Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield (IPB)
October 15, 2021
Reading Time: 15 min
Attack guidance matrix.
An AGM is a list of approved HPTs, the method and accuracy of detection involved, time sensitivity and method of engagement, and the requirement and method for postattack assessment. AGMs are developed jointly by the operations, intelligence and fire support staffs.
Avenue of approach.
An AA is terrain suitable for military manoeuvre, and normally contains two or more adjacent mobility corridors (MCs). As a general rule, AAs apply to Brigade level and above, while MCs apply to Regimental level and below. AAs apply equally to enemy and friendly forces depending on the phase of war.
Battle space.
The area within which a formation/unit can acquire targets and physically dominate the adversary. It generally includes all or most of the area of operations, as well as areas outside of the area of operations. Battle space size varies over time according to how the commander positions controlled resources. Targets may be engaged within the battle space with organic resources or those of other commands on its behalf.
Decision point.
A DP represents a point on the map where a commander must make a decision to effect a result at a particular TAI. DPs may also be associated with friendly forces and the status of current operations.
Decision support template.
A DST is a graphic record depicting DPs, their related TAIs, and any other graphic control measures necessary to execute a specific friendly COA.
Doctrinal template.
A doctrinal template is graphic representation of postulated enemy doctrine scaled to the map in use. They normally depict the enemy’s organization for combat, frontages, depths, boundaries, objective depths, battle positions, and other control measures.
Event matrix.
An event matrix is a description of the indicators and activity expected to occur in each NAI. It normally cross-references each NAI and indicator with the times they are expected to occur and the COAs they will confirm or deny.
Event template.
An event template is a graphic guide for information collection planning. It depicts NAIs where activity, or lack thereof, will indicate which COA the enemy has adopted.
is a commonly used mnemonic for the factors of ground analysis, and the resulting product of terrain analysis using these factors. The factors are: features, lanes, objectives, canalizing ground, approaches, rating of approaches, and key terrain vital ground.
Geomatics comprises those scientific and engineering activities that involve the capture, storage, analysis, processing, presentation, dissemination and management of geospatial information.
High payoff target.
A HPT is an HVT whose loss to the enemy will contribute substantially to the success of friendly operations.
High value target.
A HVT is a resource that an enemy commander requires for the successful completion of a specific enemy COA.
An indicator is positive or negative evidence of enemy activity, or any characteristic of the area of operations, which points toward enemy vulnerabilities or the adoption/rejection by the enemy of a particular COA. Information about indicators often influences the commander’s selection of a COA.
Information requirement.
IRs are those items of information regarding the enemy and the environment which need to be collected and processed in order to meet the Commander’s intelligence requirements.
Information is unprocessed data of every description which can be used in the production of intelligence.
The product resulting from the processing of information concerning foreign nations, hostile or potentially hostile forces or elements, or areas of actual or potential operations. The term is also applied to the activity which results in the product and to the organizations engaged in such activity.
Intelligence preparation of the battlefield.
IPB is a systematic and continuous process by which enemy capabilities, vulnerabilities and probable COAs in a specific geographic area are determined. IPB is a methodology for the conduct of the Intelligence Estimate.
Main Effort.
A concentration of forces or means, in a particular area, where a commander seeks to bring about a decision.
Mobility corridor.
MCs are areas where a force will be canalized due to terrain restrictions. They allow armoured or mechanized military forces to exploit the principles of mass and speed, and are therefore relatively free of obstacles.
Named area of interest.
A NAI is the geographic area where information that will satisfy a specific IR can be collected. NAIs are usually specified to identify enemy COAs, but may also be related to conditions of the battlefield.
Priority intelligence requirement.
PIRs are those intelligence requirements for which a commander has anticipated and stated as a priority. PIRs are prioritized and may change in priority during the conduct of operations.
Situation template.
A situation template is a graphic representation of assumed enemy dispositions based on enemy doctrine and the effects of the battlefield. Normally the situation template depicts enemy units two levels down, as well as the expected locations of HVTs.
Synchronization matrix.
A synchronization matrix is a time-based representation of friendly or enemy battlefield capabilities throughout the conduct of an operation. It becomes a master execution matrix.
Tactical terrain analysis database.
A TTADB comprises the terrain factor overlays prepared for the area of operations.
Target area of interest.
TAIs represent areas where a commander can influence the battle by destroying, delaying or disrupting the enemy.
Terrain is a portion of the earth’s surface that includes man-made and natural features.
Terrain Analysis.
Terrain analysis is the process of analyzing and interpreting the earth’s surface features (natural and man-made) and the influence of weather and climate on them.
Terrain Analysis product.
A TERAP is the result of an analysis of the Tactical Terrain Analysis Database, based upon a specific user request for information.
Terrain Data.
Terrain data (or information) is raw data in any form about a segment of terrain.
Terrain Template.
A terrain template is the combination of terrain factor overlays integrated with the effects of weather. It is used to determine, and to assist in the analysis of MCs and AAs. Allies may refer to it as a Modified Combined Obstacle Overlay (MCOO).

This Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield (IPB) PDF document is a glossary of terms presented in english and french.

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