Minister for Women and Gender Equality's appearance at the House of Commons Standing Committee on the Status of Women (FEWO) - May 18, 2023

The Deputy Minister was also present and received the binder for this parliamentary committee appearance.

Opening remarks

Merci and thank you so much, Madam Chair, for the opportunity to discuss the Main Estimates of Women and Gender Equality Canada (WAGE).

Before I continue, I want to take a moment to highlight the excellent work that the Members of this Committee do, and their important role in moving gender equality forward in Canada. I appreciate all of your insights.

It is an honour to meet with you today on the traditional and unceded territory of the Algonquin Anishinaabeg people.

We're all here because we know that Canadians deserve a society where everyone has an equal opportunity to succeed, and as we know, there is a clear link between social and economic prosperity - and gender equality.

Today I'm happy to speak about how Women and Gender Equality Canada's Main Estimates puts that perspective into concrete actions.

It's clear that our government remain committed to promoting equality, protecting human rights, and addressing longstanding discrimination against women, girls and 2SLGBTQI+ communities. Because when women, girls, and gender diverse people succeed, everyone benefits.

My department is receiving $291 million via the Main Estimates, of which, there is $225 million in Grants and Contributions. This funding will support our work, but most importantly, it will go toward equity-seeking organizations that help to drive systemic change.

These organizations know what's best for their respective communities, they know how to improve economic outcomes for the people they represent, they provide leadership opportunities for women and 2SLGBTQI+ Canadians, and they work to prevent and address gender-based violence.

This why our government is committed to maintaining these historic funding levels, with a particular focus on Indigenous women, women with disabilities, 2SLGBTQI+ communities, and newcomer, Black, racialized women.

This commitment was clear in Budget 2023 – which included $160 million over 3 years, beginning this fiscal year, for the Women's Program to provide funding to organizations in Canada that specifically serve women.

But we know that the pandemic seriously impacted the work of these organizations, which is why WAGE also re-allocated $20 million of existing funding to extend support for 1-year for existing capacity-building projects under the Women's Program. This critical extension gives organizations the help they need to care for their communities.

But going back to the pandemic, I think it is important to describe just how quickly we acted to get funding to front-lines organizations that were under pressure…

We stepped up and provided $300 million in emergency funding to organizations across the country. This funding has reached over 1,400 frontline organizations and helped more than 2 million people experiencing violence. It helped them to get the support they need; it helped them to find a safe place to stay; and it helped them to get out of unsafe situations.

The emergency funding was necessary to address, what experts have called "the shadow pandemic" - but we know what they we need to take the lessons from the pandemic, and start to find longer term solutions, which is why our work with provinces and territories is so important.

And I am proud to say that since the last time I presented on Main Estimates, and mentioned the Budget 2021 investments - we have worked with provinces and territories to support crisis hotlines all across the country - and we have signed agreements with 9 provinces and territories, for a total of $23.2 million.

I want to highlight this because I think its important. These agreements aren't just ink on a document – these investments mean that when women and children are fleeing violence, when they pick up the phone and call for help - there is someone on the other end of line to take their call. I'm not exaggerating when I say that these crisis hotlines save lives.

But like I mentioned earlier, our government has taken into consideration what we can do right now to support front-line workers and how we can implement long-term solutions in every single province and territory…

This led us to the historic launch of the National Action Plan to End Gender-Based Violence – that was launched alongside Federal, Provincial and Territorial Ministers responsible for the Status of Women.

The 10-year Plan is a key partnership to engage all Canadians in ending gender-based violence (GBV) by increasing prevention efforts, reaching underserved and at-risk populations, and stabilizing the gender-based violence sector.

Budget 2022 provided $539.3 million over 5 years to support provinces and territories in implementing the National Action Plan - and we're currently working with provincial and territorial governments to finalize agreements. I'm in close contact with my counterparts, as is my department, to make sure that we will be receiving action plans from each province and territory.

These plans must concretely show which actions they will be taking to end GBV they must be aligned with our agreed upon principles - and once they are signed off, the funds will flow quickly.

In addition, last year we launched another initiative to promote equality and combat discrimination: through Canada's Federal 2SLGBTQI+ Action Plan. This Action Plan was supported by an investment of $100 million over 5 years from Budget 2022, and was developed in collaboration with community leaders, researchers, and organizations.

It builds on the work completed in recent years to address the persisting disparities faced by 2SLGBTQI+ communities – all while helping frontline organizations prioritize and sustain 2SLGBTQI+ community action. 

But we know that again, we can't do this alone - which is why we're working closely with other government departments to implement the 6 priority areas and are continuing to report on our progress to Canadians through WAGE's website.

We've also made progress on Gender Based Analysis Plus (GBA Plus). Both the Auditor General and the Standing Senate Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology recently released reports on GBA Plus. Both acknowledged progress but found that opportunities remained to address certain long-standing barriers.

