Schedule 1: Subsequent temporary public policy to continue to facilitate access to permanent resident status for out-of-status construction workers in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) [IMM 0113]

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Schedule 1: Subsequent temporary public policy to continue to facilitate access to permanent resident status for out-of-status construction workers in the Greater Toronto Area (IMM 0113)

Question 1

Family name

Type your family name (surname/last name) as it appears on your passport or travel document (even if the name is misspelled). Do not use initials.

Note: If you do not have a family name on your passport or travel document, enter all your given names here and leave the given name field blank.

Question 2

Given name

Type all of your given names (first, second, or more) as they appear on your passport or travel document (even if the name is misspelled). Do not use initials.

Note: If you do not have a given name on your passport or travel document, leave this field blank. Do not enter “*”, “Not applicable” or “NA”

Question 3

Indicate your date of birth. If your complete date of birth is unknown, please use "*" (star sign or asterisk) to fill in the spaces for the year, month or day, where applicable.

Question 4

Type your Unique Client Identifier number (UCI).

Question 5

Indicate addresses in which you have lived in the past 5 years (or which you have lived since your 18th birthday whichever is most recent) by typing the following information:

  • Do not use Post Office Box (P.O. Box) numbers
  • Apartment (Apt.) or Unit, if applicable
  • Street number (No.), if applicable. This must be provided if you did not type in a P.O. Box number
  • Street name, if applicable. Do not abbreviate words (Street, Avenue, Boulevard, Drive, etc.) except for directions (NW, SE, W, etc.)
  • City or Town
  • Province
  • Postal code
  • Country or territory
Question 6

Select “Yes” or “No” if you have a referral letter signed by the Canadian Labour Congress proving that you appear to meet the conditions for this temporary policy. If yes, provide an original of the confirmation letter.

Question 7

Select “Yes” or “No” to indicate if you have entered Canada legally as a temporary resident. If yes, please provide a copy of that previous authorization.

Question 8

Select “Yes” or “No” to indicate if you have been authorized to work in Canada in the construction industry with a work or study permit? If yes, provide a copy of the work permit or study permit AND provide proof of having filed income tax returns or declaring income in Canada.

Question 9

Select your official language in Canada.

Question 10

Select “Yes” or “No” to indicate whether you have previous work history in the GTA area on a Full-time basis (at least 30 hours / week for at least three years within the last five years) in an eligible occupation or on a part-time basis (19.5 hours per week in part-time work over a period of five [5] years).

Question 11

Select “Yes” or “No” to indicate if you are currently working in Canada.

Question 12

List all your occupations within the five years preceding the date of your application including your current occupation. For each occupation, identify:

  • the dates of your employment
  • your occupation title
  • the appropriate four-digit (NOC 2016) or five-digit (NOC 2021) National Occupational Classification (NOC) code
  • a description of your main duties and
  • your weekly hours
Question 13

If you are 18 years of age or older, you must sign and date in the boxes provided at the bottom of the page.

If you are less than 18 years of age, your form must be signed by one of your parents or a legal guardian.

Note: By signing, you certify that you fully understand the questions asked, and that the information you have provided is complete, accurate, and factual. If you do not sign and date the application form, it will be returned to you.

Note: Once you have filled out the form, click on the “Validate” button located at the top or bottom of the form. Missing information will be identified by a pop up when you press the “validate” button. You should fill out your forms on a computer and validate them electronically to reduce mistakes and help you submit forms that are complete.

Note: The form will not produce a barcode when it is validated.

For more information about the “validate” button, visit the Help Centre.

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