Schedule 1: Agri-Food Pilot (IMM 0114)

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Complete the form

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Agri-Food Pilot – Schedule 1 [IMM 0114]

Section 1: Principal Applicant Information

Questions 1-15
  1. Enter your family name
  2. Enter your given name
  3. Enter your date of birth
  4. Enter your Unique Client Identifier
  5. Enter your passport number
  6. Enter your passport date of issue
  7. Enter your passport date of expiration
  8. Enter your country or territory of birth
  9. Enter your country of citizenship
  10. Enter your country of residence
  11. Enter your marital status
  12. Enter the number of expected accompanying family members
  13. Enter your telephone number/extension
  14. Enter the street, number, city, province/territory (if applicable), country and postal code of residential address
  15. Enter the street, number, city, province/territory (if applicable), country and postal code of mailing address (if not the same as residential address)

Section 2: Offer of employment (if applicable)

Note: If you reside in Canada and choose to meet the education requirements, you are not required to complete this section.

Refer to the Offer of Employment for Foreign National – Agri-Food Pilot form [IMM 0115] (PDF, 2.0 MB) provided by your employer to complete this section.

Question 1

Enter the name of the business indicated in your offer of employment form

Question 2

Enter the Canada Revenue Agency number included in the job offer.

Question 3

Enter the address of the location where you will be physically working (street, number, city and postal code).

Question 4

Enter the province/territory where you will be physically working.

Question 5

Enter the employer’s contact email address (if applicable).

Question 6

Enter the employer’s business website address (if applicable).

Question 7

Enter the job title of the position offered by the employer.

Question 8

Enter the National Occupation Classification (NOC) code of the position offered to you by the employer.

Question 9

Enter the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code for the industry that the employer is engaged in.

Question 10

Enter the wage offered by the employer.

The wage offered to the employee must be one of the following:

  • at or above the prevailing wage for the occupation in the province where the employment will take place (as identified by the Government of Canada’s Job Bank), unless a provincial wage is not available, then the national prevailing wage applies
  • determined for unionized workers as per the provisions of the collective agreement covering the occupation

The prevailing wage is the median wage of the occupation, as shown on the Job Bank website, for the province where the work is performed. If there is no prevailing wage shown for the province, then the national prevailing wage applies.

Question 11

Enter the total number of work hours offered by the employer

Question 12

Does the job offer meet all the following requirements?

  • Full-time position (at least 30 hours/week)
  • Indeterminate (no end date provided)
  • The work is for employment outside of Quebec
  • It is genuine, and
  • Non-seasonal, all year round work

The job offer must meet all of the requirements above in order to be valid.

Section 3: Work Experience

In this section, list the positions you have held in Canada within the last three years starting with the most recent.

Question 1

Enter the business name of the employer

Question 2

Enter the start date and end date of your employment. If you are currently working for the same employer, enter “Ongoing.”

Question 3

Enter the street, number, city, province/territory, country and postal code of the work location.

Question 4

Enter the job title of the position.

Question 5

Enter the National Occupational Classification (NOC) code of the position.

Question 6

Enter the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code for the primary business activities your employer is engaged in.

You can get this information from your employer reference letter, or the union reference letter, for your declared work experiences.

Question 7

Enter the Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) number of the work permit you held for this position. If you are using experience gained under an open work permit for vulnerable workers, enter the application number of the open work permit you held while working in this position.

Question 8

Enter a contact name for employment reference. This should be an immediate supervisor or personnel officer working at the business, or your union representative.

Question 9

Enter the telephone number of your employment reference(s) or union representative.

Question 10

Enter the email address of your employment reference(s) or union representative.

Section 4: Language Proficiency Results

Question 1

Enter the name of the approved language testing agency. See valid language test results for more information.

Question 2

Enter the date when you received your language test results. You can find this information on your language test results page. This could also be the date the testing official signed them.

Question 3

Enter the date when you took the test. You can find this information on your language test results page.

Question 4

Enter your scores in the appropriate fields for speaking, reading, listening and writing.

Section 5: Education (if applicable)

Note: If you reside in Canada and choose to meet the job offer requirements, you are not required to complete this section.

Question 1

From the list, select your highest level of education. See education requirements for more information.

The level of education selected in this section should correspond to the level of education completed in Canada. If you earned your credential abroad, to the level shown on the Educational Credential Assessment.

Question 2

Enter the date you successfully completed your studies (graduation date).

Question 3

Enter the name of the educational institution where you completed your studies.

Question 4

Enter the street, number, city/town, province/territory/state, country and postal code of the educational institution.

Question 5

If you have a foreign credential, enter the information found on your Educational Credential Assessment (ECA). See How to get an educational credential assessment (ECA) for a list of IRCC designated organizations.

Enter the name of the organization that issued your ECA, date your ECA was issued (year, month and day) and your ECA certificate number.

Section 6: Settlement Funds

Check the boxes to confirm that you understand the funds requirement and attest that you have sufficient funds to meet the requirements, if necessary.

Enter the amount of transferable and available funds you have unencumbered by debts or obligations, in Canadian dollars.

Section 7: Temporary Residence Status

If you’re currently residing in Canada, select your status and the expiry date. If you are on an implied status, then indicate the expiry date of your most recent temporary residence status.

Section 8: Declaration of application

  • Signature of principal applicant
  • Date (year, month, day)

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