We take these recommendations seriously, as seen through the Management Response and Action Plan, and WAGE, the Privy Council Office (PCO) and the Treasury Board Secretariat (TBS) have been delivering on the commitments, while also looking to address the Senate Committee's recommendations.

In fact, we celebrated Gender-based Analysis Plus Awareness Week earlier this month. This year's theme, 'Building a More Inclusive Future for All' reinforces the intersectional purpose of GBA Plus.

Finally, I wanted to raise to the Committee that Menstrual Hygiene Day is coming up on May 28. One of my mandate commitments is to develop a national Menstrual Equity Fund Pilot to address period poverty in Canada – because far too many women, girls, trans, and non-binary people struggle to afford menstrual products.

This lack of access, along with period shame and stigma, makes it hard for people to fully participate in public life. The department has been tirelessly working with partners to develop this pilot and we will have more to say regarding the Pilot in the coming months.

Thank you. I'm happy to answer questions from the members of the Committee.

Budget 2023


How does Budget 2023 support feminist and equality-seeking organizations?

Suggested response:

Key information:


Women's Program Investments

Previous Budget Commitments:

National Action Plan to End Gender-Based Violence

2SLGBTQI+ Action Plan

Menstrual Equity Fund

Overall Investment

Investments in the 2SLGBTQI+ Community

Investments to Prevent and Address Gender-Based Violence (GBV)

Menstrual Equity Fund


How is the Government addressing period poverty through its Menstrual Equity Fund?

Suggested response:

Key information:





Gender-based Analysis Plus (GBA Plus)


What is the government doing to improve the implementation of GBA Plus?

Suggested response:


Senate Committee (SOCI) Report on GBA Plus

Office of the Auditor General (OAG) Audit of GBA Plus

Strengthening GBA Plus

Gender Budgeting

GBA Plus as part of the implementation of the Impact Assessment Act

Supporting Women's Shelters, Sexual Assault Centres, and Other Organizations Providing Gender-Based Violence Supports and Services across Canada during COVID-19


What did the Government do to support people facing gender-based violence during the COVID-19 pandemic?

Suggested response:

Key information:



Project examples


National Action Plan to End Gender-Based Violence


What is the status of the National Action Plan to End Gender-Based Violence?

Suggested response:

Key information:


Gender-Based Violence Program Enhancement

Crisis Hotlines

Emergency COVID-19 Funding


Project Example


Intimate Partner Violence


What is WAGE doing to address intimate partner violence in Canada?

Suggested response:

Key information:



Project Examples


The Standing Committee on the Status of Women (FEWO)

Mass Casualty Commission's Final Report: Turning the Tide Together


How will WAGE support the implementation of the Mass Casualty Commission's (MCC) recommendations?

Suggested response:

Key information:



Mass Casualty Commission's Final Report

How WAGE Supports the RCMP

Gender-related homicides


What is WAGE doing to address gender-related homicides in Canada?

Suggested response:

Key information:



Project examples

National Action Plan to End Gender-Based Violence


Human Trafficking


How is the Government of Canada working to protect those who are at risk of human trafficking?

Suggested response:

Key information:



Project examples


Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls, And Two-Spirit LGBTQQIA+ Peoples


What action is WAGE taking to address the issue of missing and murdered Indigenous women, girls, Two-Spirit (2S) LGBTQQIA+ people?

Suggested response:

Key information:



Project examples

The following are examples of WAGE funded projects that are intended to address the issue of missing and murdered Indigenous women, girls, and 2SLGBTQI+ people:

Human trafficking-related projects:


2SLGBTQI+ Action Plan


How is the Government advancing equality for 2SLGBTQI+ communities through the Federal 2SLGBTQI+ Action Plan?

Suggested response:

Key information:


Budget 2022 committed $100M over 5 years to implement the Action Plan:


On February 27, 2023, the Government released a 6-month progress report on the Action Plan's implementation. Key accomplishments include, but are not limited to:

Since then, the Government has made additional advancements in implementing the 2SLGBTQI+ Action Plan. These include:


Next Steps on the 2SLGBTQI+ Action Plan

Development of the 2SLGBTQI+ Action Plan

2SLGBTQI+ Equality


Beyond the 2SLGBTQI+ Action Plan, how has the Government advanced equality for 2SLGBTQI+ communities in Canada?

Suggested response:

Key information:


WAGE Investments and Results

Funding project examples


Despite substantial gains towards improved equality in Canada, 2SLGBTQI+ individuals continue to experience stigma and discrimination, which are at the root of multiple inequities in areas such as health, safety, housing and employment.

Government Response

The Government is committed to correct historic wrongs, break down barriers, and end stigma and discrimination to advance equality for 2SLGBTQI+ communities in Canada. This commitment includes:


Safety and Justice:



The LGBT Purge


The LGBT Purge Class, and the implementation of the LGBT Purge Class Action Settlement Agreement

Suggested response:




Next steps

Violence against 2SLGBTQI+ communities


How is the Government of Canada addressing violence and hate targeting 2SLGBTQI+ communities?

