34 Combat Engineer Regiment

Unit badge

Building 216 Longue-Pointe Garrison
6550 rue Hochelaga
Montréal, QC H1N 1X9

Army Reserve

Graphic: Joanna Gajdicar

Join Our Team

Looking for full-time or part-time work? We are hiring and provide excellent career opportunities. Please do not hesitate to call or email our recruiter who will be pleased to answer any questions you may have and provide direction on how to apply to our Regiment.

Our Team Recruiter

Recruiting Management Centre

Email: cgrdemandeenligne@forces.gc.ca
or find a recruiting centre near you.

September to June:

  • Tuesday evenings
  • 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
  • one weekend per month.

Full-time summer employment is available from May to August.

Trades In Our Unit


The 34 Combat Engineer Regiment is a Primary Reserve regiment of the Canadian Army. It is part of the 34 Canadian Brigade Group, within the 2nd Canadian Division. The role of the engineers is to help friendly forces fight, move and live on the battlefield while depriving the enemy of the ability to do the same.

When you join our unit, you will receive competitive pay for your part time or full time work as well as be eligible for on the job training that could benefit you in civilian life. Also, there are medical, dental and educational benefits available to Army Reservists.

Here are all the details:

  • Commanding Officer - Lieutenant-Colonel Philippe-André Genest
  • Regimental Sergeant-Major - Chief Warrant Officer Eric Pépin

34 Combat Engineer Regiment
Building 216 Longue-Pointe Garrison
6550 rue Hochelaga
Montréal, QC H1N 1X9

Phone: 514-231-0176

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