Request to Amend Valid Temporary Resident Documents or Information Contained in the Confirmation of Permanent Residence (IMM 1436)

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  4. Find the location where you saved the form, click on the file, and click “Open.

Complete the form

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Request to Amend Valid Temporary Resident Documents or Information Contained in the Confirmation of Permanent Residence

Complete Parts A, B, and C of the Request to Amend Valid Temporary Resident Documents or Information Contained in the Confirmation of Permanent Residence [IMM 1436]

It is a serious offence to give false or misleading information on these forms. The information you provide on your application is subject to verification.

In order to help you fill out the application form, read and follow the steps below.

Part A – personal details contained on your valid temporary resident documents or confirmation of permanent residence

Question 1

Indicate your client identification number (client ID) or unique client identifier (UCI), if known.

Otherwise, leave it blank. If you have not dealt with IRCC since 1973, you will not have a UCI or a client ID – leave this field blank.

Question 2

Indicate your surname(s) (family name) as it currently appears on your document.

Question 3

Indicate your given name(s) as it currently appears on your document.

Question 4

Indicate all other surname(s) (family names) you have ever used, including different spellings and explain what they are. For example: ‘Smith’ (birth name/maiden name), ‘Leroux’ (former married name).

Question 5

Print all other given name(s) you have ever used, including different spellings and explain what they are. For example: ‘Maggie’ (nickname),

Question 6

Check the box to indicate your gender (F-Female, M-Male or X-Another gender) as it appears on your immigration document that you are seeking to amend.

Question 7
Indicate your date of birth in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD (Year-Month-Day)
Question 8

Indicate your place of birth including the city, state or province, and country.

Question 9

Indicate your current citizenship. To be a citizen of a country means that you were either born in that country (in most cases) or you were granted citizenship in that country. If you have dual citizenship, select the country that issued the passport or travel document that you used to enter Canada.

Question 10

Indicate the passport number of the document you used upon entry to Canada.

If you do not have a copy of this passport, indicate your current passport number.

Check the box to indicate if this passport number was the one used at the time of entry or if it is your current passport number.

If you did not have a passport upon entry, provide your travel document number.

Question 11

Indicate the date of issue of the passport you used in box 10 in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD (Year-Month-Day).

Question 12
Indicate the expiry date of the passport you used in box 10 in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD (Year-Month-Day).
Question 13

Marital Status on your first entry to Canada (check the box that applies to you):

  • Never married
  • Married: This means that you and your spouse have had a ceremony that legally binds you to each other. Your marriage must be legally recognized in the country were it was performed and in Canada (if you are married, check yes or no to indicate if your spouse is a Canadian citizen or permanent resident).
  • Widowed: This means that your spouse has died and you have not re-married or entered into a common-law relationship.
  • Separated: this means that you are married but officially no longer living with your spouse.
  • Divorced: This means that you are officially separated and have legally ended your marriage.
  • Common-law partner: this means that you have lived with your partner in a common-law relationship for a minimum of one year.
Question 14

Indicate the language of correspondence (English or French) you wish to use.

Question 15

Indicate your current mailing address, including:

  • Post Office (P.O.) Box number
  • Apartment or unit number
  • Street number
  • Street name
  • City or town
  • Country
  • Province/state
  • Postal code
  • District

If the country in which you reside does not use any of these values, please ensure a complete address for the country in which you reside is included.

If you are requesting an amendment to a valid temporary resident document, a Canadian mailing address must be provided.

Question 16

Indicate your current residential address (where you live) if it is different from your mailing address, including:

  • Apartment or unit number
  • Street number
  • Street name
  • City or town
  • Country
  • Province/state
  • Postal code
  • District
If the country in which you live does not use any of these values, please ensure a complete address for the country in which you reside is included.
Question 17

Check the box to indicate whether your telephone number is from Canada or the US or any other country.

Indicate your telephone number including your area and country code, if applicable.

Question 18

Check the box to indicate whether your alternate telephone (cell, mobile, business) number is from Canada, the United States (US) or another country.

Indicate your alternate phone number including the area and country code, if applicable

Question 19

Indicate your e-mail address using this format (if applicable):

Note: By indicating your e-mail address, you are hereby authorizing transmission of correspondence including file and personal information to be sent to you via e-mail to the address provided.

Ensure your e-mail address will be valid for the entire processing period.

Question 20

Indicate the date you originally entered Canada in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD (Year-Month-Day)

Question 21

Indicate the date permanent residence or temporary residence was granted to you in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD (Year-Month-Day)

Part B – information to be amended

Question 1

Check the appropriate box to indicate what type of document needs a correction.

Note: If you are requesting an amendment to a temporary resident document, the document must still be valid (not expired). If you have more than one valid temporary resident document and you are requesting a correction, please indicate the document number or if unknown, the document issue date and document expiry date of the requested document.

Question 2

Indicate your surname(s) (family name) as it should appear on your immigration document. If you are not asking for this information to be changed, leave this section blank.

Question 3

Indicate your given name(s) as it should appear on your immigration document. If you are not asking for this information to be changed, leave this section blank.

Question 4

Indicate your date of birth as it should appear on your immigration document in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD (Year-Month-Day).

If you are not asking for this information to be changed, leave this section blank.

Question 5

Indicate your place of birth (city, state/province) as it should appear on your immigration document.

If you are not asking for this information to be changed, leave this section blank.

Question 6

Indicate your country of birth as it should appear on your immigration document.

If you are not asking for this information to be changed, leave this section blank.

Question 7

Indicate which country or countries you are a citizen of as it should appear on your immigration document.

If you are not asking for this information to be changed, leave this section blank.

Question 8

Indicate your gender (F-Female, M-Male or X-Another gender) as it should appear on your immigration document.

If you are not asking for this information to be changed, leave this section blank.

Question 9

Indicate your marital status as it should appear on your immigration document. Your record will only be amended if your marriage status was recorded incorrectly at the time of entry to Canada and you can provide proof. If your marital status has changed after you entered Canada, it will not be amended.

If you are not asking for this information to be changed, leave this section blank.

Question 10

Indicate the date of original entry to Canada as it should appear on your immigration document in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD (Year-Month-Day).

If you are not asking for this information to be changed, leave this section blank.

Question 11

Indicate the date permanent residence was granted (if you are a permanent resident), as it should appear on your immigration document. If you are a temporary resident, indicate the date that should appear on your document in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD (Year-Month-Day).

If you are not asking for this information to be changed, leave this section blank.

Question 12

Indicate the change to be made if it is not described in questions 1 to 11 above.

If you are not asking for this information to be changed, leave this section blank.

Part C

Important information:

Read all of the statements in all sections carefully and:

  • Write your name in the space provided, and
  • Sign and date in the space provided.

By signing, you certify that you fully understand the questions asked, and that the information you have provided is complete, truthful, and correct. If you do not sign and date the application, it will be returned to you.

Question 1

Check the appropriate box to indicate if you, since your admission to Canada as a permanent resident, have been convicted of a crime or offence in Canada or elsewhere. If you check “yes”, attach any copies of your pertinent court documents.

If you are a temporary resident, leave this section blank.

Question 2
Provide an explanation of the reasons why you are requesting the amendment(s). You may attach a separate piece of paper if more space is required. Outline the error that was made, what information was provided in your application, and any appropriate details as to why a change is required.

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