Suggested response:

Key information:


Federal 2SLGBTQI+ Action Plan

National Action Plan to end Gender-Based Violence

Budget 2023 Investments


Gender-Based Violence and SportsFootnote 1 


How will the Government of Canada address gender-based violence in sports?

Suggested response:


Implementing Canada's Youth Policy

Issue/question: n/a

Suggested response:

Key information:




Student Work Placement Program


How is the government supporting post-secondary students?

Suggested response:

Key information:




Employment and Skills Support for Canada's Youth


How the Government of Canada is supporting youth to gain the skills and experience they need to successfully enter the labour market.

Suggested response:

Key information:

Past investments

Canada Summer Jobs – Program Budget


Why is the Canada Summer Jobs (CSJ) 2023 budget lower?

Suggested response:

Key information:


Funding Allocation


Budget for Canada Summer Jobs program by Provinces and Territories for 2019 and 2023
2019 Provincial/Territorial Budget // Budget provincial/territorial 2019 2023 Provincial/Territorial Budget // Budget provincial/territorial 2023
Newfoundland and Labrador / Terre-Neuve et Labrador $8,161,374 $8,372,051
Prince Edward Island / Île-du-Prince-Édouard $1,461,632 $1,522,711
Nova Scotia / Nouvelle-Écosse $8,746,433 $9,224,441
New Brunswick / Nouveau-Brunswick $7,919,995 $8,230,699
Quebec $53,813,925 $56,327,889
Ontario $104,191,256 $111,451,654
Manitoba $8,169,985 $8,676,318
Saskatchewan $7,172,853 $7,560,570
Alberta $27,931,439 $29,851,435
British Columbia / Colombie-Britannique $26,382,679 $28,321,263
Yukon $398,730 $427,765
Northwest Territories / Territoires du Nord-Ouest $410,009 $450,197
Nunavut $269,181 $331,499
Canada Total Constituency Allocations $255,029,490 $270,748,490

* Note that the totals are different from the Investment section as they do not include the National Reserve.

Canada Service Corps


What is the Government of Canada doing to engage more youth in volunteer service, particularly Indigenous and under-served youth who may face barriers to volunteering?

Suggested response:

Key information:




Gender Equality and Youth


What is the Government doing to advance gender equality as it relates to youth?

Suggested response:

Key information:



WAGE Project examples

Canada Service Corps Project Examples

PMYC on Gender Equailty


Women in the Economy


How does gender disparity affect women's economic security and poverty?

Suggested response:

Key information:



Project Examples

Alternative Entrepreneurship for Women

Allies in the Workplace - Creating Change, Advancing Women, and Educating the Aviation Industry


Gender Equality in STEM, Skilled Trades, and Key Economic Sectors


What policies and programming has the Government of Canada advanced to increase gender equality in the science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM) and skilled trades fields?

Suggested response:

Key information:


Project examples


Housing and Homelessness


How is the current housing crisis affecting women's and 2SLGBTQI+ access to adequate housing options?

Suggested response:

Key information:



Project examples

Un toit à soi: étape importante vers l'autonomie et la sécurité (QC)

From 2021 to 2024, WAGE is supporting a project led by Montréal-based organization Un toît pour Elles that aims to address the challenges of women victims of sexual exploitation, specifically racialized and Indigenous women, and provide them with safe and accessible transitional and long-term housing options.

Honouring 2SLGBTQQIA+ Indigenous Staff and Street Family Voices Toward Ending Indigenous Homelessness (BC)

Through this 39-month project, Aboriginal Coalition to End Homelessness Society (ACEHS) will engage with unhoused and at risk 2SLGBTQQIA+ Indigenous youth to develop a youth housing model.


Gender Equality in Leadership and Decision-Making Positions


What is the Government of Canada doing to advance gender equality in leadership and decision-making positions?

Suggested response:

Key information:



Project examples


Gender Equality in Politics


How is the Government of Canada advancing gender parity and diversity of elected officials?

Suggested response:

Key information:



Project examples


WAGE Funding Overview


How does Women and Gender Equality Canada support communities to advance gender equality?

Suggested response:

Key information:

Investments in the Women's Movement

Investments in the 2SLGBTQI+ Movement

Investments to Prevent and Address Gender-Based Violence

Project examples


Programming for the Women's Movement

Programming for the 2SLGBTQI+ Movement

Programming to Prevent and Address Gender-based Violence

ESDC Funding Overview


What is the Government doing to help set young Canadians up for success on their journey towards a better career and future?

Suggested response:

Key information:


Student Work Placement (SWP) Program

Youth Employment and Skills Strategy (YESS) Program

Canada Summer Jobs (CSJ)

Canada Service Corps (CSC)


SWP Program





SWP Program




Survey of Safety in Public and Private Spaces


Stakeholders recently provided advice on a national gender-based violence survey. What is this survey and what are the government's plans for it?

Suggested response:

Key information:



Project examples


Federal-Provincial-Territorial (FPT) Forum of Ministers responsible for the Status of Women


What is the current status of the Federal-Provincial-Territorial (FPT) Forum of Ministers responsible for the Status of Women?

