and agencies through the development of training on GBA+ and the dissemination of tools to support the application of GBA+. In the reporting period, the SWC tools and resources on GBA+ accessed by your department/agency: Exceeded; Met; Met some; or Did not meet your expectations. |
I6: # of major new federal initiatives (e.g. policies and programs) that include specific measures to advance gender equality |
Annual |
Rationale: This indicator measures the extent to which federal organizations are incorporating gender equality considerations into their core business, especially new policies and programs that have a direct impact on the lives of Canadians. This indicator is important as it provides information on the extent to which GBA+ tools are being applied and having an impact on current government initiatives. Measuring only initiatives that have been made public ensures that cabinet confidence is not affected. Calculation / formula: An annual survey is sent to 49 departments and agencies whose deputy ministers and agency heads are members of the Public Service Management Advisory Committee (PSMAC). Departments and agencies are asked to identify major initiatives that advance gender equality and to provide supporting narrative on the nature of the initiatives. In the next version of the Survey (covering the period of 2017-18), guidance will be provided to further define “major initiatives”. Major initiatives will be counted and reported in one fiscal year only, even if they are multi-year initiatives. These initiatives will be added to calculate a total number. Baseline: Results for this indicator will be collected and reported for the first time through the 2018–19 Departmental Results Report. These results will be used to establish a baseline for this indicator. The target will be set for subsequent fiscal years. Definition(s):
Data source: Annual survey of federal departments and agencies on the implementation of GBA+ Data owner: Director General, Policy and External Relations Note(s): nil |
Gender Results Framework
Text version for GRF poster:
This poster represents the six pillars of the Gender Results Framework, its goals, objectives and indicators.
The Gender Results Framework visual identity is located on the top left of the poster, followed to the right by the text “Canada’s economic future depends on people having equal opportunity to reach their full potential, regardless of gender. The framework defines the Government of Canada’s gender equality goals and allows us to track how Canada is performing, determine what is needed to advance gender equality and measure progress going forward.” Below the text is the written, “To find out more, visit”. From left to right, in the middle of the poster are the six pillars in their respective colours as well as their objectives and indicators written down from top to bottom:
“Education and Skills Development” is written in white on a medium blue background with an icon of two pencils crossing each other on the left of the text.
Equal opportunities and diversified paths in education and skills development
Objectives & Indicators
1.1 More diversified educational paths and career choices
1.1.1 Proportion of post secondary qualification holders who are women, by field of study and qualification type
1.1.2 Proportion of post secondary students who are women, by field of study and credential type
1.1.3 High school completion rate
1.2 Reduced gender gaps in reading and numeracy skills among youth, including Indigenous youth
1.2.1 High school reading and mathematics test scores
1.3 Equal lifelong learning opportunities and outcomes for adults
1.3.1 Adults’ literacy and numeracy test scores
“Economic Participation and Prosperity” is written in white on a green background with an icon of a dollar bill on the left of the text.
Equal and full participation in the economy
Objectives & Indicators
2.1 Increased labour market opportunities for women, especially women in underrepresented groups
2.1.1 Labour force participation rate
2.1.2 Employment rate
2.2 Reduced gender wage gap
2.2.1 Gender gap in median hourly wages
2.2.2 Gender gap in average hourly wages
2.2.3 Gender gap in median annual employment income
2.2.4 Gender gap in average annual employment income
2.3 Increased full-time employment of women
2.3.1 Proportion of workers in full-time jobs
2.4 Equal sharing of parenting roles and family responsibilities
2.4.1 Proportion of time spent on unpaid domestic and care work
2.4.2 Number of children in regulated child care spaces and/or early learning programs and/or benefitting from subsidies
2.4.3 Proportion of annual household income spent on child care, by economic family type
2.5 Better gender balance across occupations
2.5.1 Proportion of occupational group who are women
2.6 More women in higher-quality jobs, such as permanent and well-paid jobs
2.6.1 Proportion of persons employed in temporary, involuntary part-time, or low-wage jobs
“Leadership and Democratic Participation” is written in white on a red background with an icon of three individuals; a man, a woman and a person in a wheelchair with their hands in the air, on the left of the text.