Suggested response:


Federal-Provincial and Territorial Forum

National Action Plan to End Gender-Based Violence (GBV)

World Economic Forum Index


Canada's ranking in the World Economic Forum's Gender Gap Index

Suggested response:


United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (UNCSW) – 67th Session


Can you provide an update on the 67th session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women?

Suggested response:


2023-2024 Departmental Plan


What are the priorities for Women and Gender Equality as described in the 2023-2024 Departmental Plan?

Suggested response:


1) Preventing and addressing GBV, including: implementation of the National Action Plan to End Gender-Based Violence; continuing to lead the federal strategy to end GBV; delivering programming for organizations working to address human trafficking and GBV; funding and undertaking research to address knowledge gaps and help advance evidence-based responses to GBV; promoting action and awareness through commemoration events; implementing the second phase of the GBV Youth Awareness Campaign; supporting the implementation of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission's Calls to Action and the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls' Calls for Justice in Partnership with First Nations, Inuit and Métis Peoples.

2) Eliminating systemic barriers to gender equality through strategic actions and engagement, including: strengthening the department's role as a Centre of Expertise for advancing gender equality; supporting the implementation of the Federal 2SLGBTQI+ Action Plan and the integration of 2SLGBTQI+ considerations across the federal government; collaborating with provincial and territorial governments through the Federal-Provincial-Territorial Forum of Ministers Responsible for the Status of Women, as well as National Indigenous Leaders and Representatives; engaging with domestic and international partners to advance gender equality in Canada and abroad; supporting other federal government departments in advancing gender equality; funding and undertaking research and knowledge mobilization to inform policy, program, and service development across the federal government.

3) Facilitating GBA plus throughout federal government decision-making processes, including: enhancing the framing and parameters of GBA Plus through the GBA Plus Action Plan; increasing available research, evidence and data to support the application of GBA Plus by all federal departments and agencies; working with Finance Canada, Privy Council Office and Treasury Board Secretariat to improve the quality and scope of GBA Plus in budgeting; monitoring and reporting on the implementation and scope of GBA Plus in the federal government.

4) Supporting community action to advance gender equality and supporting economic security and prosperity, including: promoting national action to advance a fairer and more inclusive society for all people living in Canada; raising awareness through commemorative initiatives; implementing a pilot for the Menstrual Equity Fund; supporting projects under the Women's Program, including addressing barriers to economic security and prosperity.

2023-2024 Main Estimates


2023-2024 Main Estimates

Suggested response:


Main Estimates for 2022-23 and 2023-24
Main Estimates 2022-23 2023-24 Variance

Operating expenditures




Grants and contributions












The House of Commons Standing Committee on the Status of Women (FEWO)

The Standing Committee on the Status of Women's mandate gives it the broad authority to study the policies, programs, expenditures (budgetary estimates), and legislation of departments and agencies, including the Department for Women and Gender Equality, that conduct work related to the status of women and gender equality.

In the 43rd Parliament, the committee studied:

During their first meeting of the first session of the 44th Parliament, members agreed that witnesses who appear before the committee would have 5 minutes to make opening statements. Whenever possible, these opening statements should be submitted to the committee 72 hours in advance. This is followed by a question-and-answer period. Questions will proceed in the following order:

Round 1 – 6 minutes each, Conservative Party of Canada (CPC), Liberal Party of Canada (LPC), Bloc Québécois (BQ), New Democratic Party (NDP)

Round 2 – 5 minutes each, CPC, LPC, then 2.5 minutes each, BQ, NDP, and subsequently another 5 minutes each CPC, LPC

The committee also elected Ms. Karen Vecchio (CPC) as Chair, Ms. Sonia Sidhu (LPC) as Vice-Chair and Ms. Andréanne Larouche (BQ) as Second Vice-Chair.

The committee agreed to undertake the following studies:

Resource Development and Violence against Indigenous Women and Girls (ended on December 8, 2022)

This study was on the relationship between resource development and increased violence against Indigenous women and girls, as it relates to Calls for Justice 13.4 and 13.5 of the National Inquiry into Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women and Girls.

The committee dedicated 9 meetings on this issue, with the Minister for Women and Gender Equality and Youth and Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations having appeared on May 20, 2022, from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.

The study ended on December 8, 2022. The committee tabled its report on December 14, 2022. A Government Response was tabled by March 31, 2023.

C-233 An Act to amend the Criminal Code and the Judges Act (violence against an intimate partner) (ended on May 13, 2022)

This private members' bill is sponsored by Anju Dhillon and Pam Damoff from the Liberal Party of Canada. The first reading was on February 7, 2022, and was debated at second reading on April 29, 2022. It was adopted on April 29 and referred to FEWO.

Three meetings of the committee were dedicated to the examination of Bill C-233. The committee heard the sponsors of the bill, the mother and step-father of Keira Kagan, (who was murdered by her father in the case of a separation and who inspired the bill), as well as the Department of Justice.

The committee began and completed clause-by-clause consideration of Bill C-233, An Act to amend the Criminal Code and the Judges Act (violence against an intimate partner) on Friday, May 13, 2022. The bill, as amended, was then reprinted for the use of the House of Commons at report stage.

Intimate Partner Violence (ended on April 5, 2022)

This study was on intimate partner and domestic violence, with a wide range of sub-topics in order for the committee to consider additional ways in which the government can contribute to

the prevention of intimate partner violence and the protection of women and children fleeing violence.

The committee dedicated 17 meetings on this issue. Department officials from Women and Gender Equality Canada appeared on February 4, 2022 alongside officials from the Department of Justice, and the Minister for Women and Gender Equality appeared on April 1, 2022.

The study ended on April 5, 2022. The committee tabled its report on June 17, 2022. A Government Response was tabled October 7, 2022.

Mental Health of Young Women and Girls (ended on March 9, 2023)

This study was on the factors contributing to mental health issues experienced by young women and girls, including, but not limited to, eating disorders, addiction, depression, anxiety, and suicide.

The committee dedicated 13 meetings on this issue, the Minister for Women and Gender Equality and Youth and Minister of Mental Health and Addictions having appeared on November 14, 2022, from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

The study ended on March 9, 2023. The committee tabled its report on March 31, 2023, and a government response is required to be tabled.

Human Trafficking

That the committee undertake the following study as its fourth study: That, pursuant to Standing Order 108(2), the committee undertake a study on human trafficking of women, girls, and gender-diverse individuals for sexual exploitation in Canada, including an examination of how to prevent the trafficking of individuals and ways to improve Canadian law enforcement's capability to apprehend and prosecute perpetrators; that a minimum of 8 and a maximum of 10 meetings be held on this study; and that the committee report its findings to the House.

The last meeting on this study was May 4, 2023, it is expected that the committee will now begin consideration of a draft report.

Women and Girls in Sport

That, pursuant to Standing Order 108(2), the committee undertake, following the completion of witnesses on the study of mental health of young women and girls, a study on sport and the status of women, including the physical and emotional health and safety of women and girls in sport; that the committee allocate 4 meetings to hear testimonies and that it invite to testify Ms. Pascale St-Onge, Minister of Sport for 1 hour, and other witnesses that the committee deems appropriate to invite; that the committee report its observations and recommendations to the House; and that, pursuant to Standing Order 109, the Government table a comprehensive response to the report.

The last meeting on this study was April 27, 2023. The committee is currently in consideration of a draft report.

Menstrual Equity in Canada

That, pursuant to Standing Order 108(2), the committee undertake a study on menstrual equality and period poverty in Canada, including an examination of barriers such as certain access to products, geography, clean water, safe washroom space, affordability, personal trauma, making it difficult for some Canadians to access menstrual products and participate in day-to-day activities, creating period poverty; that a minimum of 3 meetings be held on this study; and that the committee report its findings to the House.

FEWO Members

Conservative Party of Canada:

Karen Vecchio – Chair
Michelle Ferreri
Anna Roberts
Dominique Vien

Liberal Party of Canada:

Sonia Sidhu – Vice-Chair
Emmanuella Lambropoulos
Marc G. Serré
Jenna Sudds
Anita Vandenbeld

Bloc Québécois:

Andréanne Larouche – Vice-Chair

New Democratic Party:

Leah Gazan

Karen Vecchio Chair and Returning Member (Conservative)

Photo - Karen Vecchio Chair and Returning Member (Conservative)

Karen Vecchio was first elected as the Member of Parliament for Elgin-Middlesex-London in 2015.

She was raised on a turkey and hog farm in Sparta, Ontario, and remains connected to her rural roots in Southern Ontario. Prior to entering politics, she owned and operated a small business in London, Ontario, and worked alongside MP Joe Preston as his Executive Assistant for 11 years.

Ms. Vecchio is married to Mike, and they have 5 children.

She currently serves as the Deputy House Leader for the Official Opposition.

She participates regularly in the All-Party Agricultural Caucus, the All-Party Anti-Poverty

Caucus, the Canadian NATO Parliamentary Caucus, and the All-Party Parliamentary Group to

End Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking.

In her capacity as Member of Parliament, Ms. Vecchio has served as Critic for Women and Gender Equality (2019-2020); Chair of the Standing Committee on the Status of Women (2017­2020); Critic for Families, Children and Social Development; Chair of the Conservative Social Development Caucus (2016-2019); and the Conservative Caucus Liaison to the LGBTQ2+ community.


  • Agriculture
  • LGBTQ2+
  • Women's issues
  • Human trafficking
Sonia Sidhu – Vice-Chair and Returning Member (Liberal)

Photo - Sonia Sidhu – Vice-Chair and Returning Member (Liberal)

Satinderpal "Sonia" Sidhu was first elected Member of Parliament for Brampton South in 2015. Born in India, Ms. Sidhu immigrated to Winnipeg in 1992, where she worked as a small business owner, entrepreneur, and cardiac technologist at Victoria Hospital. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and a certificate in Diabetes Education from the Michener Institute. Ms. Sidhu worked in the healthcare profession in Brampton South for 15 years, focusing on diabetes research and education.