Gender equality in leadership roles and at all levels of decision-making
Objectives & Indicators
3.1 More women in senior management positions, and more diversity in senior leadership positions
3.1.1 Proportion of employees in management positions who are women, by management level
3.2 Increased opportunities for women to start and grow their businesses, and succeed on a global scale
3.2.1 Proportion of businesses majority owned by women, by business size
3.3 More company board seats held by women, and more diversity on company boards
3.3.1 Proportion of board members who are women, by type of board
3.4 Greater representation of women and underrepresented groups in elected office and ministerial positions in national and sub-national governments
3.4.1 Proportion of seats held by women in national Parliament
3.4.2 Proportion of seats held by women in local governments (provincial, territorial, municipal, First Nations Band Councils)
3.4.3 Proportion of ministerial positions held by women in federal-provincial-territorial governments, and Chiefs in First Nations communities who are women
3.5 Increased representation of women and underrepresented groups as administrators of the justice system
3.5.1 Proportion of federally appointed judges (federal and provincial courts) who are women
3.5.2 Proportion of law enforcement, security and intelligence officers who are women, by rank
“Gender-Based Violence and Access to Justice” is written in white on a navy blue background with an icon of a scale on the left of the text.
Eliminating gender-based violence and harassment, and promoting security of the person and access to justice
Objectives & Indicators
4.1 Workplaces are harassment-free
4.1.1 Proportion of employees who self-report being harassed in the workplace
4.2 Fewer women are victims of intimate partner violence and sexual assault
4.2.1 Proportion of women and girls aged 15 years and older subjected to physical, sexual or psychological violence by a current or former intimate partner
4.2.2 Proportion of population who self reported being sexually assaulted, since age 15
4.3 Fewer victims of childhood maltreatment
4.3.1 Proportion of population who self reported childhood maltreatment (before age 15), by type of maltreatment
4.4 Fewer women killed by an intimate partner
4.4.1 Homicide rate, by relationship to the perpetrator
4.5 Increased police reporting of violent crimes
4.5.1 Proportion of self-reported incidents of violent crime reported to police, past 12 months, by type of crime
4.6 Fewer Indigenous women and girls are victims of violence
4.6.1 Proportion of Indigenous women and girls subjected to physical, sexual or psychological violence, by Indigenous identity
4.7 Increased accountability and responsiveness of the Canadian criminal justice system
4.7.1 Proportion of sexual assaults reported to police that are deemed “unfounded”
“Poverty Reduction, Health and Well-Being” is written in white on an orange background with an icon of a heart with a heartbeat line, on the left of the text.
Reduced poverty and improved health outcomes
Objectives & Indicators
5.1 Fewer vulnerable individuals living in poverty
5.1.1 Prevalence of low income, by economic family type
5.2 Fewer women and children living in food-insecure households
5.2.1 Proportion of individuals living in households that are moderately or severely food-insecure, by economic family type
5.3 Fewer vulnerable individuals lacking stable, safe and permanent housing
5.3.1 Proportion of the population in core housing need, by economic family type
5.4 Child and spousal support orders are enforced
5.4.1 Collection rate, by type of beneficiary
5.5 More years in good health
5.5.1 Leading causes of death
5.5.2 Health-adjusted life expectancy at birth
5.5.3 Proportion of population that participated regularly in sport
5.6 Improved mental health
5.6.1 Proportion of adults who have high psychological well-being
5.7 Improved access to contraception for young people and reduced adolescent birth rate
5.7.1 Proportion of population aged 15 to 49 that did not use contraception among sexually active population not trying to conceive
5.7.2 Adolescent birth rate (aged 15 to 19) per 1,000 women in that age group
“Gender Equality Around the World” is written in white on a turquoise background with an icon of the globe, on the left of the text.
Promoting gender equality to build a more peaceful, inclusive, rules-based and prosperous world
Objectives & Indicators
Feminist international approach to all policies and programs, including diplomacy, trade, security and development:
6.1 Increased and meaningful participation of women in peace and security efforts
6.2 More women in leadership and decision-making roles, and stronger women’s rights organizations
6.3 More women and girls have access to sexual and reproductive health services and their rights are promoted
6.4 More of Canada’s trade agreements include gender-related provisions
6.5 More women have equitable access and control over the resources they need to build their own economic success and the economic success of their communities
6.6 Fewer people are victims of sexual and gender-based violence and sexual exploitation, including in conflict settings and online
6.7 More girls and women access quality education and skills training
The Government of Canada flag signature appears on the bottom left of the poster. The Canada wordmark is shown on the bottom right of the poster.
Organizational chart
Description of the image:
Department for Women and Gender Equality
Executive Management
Guylaine Roy : Deputy Minister
- Chief of Staff *Vacant
- Lyne Gaudreau: Departmental Liaison
- Nancy Gardiner : Assistant Deputy Minister
- Monika Bertrand : DG Policy and External Relations
- Alia Butt : DG Women’s Program and Regional Operations
- Lisa Smylie DG Communications and Public Affairs
- Martin Prescott : Executive Director Human Resources
- Stéphane Lavigne : CFO and Executive Director Corporate Services
- Danielle Bélanger Executive Director, GBV Policy
- Lisa Smylie : DG, Research, Results and Delivery
- Winnie Pang : Corporate Secretary
*Currently occupied by Winnie Pang
Page details
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