Since entering the House in 2015, Ms. Sidhu has strongly advocated for healthcare.

She was a member of the Standing Committee on Health and advised on 18 different reports, including the report recommending the implementation of a national pharmacare plan and the report on drinking water standards.

Her report "Defeating Diabetes," for which she crossed the country to consult with experts, was presented to the Minister of Health in 2019. Ms. Sidhu also frequently speaks about the issues faced by seniors and has worked to improve the infrastructure and employment rates in her riding.

In the 42nd Parliament, Ms. Sidhu sat on the Standing Committee on the Status of Women. She was also a member of the Special Committee on Pay Equity. In committee meetings, in the House of Commons, and through her social media, Ms. Sidhu has expressed particular interest in senior women, women in politics, pay equity, and women's health. She has highlighted the need for intersectionality when discussing women's issues and empowerment. During the 43rd Parliament, Ms. Sidhu worked on the FEWO reports on pay equity and impacts of COVID-19 on women.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Ms. Sidhu has continued to focus on health, including long-term care homes and healthcare accessibility. She has also spoken about investments in organizations that support the homeless, specifically women fleeing domestic violence who are now being housed in hotels.


  • Communities
  • Infrastructure
  • Youth
Andréanne Larouche – Vice-Chair, BQ Critic, and Returning Member

Photo - Andréanne Larouche – Vice-Chair, BQ Critic, and Returning Member

Bloc Québécois Member of Parliament for the riding of Shefford, Andréanne Larouche, was elected in the 2019 federal election.

Ms. Larouche studied art and media technology at Cégep de Jonquière and has always been engaged locally, sitting on the board of directors for the Ecosphere Group and the Sutton Museum of Communications and History. While this is her first time in the House of Commons, Ms. Larouche holds a Bachelor's degree from the University of Sherbrooke in Applied Politics and worked for the former Member of Parliament for Brome-Missisquoi, Christian Ouellet, and a Member of Quebec's National Assembly, Marie Bouillé.

She was also a project manager for Alternative Justice and Mediation, raising awareness on elder abuse.

Ms. Larouche was appointed as the Bloc Québécois Critic for Women and Gender Equality and Critic for Seniors. Ms. Larouche's first speech in the House of Commons was on the topic of the anti-feminist attack at École Polytechnique, advocating for stricter gun control to protect women against such violence.

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, Ms. Larouche has focused on senior women, women in essential services, and the ability for women to access help. Like other members of the Bloc Québécois, she has advocated for increased health and social transfers to Quebec, as she believes many of these issues are best resolved by the province. She has also advocated for an increase to GIS/OAS for seniors under 75.


  • Seniors
  • Gender equality
  • Poverty
  • Arts and culture
Dominique Vien – Conservative Critic and Returning Member

Photo - Dominique Vien – Conservative Critic and Returning Member


Dominique Vien was elected Member of Parliament for the riding of Bellechasse-Les Etchemins-Lévis in 2021.

Ms. Vien was born in Lévis and completed her secondary studies at the Collège de Saint-Damien and the Collège Jésus-Marie in Sillery. She finished her college at Collège de Lévis and subsequently obtained a Bachelor's degree in Public Communication from Laval University. Recognized for her hard work, determination, and results-based management, Ms. Vien has many achievements to her credit, including the construction of a 4-lane road between Saint-Henri and Saint-Anselme, the supply of natural gas, the safeguard of Mont-Orignal, the granting of an unprecedented budget to the MRC des Etchemins, and the maintenance in Saint-Anselme of the Exceldor plant.

Ms. Vien has worked in many community organizations. She is the mother of a young adult. A journalist for 10 years on community radio Passion FM (Radio-Bellechasse) and on Radio-Canada radio, Ms. Vien has been elected Member of Parliament for Bellechasse under the banner of the Liberal Party of Quebec for nearly 15 years.

During this period, Ms. Vien headed 4 ministries, including the Ministry of Labour. Until recently, Ms. Vien was the general manager of the Les Etchemins RCM.


  • Communities
  • Infrastructure
  • Youth
Anna Roberts – New Member (Conservative)

Photo - Anna Roberts – New Member (Conservative)

Anna Roberts grew up in the GTA and is the daughter of Italian Immigrants. She currently lives in the Hamlet of Kettleby in King Township. Having lived and worked in King-Vaughan for 20+ years, she understands the needs of her community firsthand and is passionate about being a strong representative for its residents.

She is an energetic volunteer, youth mentor, wife, mother, and grandmother. Professionally, Anna brings over 30 years of senior administrative experience from the banking and financial industry.

Anna has spent much of her adult life dedicated to her community through her strong record of volunteering. With a dedicated commitment of over 30 years to public service, Anna has received numerous awards including the prestigious Ontario Provincial Volunteer Award. She has also been recognized by Toronto Sick Children's Hospital, the Salvation Army, and many other community service organizations for her dedicated efforts. Recognizing the increased vulnerability of the elderly, she has volunteered at the King City Lodge Senior's Residence for over a decade and currently serves as a member of the King Township Accessibility Committee. Most recently Anna volunteered with the local Chamber of Commerce to assist in a local "drive-flu" clinic to ensure the community had access to a necessary vaccination program.

She currently serves as the Deputy Shadow Minister for Seniors.


  • Mental health
  • Seniors
  • Cost of living
Michelle Ferreri – Returning Member (Conservative)

Photo - Michelle Ferreri – Returning Member (Conservative)

Michelle Ferreri was elected Member of Parliament for Peterborough-Kawartha in 2021.

She is a proud mother of three children, between the ages of 12 and 17, and shares her life with her supportive partner, Ryan, and his 3 daughters.

Prior to being elected, Ms. Ferreri was a well-known community advocate, an award-winning entrepreneur, a committed volunteer, and a sought-after public speaker and social media marketer.

She has over 20 years' experience in media, marketing, and public speaking.

During her time as a reporter, one of Michelle's most memorable experiences was when she had the opportunity to visit the Canadian Forces Base in Alert and fly to the station on a C-17 Globemaster.

She is a graduate of Trent University (Biology/Anthropology) and Loyalist College (Biotechnology). Her education in science has led her to be a passionate advocate for physical and mental health.


  • Physical and mental health
  • Housing
  • Economy
  • Food security
Jenna Sudds – Parliamentary Secretary and Returning Member (Liberal - Non-voting member)

Photo - Jenna Sudds – Parliamentary Secretary and Returning Member (Liberal - Non-voting member)

Jenna Sudds was elected Member of Parliament for Kanata in 2021. Ms. Sudds is a long-time Kanata resident, economist, former city councillor, and community advocate. She and her husband Tim have raised their 3 daughters in Kanata-Carleton since moving to the community 2 decades ago. Since 2013, Ms. Sudds has been an integral part of the development of Kanata North, from serving as a founding director of the Kanata North Business Association to representing the community at City Hall as the City Councillor for Kanata North.

She has been highly engaged in her community since moving to Kanata-Carleton in 2001. She grew up in Niagara Falls, attended Brock University in St. Catharines, and moved to the National Capital Region to complete her Master's of Economics at Carleton University.

She spent the first 12 years of her career working as an economist in the federal government. She left her role in the federal government in 2013 to pursue directorship opportunities within Kanata-Carleton's world-class technology sector.

Ms. Sudds became the founding President and Executive Director of the newly formed Kanata North Business Association in 2013. After 4 years of supporting Kanata businesses, she became the Executive Director of the CIO Strategy Council, a national technology council.

In 2015, Jenna was named one of "Forty under 40" who would lead Ottawa into the future by the Ottawa Business Journal and Ottawa Chamber of Commerce. 2 years later, Jenna was named one of the world's "Top 40 under 40" International Economic Development Professionals.


  • Economy
  • Food security
  • Small businesses support
  • Employment
Emmanuella Lambropoulos – Returning Member (Liberal)

Photo - Emmanuella Lambropoulos – Returning Member (Liberal)

Emmanuella Lambropoulos was first elected Member of Parliament for Saint-Laurent in 2017.

Ms. Lambropoulos was raised in the Saint-Laurent borough of Montréal. She attended Vanier College, where she received the Program Award upon graduation, awarded in recognition of outstanding achievement in the Social Science (Psychology Major) Program. During her time at Vanier, Ms. Lambropoulos was a member of the Vanier Key Society, composed of a talented group of students chosen for their high academic standing, strong communication skills, and demonstrated leadership abilities.

She then graduated from McGill University with a Bachelor of Education in 2013, where she was the president of the McGill Hellenic Students Association.

She then became a teacher at Rosemount High School, where she taught French and history. Most recently, she completed her Master of Arts in Educational Leadership from McGill University.

Ms. Lambropoulos has served on the parliamentary committees for Veterans Affairs (May 2017-Sept. 2018), Status of Women (Sept. 2017-Sept. 2019), and Official Languages (Sept. 2018-Sept. 2019).

As part of her work for the Status of Women committee, she has studied such issues as shelters and transition homes for women who are seeking to escape domestic violence and barriers to women entering politics.


  • Status of women
  • Disabilities
Anita Vandenbeld – Returning Member (Liberal)

Photo - Anita Vandenbeld – Returning Member (Liberal)

Anita Vandenbeld was first elected Member of Parliament for Ottawa-West Nepean in 2015. Ms. Vandenbeld was the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of National Defence.

During her previous mandate, she chaired the House of Commons Subcommittee on International Human Rights and sat on the Foreign Affairs and International Development Committee and the Committee on Access to Information, Privacy, and Ethics.

She also served on the Committee on the Status of Women and the Procedure and House Affairs committee and was chair of the Special Committee on Pay Equity. From 2015 to September 2018, Ms. Vandenbeld chaired the Parliamentary Women's Caucus.

She is also founding chair of the All-Party Democracy Caucus. Prior to her election to the Canadian House of Commons, she worked for over a decade in international democratic development and women's political participation, having worked in over 20 countries on inclusive governance and women's leadership. She managed a global, multi-partner online network to promote women's political rights and participation, called Ms. Vandenbeld was a parliamentary advisor with the United Nations Development Programme in Bangladesh, and Senior Advisor and Deputy Chief of the Central Assembly and Political Parties Section of the Organization for Security Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Mission in Kosovo. She coordinated an anti-corruption campaign with the OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina, and as the resident director of the National Democratic Institute's office in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ms. Vandenbeld established a political party program during the 2011 elections. Anita has also led women's campaign and leadership training in several countries, including Haiti, and she authored a UNDP study on women's political participation in Vietnam.

She has a Master's degree in Constitutional and Political History from York University. Shortly after leaving graduate school, she spent 6 years as a staff member in the Canadian Parliament, including as a policy analyst in the National Liberal Caucus Research Bureau, as Director of Parliamentary Affairs in the office of the Leader of the Government in the House of Commons and Minister Responsible for Democratic Reform, and as Chief of Staff to a Senator.


  • Canadian Armed Forces, Women, International relations
Marc G. Serré – Returning Member (Liberal)

Photo - Marc G. Serré – Returning Member (Liberal)

Marc Serré was first elected Member of Parliament for Nickel Belt in 2015.

Son of former Liberal Member of Parliament Gaetan Serré and nephew of former Liberal Member of Parliament Ben Serré, Marc Serré was born into a family tradition of politics. He is a proud member of the Algonquin First Nation in Mattawa/North Bay and a proud Francophone. Before joining the House of Commons, Mr. Serré graduated from Laurentian University with an Honours Bachelor in Commerce with a specialization in Human Resources and Marketing. He is an award-winning telecom technologist specializing in research and development who founded the family-run Internet provider PhoneNet. He also received the Canadian CANARIE IWAY Award in recognition of his innovative and outstanding achievements in Internet adaptive technology.

He was also the Northeastern Ontario Regional Director of the Canadian Hearing Society, a staff and faculty member at Collège Boréal and Cambrian College, and the Northeastern Ontario Managing Director at Eastlink. Mr. Serré served as a trustee at the Conseil scolaire catholique du Nouvel-Ontario (CSCNO) and was also a municipal councillor in West Nipissing. In Parliament, he has been involved in several standing committees, caucus and parliamentary associations, including: the Standing Committee on Industry, Science and Technology; the Standing Committee on Transport, Infrastructure and Communities; Chair of the National Rural Liberal Caucus; and Chair of the Northern Ontario Liberal Caucus. Mr. Serré has demonstrated his advocacy for increased rural infrastructure, affordable housing, accessibility, and seniors in and outside the House of Commons. His motion M-106, calling on the federal government to develop Canada's first National Senior Strategy, was successfully passed in the House of Commons in May 2017.

Mr. Serré was a member of the Standing Committee on the Status of Women during the 42nd and 43rd Parliament.


  • Women in STEM
  • Indigenous women
  • Senior women
  • Rural women
Leah Gazan – New Member (New Democratic Party)

Photo - Leah Gazan – New Member (New Democratic Party)

Leah Gazan was elected as the Member of Parliament for Winnipeg Centre in 2019.

As an educator, advisor, and media contributor, Ms. Gazan has been deeply engaged with issues and organizing in Winnipeg's core for nearly 3 decades. She has spent her life working for human rights on the local, national, and international stage. As president of the Social Planning Council between 2011 and 2015, she organized and pushed policy in support of an end to poverty, violence against women and girls, finding solutions for housing insecurity and homelessness, ensuring fair wages, and implementing community-based actions addressing addictions and proper supports for mental health.

Ms. Gazan was a prominent Winnipeg lead during Idle No More, articulating the movement to the Winnipeg public. She also co-founded the #WeCare campaign aimed at building public will to end violence against Indigenous women and girls. She is a member of Wood Mountain Lakota Nation, located in Saskatchewan, Treaty 4 territory.

She is currently the NDP Critic for Women and Gender Equality; Families, Children and Social Development and Deputy Critic for Housing. In the last session, she was a member of the Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities, and the Standing Joint Committee on the Library of Parliament.

In 2019, she introduced a private member's bill, Bill C-232, The Climate Emergency Action Act, which recognizes the right to a healthy environment as a human right. In August 2020, she submitted M-46, which calls on the federal government to convert the Canada Emergency Response Benefit into a permanent Guaranteed Livable Basic Income. She was recently named in Maclean's 2021 Power List.


  • Indigenous affairs
  • Violence against women and girls
  • Poverty
  • Housing
  • Communities
  • Mental health and drug addictions

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